Burn To Ashes With Me And Let The Wind Take Us Away

Lexy's Tears Are Rain Drops.

"Hey, Ryan!" Brent yelled down the stairs, "Come up here!"

Ryan sighed loudly and then yelled, "Coming!"

I was back on my bed writing down lyrics when I felt Frankie glaring at me. I turned around, looked up at her, and asked, "What?"

"Stay away from Ryan."

I squinted my eyes in confusion. I hadn't even said anything about me liking him.


She glared at me even more if that was even possible.

"I'm serious stay away from him."

I just stared at her.

"I've worked a long ass time to get this close to him and I don't need some skank, like you, coming in and fucking everything up."

"I'm not going to fuck everything up for you," I told her.

She laughed, "Yeah, right! I saw how you were looking at him and how he was looking at you. And trust me on this; if you ruin this for me I will ruin your life here."

I bit my lip.

"I can and will make your life a living fucking hell at school."

I shook my head, "Okay, then."

And then there was a loud crash from upstairs.

"What did I tell you about staying away from Frankie?!" Brent yelled.

Then there was another crash.

"Looks like Brent has other plans for you," I said.

"Your cousin's a fucking ass."

"Tell me something I don't know," I replied.

Frankie smiled then, "At least we agree on one thing."

And then she was running up stairs yelling, "Brent!" as she went.

I grabbed my Hello Kitty blanket and pillow then crawled into bed. Tomorrow was going to be my first day of school here and I was tired. Oh so very tired.

So I closed my eyes and fell asleep to Frankie yelling, "You don't fucking own me, Brent!"

I woke up to thunder and rain pouring down.
Oh how I loved storms. It was one of the things I loved most about living in Seattle. It was almost always raining there.
I looked up through one of the basement windows and saw that the sky was a pale blue. Which meant it was morning.
I pulled my cell out of my pocket and checked the time.
8:35 a.m.
Great, I'm late to my first day of school.
I shoved my cell back in my pocket and went upstairs where I found my aunt drinking coffee and fighting a hangover.

"Good morning, Lexy."

"Hey," I said.

"I thought I told Brent to wake you up before he left for school. I guess he didn't."

I shrugged, "I guess not."

She smiled and nodded towards the coffee machine.
I walked over and poured myself a cup, grabbed a banana, and sat down next to her.

"I'll call the school and tell them you'll be late."


She walked out of the room to call my school.
I sat there munching on my banana, which was too ripe. And sipping on my coffee, which tasted stale. Yum.

She walked back in humming softly to herself.

"I told them you'd be there by ten. Once you get there just go to the office to get your schedule. Oh and I'm afraid you're going to have to walk.. I've got to leave in fifteen minutes for work."

I sighed and then dropped my head onto the table.

Don't get me wrong, I love the rain, but I didn't want to have to walk to school in it especially when it's my first day there.

She patted my back, "Don't worry it's a short walk and I'm pretty sure you have a Hello Kitty umbrella."

I sat up and smiled because she was right.

The walk to school was actually nice. The rain had died down some and I talked to Alexxx the whole time.

"And she just freaked out on you?" He asked.


" I was telling him about how Frankie had gone ape shit on me.

"What a bitch."

"I know--Oh! I gatta go. I'm here and you should get back to class too."

He laughed, "Yeah, I know, but I'm not going to."

"Whateva. Love you, boy."

"You too, girl."

I walked into the school with my head held high and my Hello Kitty-ness everywhere.
The office was right by the front doors so I couldn't sneak off to the bathroom to fix my make up first, but whatever. I'd live.

"Um, hi," I said to the lady sitting at the desk.

"Hello, Miss.."


"Ah! The new girl, right?"

I nodded.

She gave me that cheap teacher smile and said, "Let me get your schedule for you."

She got up from her little desk, went over to another little desk, talked to a lady at that desk, and then came back over with a piece of paper.

"Here you go," she said as she handed me the paper. "Now let me just find someone to show you around to your classes."

She walked out of the office and said, "Spencer! Would you be a dear and show a new student around?"

"Yeah, sure Mrs. Rose."

The lady now known as Mrs. Rose came back into the office with a boy following her.
He had slightly chubby cheeks and brown, shaggy hair and was extremely cute.

"Hi," he said with a smile playing on his lips.

"So, I'm Spencer," he said, "but you can call me Penny."

"I'm Lexy or you can call me Kitty."

He laughed, "Does the Kitty come from all the Hello Kitty stuff you're wearing?"


"Sweet!" He said a little to loudly, "Er.. so lets see you're first class is.. Science with me! YAY!"


He lead me to the science class and popped his head into the room, "Hey! This is Lexy," he said while pointing to me, "she'll be in your first hour class from now on."

The teacher nodded and said, "See you tomorrow."

He continued leading me around to all my classes and showing me to the teachers.
I had four classes with him. Science, Honors English, Art III, and French II.
By the way. I love French.

Spencer walked me back to my third hour class and said, "See ya in Art!"

Which was next hour.

"See ya."

I walked into the class room, which was History, and sighed. I hated being a new student even though this is the first time I've ever been one.

The teacher looked up from her desk and smiled at me, "Hello, Lexy."


I looked around the class room and saw that Frankie was in here. Great.

"Um, lets see you can sit by.. Codii!"

A girl with long black hair popped her head up and smiled.

"Since class is about over I won't give you any work today, but be prepared to work tomorrow. Codii will explain the rules to you."

I nodded, "Okay."

I walked to the back of the room and sat down next to the girl known as Codii.

"Hey," she said.


She pointed to my shirt, "I fucking love Hello Kitty."

I laughed, "Yeah, so do I."

I pointed to her shirt, "And I love The Cure."

She smiled and I noticed that she had snake bites.
We talked about music for the rest of the class, which was only about ten minutes
On my way out of the room Frankie pushed me out of the way so she could get out of the room faster.
I was seriously having a problem with her and if she didn't start being nicer I was going to have to start being a bitch. And I hated being a bitch.

I had to go outside to get to my next class which was fine with me since I loved the rain.
As soon as I walked outside it started pouring, so I picked up my pace and started running towards the other building.
On my way I ran into someone and we both fell down on our butts.
I looked up and saw Ryan sitting across from me.
His lips were swollen, but he was smiling.

"Hey, sorry, Lexy."

He stood up and then held his hand out to me, "Thanks," I said.


It was silent for a few seconds and then he said, "Hey, do you want to hang out after school?"

I nodded, "Sure."

"Cool. I'll pick you up at five."

Part of me was screaming yes!
And the other part was yelling at me.
Because now Frankie was going to be pissed off even more at me.
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