Burn To Ashes With Me And Let The Wind Take Us Away

Decay Dance

Why did our house always have to be the meeting place? I guess it's because our house is huge, but still. Sometimes I just wanted to be able to walk downstairs and only see the people who live here.

Right now everyone was here. And I mean everyone.

Ryan, Brendon, Spencer, Jon, Codii, Frankie, Kris, Alexxx, and me.

And soon Pete Wentz would be here, along with the rest of Fall Out Boy.

So that means there would be thirteen people here. Thirteen! Ridiculous.

So anyway I was sitting in front of the TV, literally, and watching cartoons. Yes, for once I was watching something else besides a gay soap opera.

Frankie and Codii were sitting on the sofa with the dog, Cheese.

Kris and Alexxx were in the back yard making out and probably sexing it up.

Brendon, Spencer, and Jon were sitting in the kitchen playing cards.

And Ryan was pacing in front of the door. The poor thing was nervous.

"Ry," I said, "come over here."

He made his way over to me and laid down, resting his head in my lap.

"Don't be so nervous," I whispered, "things will be fine."

"But what if they don't like us?"

I laughed, "Ry, baby, they wouldn't be coming all the way out here if they didn't like you."

"But, but.."

"Ryan, stop being silly."

He sighed, "Fine!"

He leaned down and kissed him on the forehead, "I loves you."

He smiled, "I loves you too."

Just as I had calmed Ryan down, the doorbell rang.

Ryan sighed nervously and got up to get it.

He opened the door and said, "Hey."

And in walked Fall Out Boy.

I looked over at Frankie and saw she had this dazed smile on her lips. And I knew she was thinking something along the lines of OMG PETE!

Codii just shrugged and went back to petting Cheese. Nothing, not even rock stars intimated her.

And I just smiled and went back to watching TV as if I was used to my idols walking through my house.

"So," I heard Pete say, "Which one of you is Lexy?"

Oh yeah, Pete and I have been talking pretty much everyday since he first called. We were pretty much bffls now.

I turned around and smiled, "I would be Lexy."

Pete smiled too and wow, his teeth are even more amazing in person.

"LEXY!" He yelled.

"PETE!" I yelled back as I stood up and tackled him.

"You're really short," he said.

I pouted, "So."

He laughed, "It's not often I'm taler then someone."

I looked over at Frankie and saw she was still smiling, but now it looked like she wanted to say something.

"Frankie, just say whatever you want to say."

"Hi PETE!" She yelled.

Pete smiled that famous smile of his, "Ah, you must be the crazed fan girl, Frankie."

She nodded her head at like a million miles per hour.

The boys were down in the basement playing for Pete while us girls and the rest of Fall Out Boy were up here.

Patrick and I were sitting on one love seat together, Andy and Joe were on the other, and Frankie and Codii were on the sofa.

I had automatically clicked with Patrick while Frankie had clicked with Andy and Joe due to her love for Star Wars.

Codii was still unaffected by the amazing people in our living room.

Alexxx and Kris had come in shortly after they got here, but the disappeared out front to go to the mall.

"So," I said, "I'm bored."

Patrick laughed, "Same here. I'm not sure why Pete dragged all of us here with him."

"Probably because he didn't wanna be alone."

Patrick nodded, "Probably."

"What type of movies do ya'all have?" Andy asked.

I shrugged, "All types of shit. They're over there," I pointed to a huge bookshelf.

"I don't know how I missed that," Andy said and then went over and looked at the movies.
He picked out The Dark Crystal so I was happy.

By the time the movie was over Pete and the boys were back up stairs and sitting on the floor in the living room.

Ryan had a little smile on his face and now that I thought about it so did all the boys.

"So," Pete said, "I like you guys. A lot."

Ryan nodded.

"And I'm going to sign you guys to Decay Dance."

"YAY!" I yelled.

Everyone laughed at my outburst.

"Thanks," Brendon said.

Pete did a little nod and then yawned.

"I'm tired," he said.

I giggled, "I think we all are."

"Well, we're off to the hotel! I'll call you guys tomorrow so we can set up recording dates."

Patrick hugged me and then gave me his hat, "Since you like Hello Kitty and I really don't I figured you could have my Hello Kitty hat."

"Aw! Thank you!" I said while hugging him back.

Pete then hugged me, "See ya, Lexy."


Codii, Brendon, and Jon all took off at the same time.

Then Spencer and Frankie went up to their room.

Which left Ryan and me to the living room, by our selves.

Well, sort of by our selves. Cheese was in here too.

I kissed him once, twice, three times.

"I told you that you guys would make it."

He smiled, "You did tell me that."

"So I deserves some loving."

"You do," he replied while taking off my dress.
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