Burn To Ashes With Me And Let The Wind Take Us Away

Pete Wentz Has The Nicest Butt

Frankie and I were just sitting on the sofa watching TV.

There was some gay show on that neither of us were into, but watching anyway.

Alexxx and Kris were out shopping and doing other gay guy things.

And our boys were at band practice.

Then the phone started ringing, god I hated phones. They were always ringing at this house since there were so many people living here.

I sighed, "I'll get it."

Frankie shrugged, "Okay because if you weren't ganna neither was I."

I laughed because we did that a lot. We'd just let the phone ring and ring.

I picked it up, "Hello?"

"Hey, is Brendon there?"


"What about Ryan?"

He sounded kind of familiar.

"Nope, they're at band practice. Can I take a message?"

"Yeah, um, tell them that I'm flying out there to hear them play Friday."

I wrote that down, "Okay, but who are you?"

The guy sighed, "Pete."

I wrote down Pete in big bubble letters.

"Okay," I said.

Then it hit me this was Pete Wentz.

"Um.. are you Pete as in Pete Wentz?"

He laughed, "Yeah, I am."

"I love your teeth," I said. Great, I probably sound like a freak.

He laughed again, "Thanks. Most people say they love my butt, but having my teeth complimented is nice too."

I hopped up on the counter, "Yeah, well, I guess I'll let you go."

"Aw," Pete said, "But I'm bored!"

I giggled, "Okay! I guess we can keep talking."

"YAY!" Pete yelled, "So you know who I am. So who are you?"

"I'm Lexy, Ryan's girlfriend."

"Ah," he said, "My girlfriend lives under the sea because she's a mermaid."

"Fo sho?" I asked.

"Fo sho, 'foo!"

I giggled, "I like you, Pete."

"I like you too, Miss Lexy."

And so we kept talking.

Eventually Frankie walked into the kitchen, "Who you on the phone with?"

"PETE WENTZ!" I yelled.

"OMG!" She yelled and then went into crazy fan girl mode.


Pete was laughing.

"I'll let you go, Pete 'cause my friend Frankie, Spencer's girl, is going into fan girl mode and she just might freak out and steal the phone."

Pete laughed, "Okay, then I'll talk to you later."

"Bye," I said and then hung up.

Frankie pouted, "Why were you talking to Pete?"

"Because he wanted someone to talk to."

"But how'd he call here?"

"Oh,' I said, "Because he wanted to talk to Ry or Bden."


I shrugged, "I donno.. he said he was flying out here Friday to listen to them play."

Frankie gasped, "Really?"

I nodded, "Yeah."

"Do we get to meet him?!"

"Probably because we're always with the boys."

She went back into crazy fan girl mode and started doing a little dance, "I'ma meet Pete! I'ma meet PETE!! "
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