Status: In progress (:

Modern Day Fairy Tale


The year before…

I knew from the minute she walked into the school that I wanted to be her friend. She was eccentric in the way she dressed, not unlike my own insane style. I could tell from her shirt that she was into the same bands I was (Marilyn Manson, Placebo, Nirvana, etc.).

From the second I was her, I knew she’d be part of the outcast crowd, instantly written off as a freak because of how she dressed. Just like how I was on my first day at this shithole called a school.

I had to get to now this girl, or at least try to.

She walked toward me, and I could see that she was stunningly beautiful. Dark auburn hair hung past her shoulders and her blue eyes glittered under the bright fluorescent lighting. She had outlined her eyes with black and just a touch of grey which made her eyes that much brighter. Black lipstick covered her lips, which were set in a smirk that said “Mess with me and I’ll fucking kill you.” I froze to the wall when she smiled at me, and my heart threatened to burst from my chest.

I finally choked out a hello, and she responded cheerfully.

“I’m Elizabeth,” she said.

“I’m Iggy,” I said. “It’s nice to meet you.”


I pried myself from the wall. “Uh, would you like to walk with me?” I asked, hoping she’d agree so I could talk to her.

Elizabeth smiled again. “I’d love to.”


I popped the knots on my shoes and kicked them off before sticking my dinner in the microwave. Nachos weren’t my favorite, but it was food. And it’s not like there was anything else to eat, or even anything worth eating if we actually did have food.

While I waited for the food to warm up, I turned on the stereo and stuck my favorite Placebo album in. Mom hates Placebo with a fiery passion. But she wasn’t home to stop me. I turned up my favorite song so I could sing along.

The microwave beeped, letting me know that it had finished warming my food. I took out the bowl, stirred the contents, and took a bite to make sure it was actually warm enough. It wasn’t, so I put it in for another minute. When it came out again, it burnt my tongue. Yeah, it was definitely done.

I hurried to eat In case Elizabeth decided to show up early. By the time I finished, my mouth had lost all the feeling because I’d burned myself so many times. It didn’t bother me because it happened all the time. I mean, if you’re gonna eat hot food, it better burn or it’s a waste of time.

About fifteen minutes later, the doorbell chimed it’s happy little tune. I ran to the door to answer it. Elizabeth stood on the other side. I smiled and let her in. She dropped her backpack by the dor.

“It’s just us for a while,” I said.

“That’s okay,” Elizabeth said. “Ooh, I love this song!” She ran ahead of me into the living room. “Can I turn it up?”

“Of course. I love it, too.”

Elizabeth turned up the stereo. We sang and danced to I Do. What a funny song for the moment, I thought. Couldn’t have been timed any more perfectly.

When the song ended, I asked why she’d brought her backpack. She didn’t normally bring it when she came over.

“Well, I was kind of hoping that I could stay over for the night,” Elizabeth said. “I, uh, kind of got in a fight with my mom and she kicked me out for the night. I don’t know where else I’d go.”

“Yeah, that’s fine,” I said without a second thought. “My mom probably won’t be very happy, but whatever. It’s not like I care.”

“If she’s not happy about it, then I’ll go sleep in the park or something. It’s no big deal.”

“No. You’re not sleeping in the park,” I said. That just wasn’t happening. No way was I going to let her get raped or kidnapped. Or worse, killed.

“But if it’s going to be a problem…”

“She’ll get over it,” I said, cutting Elizabeth off. “You’re staying here for tonight whether my mom likes it or not.”

Elizabeth stopped arguing with me. I didn’t care how pissed off Mom got. I wasn’t letting something bad happen to my girlfriend.

After the last song finished, Elizabeth and I went into my room. “What should we do?” I asked.

Elizabeth shrugged. “I don’t know. What do you want to do?”

“Do you want to watch a movie?” I didn’t really, but there was nothing better to do.

“Sure. Which one?”

I looked through the stack of DVDs until I found one of mine, House of 1000 Corpses. Then I found my other two, Underworld and Constantine. I held up all three. “These are the only ones I have. Take your pick.”

Elizabeth looked at her choices. “Uh, I guess House of 1000 Corpses. I’ve never seen it before.”

“Alright. Do you want popcorn or anything?” I asked. “I’ve got hot chocolate.”

“hot chocolate would be nice,” she said, ears instantly perking up.

“Okay. I’ll be right back.” I put the movie in the player then left to make some hot chocolate.

