Burn To Ashes With Me And Let The Wind Take Us Away

Tears Fade

I sat on the kitchen floor, just staring at the phone and waiting for Ryan to call back.

Alexxx tapped me on the head, "It would be nice if you helped pack."

"What if Ryan calls and no one's in the kitchen to pick up?"

"Lexy, love," Alexxx said, "Look around at the kitchen."

I did.

"It's far from packed, so I'll be in here for a while."

I sighed, "Fine, but you better pick up and give the phone straight to me."

Alexxx rolled his eyes, "Okay, butt-face."

I glared at him and then skipped back to the bedroom to finish packing in there.

Why were we rushing to get everything packed?

Because we wanted to be in there by Saturday and today was Thursday.

Frankie was sitting on her bed packing up little glass figures.

I sat down on the floor so I could continue folding clothes.

"These were my mum's," Frankie said.

I looked up at her, "Yeah?"

"She always loved these things before she got into the wreck she told me that I could have them when I got older."

So that's how her parents died. I had never asked because I felt if she wanted me to know she'd tell me.

"And then when we moved in here with my uncle I had no where to put them so I put them in my closet. And now, I'll finally be able to put them out in the open again because we'll have room."

I smiled, "That'll be nice."

She whipped a tear off her face, "Yeah."

Things were so dramatic around here, with all these tears.

Just as I finished packing up our clothes I heard the phone ring.

"Finally!" I yelled as I ran to the kitchen.

"Yeah," I heard Alexxx say, "I'll go get him."

He mouthed Social Worker to me.

I nodded and then went back to the bedroom.

"Not him?" Frankie asked.

"Non, it was his social worker wanting to talk to Kris."


The suspense was killing me, I needed to know whether he was coming back or not. And I needed to know now.

Once the bedroom was all packed up I went into the bathroom and started to pack. This room wouldn't talk long since all we really had in here was bathroom stuff, and not much of that even.

Kris walked by the open door and gave me a thumbs up.

I smiled and went back to packing.

God, I hate packing.

Kris finally got off the phone with the social worker.

"So?" Frankie and I asked at the same time.

"So.. Ryan.. will be moving back here Monday and I am his legal guardian now!"

The biggest smile ever spread across Frankie's faces and mine. I don't think I've ever been this happy.

"Really?" I asked.

He nodded, "Really."

Frankie and I then started laughing like mad.

"I'm go to Bden's and tell him and Codii," I said.

"Okay!" Frankie yelled, "And I'll go to Spencer's and Jon's."

"Why not just call them?" Alexxx asked.

"Because seeing their happy faces is going to make me even more happy," I said.

Alexxx rolled his eyes, "You just don't wanna pack."

"And that," I said while still laughing a bit.

Frankie then grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the house.

"I'm so happy," She said.

I nodded, "Same here."

"See you in a bit."

"Okay," I replied as she ran up the stairs to Spencer's apartment.

I then pulled my hood up and started walking towards Brendon's house.

Once there I just walked in since we were good enough friends to do that.

Codii and her dog, and our dog, Cheese were sitting on the sofa.

Yeah, we let Cheese stay here since they have a yard and we don't. Well, we will soon. So then Cheese will come back home with us!

Cheese barked happily as he ran to me, "CHEESE!" I yelled.

He sat happily as I rubbed behind his ears.

"Hey," Codii said.

I walked over and sat next to her.

"Where is your boy?"


"BRENDON!" I yelled.

Codii glared, "Thanks for yelling in my ears."

"Welcome," I said while smiling.

Brendon walked in a few seconds later, "Hey, booger-butt."

"Guess what!" I yelled.


"Ryan's moving back here Monday!"

Brendon's jaw dropped and Codii smiled really big.

"YAY!" Brendon yelled like a little girl.

Codii and I started laughing and Brendon just smiled.
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