wrapped with hits, sealed with a kiss (naraku love story)

he has plans for you tonight

Naraku saw them come in and out over and over thew time. Not once did he wonder, what it was like on the other side. now though he wanted something new.
he grew tired of plotting on ways to kill inuyasha and cause misery to others. this was going to be fun....really fun.
Naraku stood before the well with a sadistic smile. oh how entertaining this will be....


willow kept pulling at her short dress that kept rising up every now and then. she would be sure to throw it out when she got home. it amazed her that trey persuaded her to were such a dress.
trey... just hearing his name made her blood boil. the man that told her he loved her and wanted to be with her forever... had gotten drunk at the party and made out with a girl so she left before she could cry in front of everyone.
up ahead the block she saw a group of rough looking men . she wanted to avoid unnecessary conflict as much as possible. to her right, were creepy looking woods. it was either the woods...or the group of men.

she knew better.
or so she thought.

she chose the woods.

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:) hope you enjoyed it so far