Burn To Ashes With Me And Let The Wind Take Us Away

This Is When You Say, "Oh my God! That's hot."

It was around eleven when Frankie and I went into her room to lay down to go to bed.

"Ya know," Frankie said, "I'm not really tired."

I shrugged, "Neither am I."

"So lets play Monopoly!"


Frankie jumped out of her bed and ran to her closet to get it.

Then she jumped back into bed and we set up the board.

"It's been so long since I've played this," I said.

Frankie nodded, "Same here. I think the last time I played was when I first met Ryan."

"When was that?" I asked.

"Like six years ago."


She nodded and then took her turn.

We played for about a half hour and then I realized I was thirsty.

"Lets go get something to drink," I said.

She shrugged, "Okay."

We got up and walked towards the door, but once we were in front of it Frankie paused.

"Do you hear that?" She asked.

I started to shake my head, but I stopped because I did hear something. It sounded like thud, thud, moan, thud, thud.

"Oh my God," Frankie said, "pause the music."

I nodded and then walked over and paused the music.

And then we could hear it clearly.

"Oh, God yes! Harder, harder!"

And then the thudding got louder.

Frankie looked back at me with this look on her face that said she was slightly turned on, but was also slightly grossed out. Since her brother was out there making some of that noise.

I smiled, "That's hot."

She nodded.

"Well, I'm still thirsty so a little butt sex isn't going to stop me from getting a drink."

She giggled, "Well, I'll err.. just stay in he"

I cut her off, "Dude, just come with me. I don't wanna go out there alone." I pouted at her.

She sighed, "Fine!"

"Just pretend it's not your brother having butt sex with my best friend."

And then I opened up the door.

When I walked out into the living room my jaw dropped.

All I've ever seen Alexxx do with other boys was kiss. I mean I knew he did other stuff; a lot of other stuff, but seeing it is so much more different then just hearing about it.

Alexxx had Kris pinned to the wall and was ramming in and out of him. Which would explain the thuds. Every time Alexxx pulled out and went back in, Kris's body would smack into the wall. But he didn't seem to mind.

There was a layer of sweat covering Alexxx's back.

I put my hand up to my mouth and gasped, "Oh my God.."

They just looked so hot.

Frankie was still behind me besides for her hand squeezing my shoulder.
I slowly started backing up. I wasn't so thirsty now that I was hornier then fuck.
And for the first time ever I wished that Alexxx wasn't gay. So I could be the one that he was humping.

Frankie and I sat back down on her bed. We were both quiet for a few minutes and the only noise was the two extremely hot boys out in the living room fucking.

"Dude," I whispered.

She looked at me, "Yeah?"

"That was.. so hot."

She nodded and then covered her face with her hands, "I know."

I sighed, "This is so fucked up."

She pulled her hands down, "I know! My brother getting banged by your best friend turns me on. Oh my God, I feel so dirty."

I patted her back, "It's okay."

She sighed, "Lets just go to bed, okay?"

I nodded, "Okay."

As I was lying down she said, "Get the music?"

I laughed and then got up and turned the music back on.

The moans and the sighs were quieter now.

The next day Alexxx and I were walking around, looking for apartments for rent.

"So did you like the show last night?" He asked.

I blushed, "Yeah, it was hot, but Frankie's kind of bugged out about it."

He nodded, "I can understand why. I mean that was her brother I was humping."

I laughed and then I got a mental image of him and Kris. Which stopped me in my tracks.

"Lexy, babe," Alexxx said, "come on."

I smiled at him and then skipped up to him.

We spent another hour looking for a place, but couldn't find anything. So we headed back to Frankie's.

"Maybe there's something for rent in her complex," I said.


I sat down on the sofa and started taking off my nail polish.

Frankie was out with Spencer.

Kris was at work.

And Alexxx was taking a bubble bath.

So I was bored.

Just when I thought I couldn't take the silence and the loneliness of taking off nail polish the door opened and Ryan walked in.

I looked up at him and smiled, "Hey."

He smiled back at me and then sat down next to me, "Hey."

It was silent for a few minutes and then he asked, "What are your plans for today?"

I shrugged, "Nothing really."

"Then um, do you want to go to the movies with me?"

I kissed his cheek, "Heck yes I do!"

He smiled and then leaned forward and kissed me softly on the lips.

Just then Alexxx walked in, "Aw! How cute!"

"Shut up, Alexxx!"

He rolled his eyes and then walked into the kitchen.

"Lets go," I said and then grabbed Ryan's hand.
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