Degrassi High: Exposed


Marco Del Rossi walked down the crowded halls of Degrassi High trying desperately not to do something stupid. But the way things were progressing that day, it was going to be very very hard. As he walked around the corner he ran straight into none other than Spinner Mason. Marco groaned as he reached down to pick up both his and Spinner’s books. He glanced up to find Spinner kneeling next to him picking up his books with a smirk on his face.

“What’s so funny Spin?” Marco asked with an annoyed look on his face.

Spinner shook his head and handed Marco his bag, “Nothing dude. Just thought you’d be happy to see a friend after not seeing me all summer.”
Marco bit his lip to keep from smiling. Not that he’d admit it, but he was really glad to see Spinner. He’d had a huge crush on Spinner the year before but was too scared to say it.

Spinner grinned, “There it is! I can see that smile dude. You are so glad to see me.”

Marco sighed allowing himself to smile, “Yeah Spin. It’s awesome to see you. I can’t say I didn’t miss that annoying little smirk.”

Spinner looked down with a slightly embarrassed smile. “Yeah well, I guess I missed you too Marco. See you around?”

Marco grinned. “Yeah. Definitely Spin.”
Spinner raised a hand and ruffled Marco’s hair as he walked away. Marco took a deep breath as he tried not to squeal. He glanced around him and let out a small squeal. It sure as hell was great to be back at Degrassi!

Could it be the understatment of the century that Marco was happy?