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A Vampire's Captive

Ch. 3

Allison sat in the same position , with her knees to her chest, her long wavy maroon hair hiding her face . Allison had a very soft angelic feature to her face, with olive green eyes, long eyelashes, full soft pink lips and slightly tanned skin.

The door had creaked , causing her to peak through her hair. It was Haden . He tilted his head to the side, trying to figure out if she was awake or asleep."Are you awake..", he asked standing there ,waiting for a reply.

Just when he was about to walk out she had answered,"I'm awake."

Haden smiled, walking over to her and sat on the bed."Good, I'd been meaning to ask , what is your name?"

She lifted her head up , to wear her eyes were only shown."It's, Allison. But, just call me Alli."
He nodded,"Well, Ms. Allison. Did Anson explain to you about you , and what we are?"

Her mind had flashed back to when Anson was on top of her, his eyes glowing red and fangs extending. She shifted her head back down ,"Y-yes."

"Did he....actually show you , instead of tell you Allison?", he said noticing her reaction.
"Yea , but I'm alright ." she spoke, lightly.

"I will have him punished , if you wish. Whatever you wish." Haden offered eagerly.

She lifted her head quickly,"No!,'m fine. It's alright , when he first had told me, I wouldn't believe him. I...thought vampires were a myth."

"We try to make it seem that way, by staying out of sight."Haden replied ."So..did Anson mention that you were the Mistress of The Cure'. Allison nodded,"Yes...but, what is the mistress of the cure."

He pointed to her,"You,are the mistress of the cure. The reason we call you that is, because I believe one day , you will cure us of this dreadful dark life we bare everyday as a vampire."

"How ,can I cure something like that..I have no powers.I'm a human -being.", She stated, bringing her knees down revealing her face.

He shrugged,"All I know is that you were the girl in my vision, and it said you'd be the one to finally cure us of this nightmare.But enough said..."Haden stood up," I have to go , but your welcome to wonder around....I trust you wouldn't run away."

Allison watched as he had left the room, and then she got down from the bed, and thought about wondering the place like he said.As she walked out the door she ran into someone,causing her to fall backwards.

She noticed she never hit the ground and was being held up by a mere hand on the small of her back, surprisingly it was Anson with the same smirk on his face from before."He lifted her up , back on to both feet."Alittle clumsy are we."

"No..I ,you .Nothing, can you move aside please."She said trying to get pass.

"No, I don't get a thank you Anson. Or excuse me...?",He asked ,knowing he could just let her pass. She remained silent, just staring at him angrily.

"Guess not... Want me to show you around then?", He offered , clutching her hand pulling her out the door, not waiting for a reply. He walked a fast ,but effortless pace while ,Allison struggled to keep up.

She observed each wall, full of paintings, and photos of people , who were probably relatives.
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Here a link to the picture of Allison .