wrapped with hits, sealed with a kiss (naraku love story)

caught in between death, or rape


The woods indeed felt like the right choice to willow. no weird men following her or pulling at her.
she'd seen many life time movies of girls walking alone and getting raped brutally by rough looking men. sometimes even in groups they came in.

She shivered at the thought of that happening to her, and quickened her pace.

oh, but someone was watching her from afar. what luck naraku had, seeing what he wanted the moment he hopped right out of the well.
some may have second thoughts for doing what was about to be brought down upon this innocent sweet girl. but not him. blood flowed furiously downward to his pelvic area as he watched the girl's hips sway as she walked. being in heat -as he were- was taking its toll on him. he needed some release. NOW.
her dress even risen up with each step as if welcoming, and encouraging him. what was even better was that no one was around. NOT that he didn't mind if any one were, he'd just have to kill a few extra people.

Naraku had enough of watching. time to act....


As willow took her last and final step, she felt a swift air gush by her. she wrapped her arms around her body attempting to cause warmth to her self. but was not successful.
will then, tried to take a step forward but was grabbed by the back of dress collar.
startled she grasped at what ever was behind her.
when she felt hands with semi long claws she wonder if she had came across a human wolf. quickly she pushed the silly thought out of her head. this was a serious matter, no time for jokes.

"l-let me go! please!" she begged.
a laugh came from this mystery man "now...why would i do something like that? we just met. it'd be rude for me to just let you leave like that."
willow still attempted to wiggle free from his tight grasp. but he was latched on mighty tight. the only way for her to of gotten free was to slip out of the dress and run. she wasn't going to do that though. judging by this mans strength, he might be Abel to catch her the moment she made a run for it.

"I'm going to let you go. when i do, turn around slowly and take off your dress. if you try to run away ill rip you apart."

willow couldn't believe this was happening to her.
there had to be some other way to get out of this...

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thanks for reading! i apperciate it! :D I Hope you continue to read!