I took two mugs and filled with water, the n put them in the microwave. While they warmed up, I searched for the powder mix. It would have been kind of pointless if we didn’t have that. Hot chocolate without the chocolate? I think not.

When I found it, there was only enough left for one cup. The microwave beeped. I took out the hot mugs and dumped the powder into one for Elizabeth. She could have the hot chocolate; I’d have tea instead. I stirred her drink then searched for the peppermint tea. I quickly found it and dunked a bag in the other mug.

I took the mugs back into my bedroom. The movie was just about to start. Elizabeth still hadn’t sat down. “You can sit down,” I said. “I’m not going to kill you.” She sat down and I gave her the mug of hot chocolate. “There was only enough for one cup, so I let you have it. I’ve got tea instead.”

“Iggy, let me have the tea. You have the hot chocolate,” she said.

“No, it’s fine. You have the hot chocolate.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure. Now let’s watch this movie.”

Mom came home about halfway through the movie. She didn’t even check on us. I think she went straight to bed. Once I heard her door close, I let out a breath I didn’t realize that I was holding.

Elizabeth jumped and grabbed my shirt. I slid my arm around her shoulders and held her close to me. “Ssh,” I whispered. “It’s okay.”

After the movie ended, I shut everything down and got my bed all made and ready.

“Do you care if we sleep in the same bed?” I asked.

“Not at all,” Elizabeth said. “Less blankets to worry about, anyways.”

“Okay. I’m going to go change into my pajamas.” I picked up my skull pajamas and went into the bathroom to change. When I got back, Elizabeth was in her pajamas, still sitting in the same place as before.

“Can I sleep by the wall?” she asked.

“Go ahead,” I said. “When you’re ready, I’ll turn off the lights.”

Elizabeth got herself settled into the blankets. “Alright. I’m ready.”

I turned off the light and got in next to Elizabeth. “If you need anything, wake me up.”

“Mmkay,” she mumbled.

As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was asleep.


“Iggy, get up,” someone said. “It’s time for school.”

I groaned and sat up. “I don’t want to go to school.”

“Too bad,” Mom said. “Come on. Get moving.”

Elizabeth stirred next to me. “Hmm?” She sat up and rubbed her eyes.

Mom’s eyes went wide, then she narrowed them. “Iggy, we’re going to talk after school. Hurry and get ready for school.” She stormed away.

“Is she always like that?” Elizabeth asked quietly.

“Yeah, pretty much. I’m going to go get dressed.” I pulled an outfit from the closet and closed myself in the bathroom. When I finished, I brushed my teeth and all that stuff.

Elizabeth was ready before I was. The three of us walked out to the car. None of us spoke for the entire ride to school. When we got there, Elizabeth and I jumped out of the car.

We walked into the school, where we went our separate ways to our lockers. I grabbed the stuff I’d left there yesterday and went to Elizabeth’s locker. There wasn’t much time before the bell rang.

I walked Elizabeth to her class before going to my own. Well, I only got so far before I heard someone call my name. I turned around because I didn’t recognize the voice. Suddenly, I wished I hadn’t turned around.

Chelise Mitchell clacked her way over to me in her stupid slutty outfit and equally slutty heels. Her grin meant one thing and one thing only: Trouble. I squared my shoulders, prepared for her attack.

“So, I hear things,” she said with a smirk.

“Yeah? What kind of things?” I asked, even though I’m pretty sure I knew exactly what she meant.

“You and that Elizabeth girl, I hear you’re together. Is it true?”

“It’s none of your business, that’s what it is,” I said.

I also hear that she slept at your house,” Chelise continued. “Did you girls fuck? What did she taste like?”

I had two options. I could: 1. Deny everything that came out of the whore bitch’s mouth, which gave her exactly what she wanted, or 2. Give her exactly what she wanted the easy way. I chose the second option because I already had a better plan in mind.

“She tasted like frosting,” I said with a smile, but it was a lie. I hadn’t done anything with Elizabeth.

Chelise sneered. “By the way, I’ve also heard that Elizabeth has herpes. So if you come to school with blisters on your face, we’ll all know where they came from.”

I wanted to punch the lying sack of shit in the throat. Instead, I got up close to her ear. “Bitch, you’re just jealous that nobody will come within ten feet of your vile crotch.” And then I walked off.
♠ ♠ ♠
Third chapter. Had to add a bit of drama.
Tell me what you think. (: