Burn To Ashes With Me And Let The Wind Take Us Away

Lexy Writes Lyrics For The Dead To Sing

I was laying on the floor in front of the TV writing lyrics, as always.

Dear studio audience,
I have an announcement to make.
It seems the artists these days are not who you think.
So we'll pick back up on that on another page.

I popped my pen into my mouth and chewed on the lid, "Hm.. I like it."

Just then the doorbell rang.

"I got it!" I yelled up the stairs to Brent.

I opened up the door and saw Ryan standing there with his hair wet from the rain.

"Hey," I said.

"Sorry, I'm early."

I looked over at the clock and saw he was about a half hour early. "Haha. Don't be sorry. Most guys are late, so its nice to have one early for a change."

He smiled, "So um, lets go."

"Yeah, hold up! I need to put my notebook up. Come on in."

I went over to grab my notebook and when I turned around he asked, "Can I see?"

I shrugged, "I guess. Its nothing special.."

I handed him the notebook.

He read over the lyrics scribbled on the page and when he look up there was a huge smile on his face.

"These are really good. What's the song called?"

"I'm not sure yet. I figured since I'm not in a band and since I can't be why name the songs?"

He nodded, but didn't say anything else.

On the car ride to where ever we were going I asked, "So where are we going?"

"Band practice," he said.

"Like as in the high school band?"

He chucked, "No, no, my bands practice."

"Oh! You're in a band?"

"Yep!" He said proudly.

"What are you called?"

"Panic! At The Disco."

"Oooh, I like."

"Me too. Oh, you cousins in it too."

"Ew," I said.

"Haha, yeah, I know. But don't worry I don't think he's going to be with us much longer. He doesn't take the band seriously. Plus he hasn't came to practice for the past week."

"He's such a loser," I said.

"Yeah, he is."

"Then whys he in the band and why do you hang out with him?"

"He's in the band because we needed a bassist. And I hang out with him because he's in the band and band members should hang together."

I shrugged, "You'll do better without him."

"I know."

"Ditch him."

"We will."



"How soon?"


"Wow, really?"

Ryan shrugged, "Why not?"

I didn't reply because I couldn't think of a reason not to.

Ryan and I walked into a small, two-story house.

"Hey!" Ryan yelled.

"They're in the garage," a girl yelled back.

"Oh, okay!"

Ryan grabbed my hand and led me through the house and into a garage.
Out in garage there were two boys.
One of them was sitting in a chair with his back to me. And the other one was sitting on a beat up sofa.

"Hey Ry, who's the girl?" The one on the sofa asked.

"Her names Lexy."

The boy in the chair turned around and smiled at me.

"Penny!" I yelled.

"Kitty!" He yelled.

Ryan did a double take, "You two know each other?"

"Oui! Penny gave me a tour of the school today and I have some classes with him."

"Oh, well, since you know our lovely Spencer. I guess I should introduce myself," the boy on the sofa said.

I nodded.

"I'm Brendon!"

I smiled, "Hi."

"Lexy here is a lyricist," Ryan said.

"For real?" Brendon asked.

"Yep! Show him your notebook."

I handed him my notebook and smiled shyly.

"Go to the last written on page," Ryan said, "its the only one I've read so far."

Brendon went to the last page and read it, nodding his head every now and then.

When he was done he looked up and smiled too, "Its amazing."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes, its very good. So good in fact that I would like your permission to turn it into a song. A real song."

I giggled, "Really? I mean wow.. I'd love for you guys to do that!"

Brendon tossed Spencer my note book and he read the song and said, "Its great, Kitty!"


"So we need to talk about Brent," Ryan said.

"What about me?" Brent asked as he walked into the garaged followed by Frankie.

Ryan let out a long sigh, "You're out of the band."

"You can't kick me out, Ryan," Brent said, "you're not the lead singer."

Brendon stepped up next to Ryan, "But I can kick you out because I am the lead singer.
Brent glared at all of us, You'll never make it with out me."

"Its not like you want to make it anyway," Spencer said.

"And what's the supposed to mean, fag?"

"It means that you don't take this band seriously enough to want to make it big," Ryan said.

"I do too."

"No," Brendon said, "you don't. You barley come to practice. When you do come you're drunk, like now. And you don't practice on your own time. We'll be better off without you and your shitty ass attitude."

Brent opened his mouth, then closed it, and opened it up again.

"Fuck you, all of you," he finally said and then he walked out of the garage.

Ryan sighed and then picked up a guitar and absent mindedly played it, "We'll, we need a new bassist now."

"Yep," Brendon replied.

Frankie glared at me from across the room.

"I know someone," Spencer said.


"Jon Walker."

"Didn't he graduate?" Ryan asked.

Spencer nodded, "Yeah, but he's wicked on the bass."

Brendon shrugged, "I'll call him up tomorrow."

Frankie walked over to me and sat down next to me.

Quietly she whispered, "Didn't I tell you to stay away from Ryan?"

I nodded, "Yeah, but I decided I don't need to listen to you."

She smiled wickedly, "Fine, have it your way."

Spencer came over and sat down next to her.

"Hey, Frankie."

"Hi Penny," she said. Was it just me or did her voice get kind of girly and happy sounding. Did she have a thing for Penny too?

"How have you been?" he asked.

"Good, I guess. Except there's this girl who's really bugging me."

"Aw, who?"

"Her name's .." she looked over at me and grinned, "Lexy."

Spencer looked around her and at me, "That Lexy?"


"Why? She's so sweet."

"She's taking Ryan away from me, can't you see that?"

Spencer sighed, "Cupcake, Ryan was never your's and you know that."

She pouted.

"He's always considered you a friend and nothing more."

She sighed, "I know, but a girl can dream, right?"

Spencer smiled, "Yeah, but why don't you dream of something you know you can reach, like me?"

She giggled, "Penny, you're such a goof ball."

I sat down next to Ryan, who was stilling playing a guitar.

"Hey," he said.


"Having fun?"

I shrugged, "Not really. Frankie doesn't like me much"

He laughed, "She doesn't like any girls that hang around me."

"Jealous of them?"

He nodded. "She wants me, but she cant have me, so she hates anyone who can."

"I don't want her to hate me though. She seems cool once you get past the bitch."

He laughed again, "If you can get past her bitch I'll give you $100."
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