Burn To Ashes With Me And Let The Wind Take Us Away

Oh Dang!

I laid down in my bed with a book by Clive Barker. I was in one of my reading moods and all I wanted to do was read.

Then I heard Frankie yelling and screaming like a mad woman.

So of course I wasn't going to get to read and listen to The Cure.

Within seconds I heard Frankie running up the stairs, still screaming. Then a few seconds later my bedroom door flew open and in walked my dear, Frankie.

She was smiling strangely and she had this sort of dazed look in her eyes.

"Bonjour, Frankie," I said.

She sat down on the foot of my bed, "Guess what?"


She bit her lower lip and then smiled, "I'm going to be a mommy."

I smiled, "Aw!"

She nodded, "I know, right?"

"I wonder when they'll call me and tell me my results."

And then as if on cue I heard the phone ring a few times.

And then Alexxx yelling, "Lexy!" up the stairs.

Frankie smiled and followed me out of my room.

I ran downstairs and then took the phone from Alexxx.

I put on my best professional voice, "Lexy, here."

"Hello Miss Wilson, this is Nurse Muffles."

I nodded, "Hello."

"Your pregnancy tests came back today and they were positive."

My jaw dropped a bit, "Oh, okay. Thank you."

"Yes, you're welcome."

"Bye," I said and then hung up."

I then handed the phone back to Alexxx who put it on the hook.

He just smiled and shook his head. Without me even having to tell him, he knew.

I walked back into my bedroom and found Frankie and Codii laying on my bed giggling.

Frankie sat up and smiled, "So?"

I sat down, "I'm going to be a mommy too."

Frankie and Codii's faces both lit up.

"We're all going to be mommies!" Codii yelled.

"Really?" I asked, "You're pregnant too?"

She nodded, "Two months along."

"Wow," I said, "and you had no clue."


We all sat there with these little smiles on our faces, "So when are we going to tell the boys?" I asked.

"We should have Kris cook a huge dinner and tell them over it," Frankie said.

Kris was a great cook.


So we told Kris our master plan and he agreed to do it.

On one condition.

We all had to dress up nice for the dinner.

Because in his words, "If I have to slave over a stove all afternoon then you can slave in front of the mirror for an hour."

So Frankie went and told they boys that they had to dress up nice because we were going to have a nice, little dinner tonight.

And now I was doing Codii's make-up and hair.

She looked so pretty with her hair up and out of her eyes, but of course she always looked pretty.

Frankie popped back up, "Okay! I told them to be in the dining room at 6:30 dressed in tuxes and they were just like 'whatever.'"

Once I was done fixing Codii's make-up I moved on to doing Frankie's and then my own.

Yeah, I wasn't going to let either of them do my make-up or hair because I was the cosmetologist in training. Not them.

Once we were all dressed and make-upped I pulled out my camera and took pictures.
And then I looked at the clock and saw it was time to go down to dinner.

The boys all stared at us like we were aliens, probably because they had never seen us dressed up prom style, but that was okay.

"You look beautiful," Ryan said as he laid me to my seat.

I smiled, "Thanks."

We all sat down and Kris brought out the appetizers. Yes, appetizers. He was getting really into it. He was even dressed up nice.

Once the real food was brought out Brendon asked, "So what is this about?"

"Now they catch on," Frankie said.

"What's going on?" Spencer asked.

Frankie and Codii both gave me a look that said tell them.

So I did, "All three of us are pregnant."
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