Burn To Ashes With Me And Let The Wind Take Us Away

Lexy Hates The Way He Yells

Ryan and I pulled up in front of a small, dark looking house.

"So," Ryan said, "This is home. Are you sure you want to come inside?"

I rolled my eyes, "Yes, Ryan I'm sure."

He smiled weakly at me, "Okay."

And then we got out of the car.

Once I was beside him he grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently.
He opened up his front door slowly and then walked in.

"Dad?" He yelled out.

"I'm in the kitchen!"

"I brought my girlfriend, Lexy over," Ryan said as he walked towards the kitchen.

Ryan disappeared into the kitchen so I wondered over to the sofa and sat down.

"A girl friend?" His dad asked.

"Yeah, remember I told you she was coming over last night."

It was silent for a few seconds and I was scared his dad was going to start yelling.

"Oh yeah," his dad said, "that's fine."

A few seconds later Ryan walked out of the kitchen with his dad following him.

"Hi," I said.

Ryan's dad just looked at me for a few seconds, "Hey."
And then he walked away.

Ryan shrugged and then led me down the hall to his room.

We spent most of the evening in his room talking about music, life, and what we want to do when we grow older.

"Well, I really want the band to make it," Ryan said.

"That would be so super cool."

He nodded, "Yeah, but we still haven't gotten signed and we've been around for awhile. And with having to kick Brent out I don't think we'll ever get signed."

I patted his hand, "Don't worry. You guys rock and I'm willing to bet my liver you'll get signed."

He kissed my cheek, "Thanks."

I smiled and leaned in and kissed him back.

And right when we were getting really into the kiss his door flew open and his dad walks in.

"Ryan, what are you doing?" his words were slurred.

Ryan smiled weakly, "Just showing Lexy out."

His dad glared and moved out of the doorway.

Ryan pleaded at me with his eyes not to say anything.

Up front I kissed him gently on the lips, "I hate the way he treats you."

Ryan kissed, "So do I."

"Then let's put an end to it."

"It's not that simple, Lexy."


"Lexy, just go."

I pouted, "You kind of gave me a ride."

"Take my car," he said and then handed me the keys.

I sighed, "Fine."

Yeah, I could drive. I just didn't like to.

As I was walking away he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him. He held onto me for a few seconds and then let go, "See ya."

"Yeah," I whispered.

When I got back to Frankie's place I found her lying on the sofa crying.

Alexxx was sitting in a chair across from her doing a word search. Most people would get mad at him for not trying to make her feel better, but he was one of those people that cried when other's cried. So he was probably just sitting there trying not to cry.

"What's wrong, Frankie?" I asked.

She looked up at me, "Me and Kris got in a fight!"

I went over to her and ran my fingers through her hair, "About what?"

"Well, he's not my legal guardian, ya know?"

I nodded.

"He wants to go to college in New York, but he can't take me with. So that leaves me homeless. So he was saying he'd just stay here for another two years until I'm 18, but I told him to go because I know how bad he wants to."

I rubbed her back in small circles.

"So he told me no he'd stay. So I kinda freaked out on him and told him to go because I'd be better off without him, but I didn't mean it, Lexy."

I pulled her into a hug, "It's okay, babe. I'm sure when he comes back home you two will make up."

She started crying even harder.

"What now?" I asked.

"He said he was ganna go buy a plane ticket and then when he did come back it would only be for a little. So he could pack.."

"Aw, I'm so sorry. Maybe he just said that to make you mad?"

She sniffed, "I'm pretty sure he was serious because he has been wanting to go for a long time. Like ever since my parents left us."

I hugged her even tighter.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what else I can say besides that. You can live with Alexxx and me and when we can we'll get you a ticket out there."

She pulled out of the hug and sighed, "Thanks, Lexy."

I shrugged, "It's what friends are for, right Alexxx?"

He put down his cross word puzzle book and whipped away his tears, "Yeah."
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