Burn To Ashes With Me And Let The Wind Take Us Away

Feeling As Good As Lovers Can.. You Know..

I sat on the front porch of our new house waiting for Alexxx and Kris to get back from picking up Ryan at the airport. Poor Ryan, being stuck in the car with two gay guys. O'well, he'd be happy to see them.

I wanted to go with him, but Frankie wasn't feeling too good.

She had thrown up three times this morning, but after that she felt better and went downstairs and pigged out on watermelon covered in peanut butter.

Ew, right.

I sighed and pulled my hood up, what was taking them so long?

Just as I was about to get up and go back inside Kris's car pulled into the driveway.
I shoved my hands in my hoodie pockets and waited for Ryan to get out of the car.
First Kris got out and went around to the truck to get Ryan's bags, I'm guessing.
And then Alexxx got out and stretched, then he started laughing.

"Hehe, I farted!" He yelled.

And then Ryan got out of the car, sniffed the air, and made a sour face.

And this is when things started going into slow motion.

He just stared at me and I just stared at him.

A small smile was on his face and I knew there was one on mine too.

Alexxx walked across the yard in slow motion, literally.

He even started talking in slow motion, "Go to him."

I smiled, dropped my hood and then ran to Ryan.

He did the same thing except minus the dropping of the hood since he wasn't wearing a hoodie.

Our bodies collided and we both fell backwards on our butts.

I started laughing first, then he started laughing, then Kris laughed, and then Alexxx pointed at us and laughed.

I smiled and then crawled over to him. Once I was in front of him I caressed his cheek.

"Ryan," I whispered.

He smiled and then pulled me into his lap, "Lexy."

I just smiled stupidly at him, but that was okay because he was doing the same thing.

I rested my head on his shoulder, "Never, ever, ever leave me again."

"I won't."


"I promise."

I smiled even more, "You best not break that promise."

He laughed, "I won't break it willingly."

I sighed, "Good enough."

He ran his fingers through my hair and sang softly to me.

I closed my eyes and sighed. But it wasn't a sad sigh, it was a happy one.

I seriously loved this boy and I wanted to be with him forever.

Almost the second that Ryan and I walked into the house Frankie came running down the stairs yelling, "RYAN ROSSSSSSS!"

Ryan smiled and opened up his arms and hugged Frankie.

"Hey, cupcake!" Ryan said to her.

She smiled and started laughing, "God, I'm so happy you're back."

"Me too, me too."

We all just stood there smiling like dorks.

"So are you feeling better?" Ryan asked her.

She nodded, "Yep! Yep!"

"Good," Ryan said, "because I need my Frankie to be feeling her bestest."

Once Ryan was semi-settled in I called up everyone and told them to get their asses over here, now.

They all said they'd be here in like fifteen.

I told them to make it ten.

I went into the living room where Ryan, Frankie, Kris, and Alexxx were all sitting.

I sat down on Ryan's lap and wrapped my arms around his neck and I kissed his cheek.

"Aw," Kris said.

"Yeah, aw," Alexxx echoed, "Get a room."

I rolled my eyes, "We will.. later."

Frankie giggled.

"So when is everyone getting here?" Kris asked.

"Any minute now," I replied.

So once again we were all just sitting there with these stupid smiles on our faces.

And then Penny walked in followed by Jon.

"Penny!" Frankie yelled.

He smiled at her and then at down next to her, "Hey beautiful."

Jon sat down in the recliner and smiled too, "Welcome back, Ry."

Ryan smiled some more, "Thanks."

And then Brendon and Codii came in.

"RYAN!" Brendon yelled, kinda like Frankie did.

Codii sat down next to us and Brendon jumped over the sofa and landed on his butt in front of us.

"I missed you so much!"

Ryan laughed, "I missed you too, all of you."

Codii grabbed Brendon and pulled him up next to her.

"So now what?" I asked.

"Now we party!" Alexxx yelled.

We turned on some music and danced, danced.

And towards dusk Ryan and I went up to our bedroom and cuddled in bed together.

"I love you, Lexy."

"I know you do and I love you too."

He kissed my cheek, and that innocent kiss turned into a fiercer one, and that turned into a little hump, hump.
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