Status: New - Active

Life According to Carter


Now I know what you’re probably thinking, because I believe I get around to assuming the same things when reading about a story such as this. How can this lone boy, with seemingly no special characteristics about his features or traits, land himself with the seemingly straight, and all around perfect, all star of the school? Is this chapter just going to lead me into the cliche world of newly formed love, sought after only by spontaneously searching in the strangest of souls? Is reality suddenly going to bend the rules of how to ruin lives by giving an exception to this surprisingly ordinary teenager?


First of all, I am all types of special, thank you. Society just hasn’t come to terms with all of uniqueness that is Carter.

And second, fate has only given me the tiniest of passage to help secure my reality. It has been a known fact since Toby’s early elementary school days, obviously that’s where my delicate research comes to play, that he proudly displays a bisexual orientation. Note I use the term “displays” very lightly. Unfortunately, it is also strongly known, and the actual downfall to my situation, that Toby doesn’t “do” relationships.

There are no attachments, hook-ups, valentines, friends with benefits, nope, not-ta, zilch. He has just consistently been in that awkward label of single-but-not-available. Not sure why exactly, he can pretty much take his pick of whoever he pleases. It’s obvious he has at some point tickled the fancy of at least half the school’s student body.

Who knows.

I’m guessing this is also what plays a huge role in the fact that there isn’t a resentment for a swing-batta-batta to be so incredibly popular throughout these hallways and basketball court. Not because it’s the pink elephant in the room or anything, because Toby is so honestly straight forward about himself, but it’s the truth that has no reason to cause an action. Like an off-hand detail in your history notes that you know you’re going to skim right through when studying for the next major test. Guys have come to accept it’s just... whatever.

That and Tob is easily one of the most physically intimidating boys on the team. Not in a
bulky, meat-neck sense (ew), but just his height factor alone.

Plus he’s the best captain this school has easily ever had. Why risk a losing streak for something as minuscule as orientation? A big, shiny trophy is the only current goal of those teammates. Not a potential boyfriend.


And these, these are my thoughts that are constantly swarming around my young head. Whenever I go to bed wrapped like a toasty cinnamon bun, to awake coverlessly spooning my body pillow I’m reminded that my role of fly in the locker room has to again be fulfilled. My cell’s preset alarm blaring my ring tone juts it all back into motion. I’m just a daydreaming, hopeless impossibility to my heart’s one lusty desire.

But today that all changes.

Today as I shoulder rolled off my sheets, skillfully James Bonding onto the carpet, my plan started to work itself in gear.

If one thing is painfully obvious about this little love affair of mine, it’s that I don’t get my prize until my determined champion receives his. Which just needs to happen.

So as I crawled into my joined bathroom to attempt to reach my toothbrush from the floor, I set up my three season goals.

Get noticed.
Get on the team.
Get a state title.

For the sake of us all.
♠ ♠ ♠
Want to know a random fact? I've been listening to Pink Friday as I've been writing this.
This album has been quality ever since day 1.

A+ Nicki, A+.