Burn To Ashes With Me And Let The Wind Take Us Away

Beat Me One More Time & You Won't Wakeup Again

Around midnight they returned.

I sighed in relief as Ryan walked in. He wasn't beat up or hurt, well besides for a fat lip.
Then Brendon walked in. He looked fine besides for the black eye he was wearing proudly.
And then Spencer walked in. Poor Penny, he had a black eye, a fat lip, and a busted nose.
He sat down next to Frankie and sighed.

"I told you guys I'm no fighter, but did you listen to me? No!"

Frankie kissed his cheek, "Thank you, Penny."

He smiled and blushed.

"Aw!" Codii yelled, "So cute!"

Frankie glared and Spencer just blushed more.

Brendon went over to Codii, grabbed her hand, and led her upstairs.

"Come on, babe," he said, "it's time to get some sleep."

Ryan laughed, "Like you two are actually ganna sleep."

Codii smiled sweetly, "We will eventually."

Ryan grabbed my hand, "Come on, babe. We should leave before the moans and sighs start."

I giggled and followed him out of the house.

Frankie and Spencer followed behind us.

Out in the car I asked, "Was he all alone?"

Ryan nodded.

"Then how'd you all get a little beat up?"

Ryan laughed, "Because I was the only one who didn't care if I got hit. Brendon didn't want his face to get hit, so every time Brent would punch at him, Brendon would duck and end up getting Spencer hit. And the one time I ducked Brendon got hit."

"Well, thanks for getting hurt for me," Frankie said.

Ryan looked at her in the mirror, "What are friends for?"

Frankie smiled and blew him a kiss, "Love you, booger butt!"

Ryan smiled back at her, "Love you too, Cupcake!"

We pulled up to a small, dirty looking apartment complex. Frankie and Spencer climbed out and walked up to it. Frankie went to one door and Spencer went up some stairs.

"Night, Frankie!" I heard Spencer yell.

"Night, Penny!" She yelled back.

And then they both disappeared behind closed doors.

Once we got to my house I asked, "Do I have to go home?"

Ryan nodded, "We've got school tomorrow."

"So," I said, "Frankie and I are dropping out."

Ryan gave me this look that said I was crazy.

"So can I stay with you?" I asked.

He shook his head no.

I pouted, "Why?"

"Because my dad's a drunk ass hole who's probably going to beat me for coming home late."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Ry."

"It's fine. Being with you, Frankie, and the guys makes up for the beatings."

"Why don't you stay the night with me then?"

"Because then I'll get a beating twice as worse tomorrow."

I ran my fingers over his cheek, "I'm so sorry, Ryan."

He looked at me and gave me a weak smile, "Like I said it's fine. I don't need or want your pity, Lexy."

I leaned over and kissed him softly on the lips, "Night, Ryan. Sleep tight."

I started getting out of the car, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him for another kiss.

"Night, Lexy."

Inside my house all was quiet, which was good. Because I'm pretty sure if Brent was awake he'd be mad at me and probably go all crazy on my ass.

As quietly as I could I opened the basement door and headed down into the dark.
Once down stairs I turned on lamp and screamed when I saw Brent sitting on my bed waiting for me.

"Hey, Lexy," he said.

I smiled innocently, "Hey, Brent."

"How has your day been?"

"Good," I replied.

"That's good," he said, "because it's about to get real bad."

"Why's that?"

"Because your gay friends decided to come beat the shit outta me, so I'm ganna beat the shit outta you."

I had time to think, oh no, before he smacked me across the face.

I closed my eyes and kicked out and luckily I hit him in the nuts.

"God damn it!" He yelled.

I screamed and then ran up the stairs. After a few seconds I heard him running up them behind me. I picked up my pace and flew out of the basement and out the back door.

I looked back at the house and saw him standing in the back door, "I'll get you, Lexy!" He yelled and then he slammed the door shut.

I sighed and walked to the park that was about a block away from where I lived. I didn't know what I was going to do. I didn't remember where Frankie lived from here, Brendon's house was too far away, and I didn't know where Ryan lived. And to top all that off I didn't have any of their phone numbers.

I sat down on a swing and did the only thing I could think of to do.

I dialed Alexxx's number.

"Hey, babe," he said.

"I hate this place."

"What's wrong?"

I sighed, "My cousin just chased me outta the house."

"Why did he do that?"

"Because my friends beat him up for raping one of their friends."

"What a bastard."

"I know," I said with a sigh.

"Hey, I know something that'll cheer you up!"

"What?" I asked.

"I'm moving down there as soon as school gets out."

"For real?" I asked.

"Yep! I told ma mere that I missed you and she's like, 'Go get a place with her down there then,' so yeah. We'll get a place together and you won't have to live with that prick anymore!"

"YAY!" I yelled, "When do you get out?"

"Next Tuesday."

"Fo sho?"

"Yep! What about you?"

I laughed, "I don't know. It doesn't matter though because Frankie, my friend, and I are going to drop out tomorrow."

"Perfect," Alexxx said, "now you can get a job! 'Cause you know your parents won't help pay for the place."

I jumped off the swing and started doing a little dance, "I'm so happy right now, Alexxx!"
He chuckled, "Well, I'm glad you're happy, but I gatta go because I'm at a party and about to go have sex with this guy."

"And I'm keeping you waiting."


"Use protection. It wouldn't be good if my bestest buddy got AIDs from having butt sex."

He chuckled again, "I always do just for you."

"Okay then, bye!"

"Bye, babe!"

I sat back down on the swing and sighed.

I could go back to the house, but if Brent wasn't asleep then I'd just have to leave again.
I closed my eyes and tried to remember where Frankie's house was.

And then I remembered!

I jumped off of the swing and ran in the direction of where my mind was telling me to go.
After about ten minutes that dingy, dark apartment complex came into sight.
I knocked on Frankie's door and prayed she was still awake.

After a few seconds the door opened and this really, really hot guy looked at me like I was insane.

"Is Frankie here?" I asked.

He laughed, "Yeah, come on in."

Once I stepped inside it was like stepping into the '70s, at least I think it was the '70s. Well, it was like stepping into a hippie's van.

He pointed to a hallway, "She's in the room at the end of the hall."

"Thanks," I said.

He nodded and sat back down on the sofa and picked his joint back up.

I knocked on Frankie's door.

After a few seconds she opened, "Lexy?"

I nodded.

"What are you doing here?"

"Brent chased me out of the house and I had no where to go. Can I stay with you?"

"Yeah, sure, come on in."

She showed me into her room, "Um, sorry it's kind of small."

"It's perfect," I replied.

She threw me a huge shirt, "You can sleep in that."


I changed into the shirt and threw my clothes onto the floor.

I climbed into bed next to her, "Guess what," I said.


"My bestest buddy, Alexxx is moving down here after he gets outta school and I'm ganna move in with him."

"Awesome," Frankie replied.
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