This Is Me and You Until We've Got Nothing Left

I'm two quarters and a heart down

I had been at home, eating popcorn and watching over Lewis, when Babette just came right in. She was smiling at me, and her eyes were wide; "I did it."

I raised a brow at her, "Did what?"

"I took the job."

I smiled right back at her, "Congrats, B."

She sat beside me, stealing a handful of popcorn, "Chris isn't coming with me."

"Oh, sorry."

She waved it off, "It's okay, he'll get over it."

"You're taking it lightly." I remarked.

"I decided that I couldn't let this pass me by, and I told that to Chris and he just flat out forbid me to go, so I told him to go to hell."

I laughed, "Wow."

"Yeah, wow. Chris'll see what a big idiot he's being and come join me soon enough. Speaking of which, we should have our party on Saturday, that's when I leave."

"I don't need a party, you do."

"Okay, then I am buying my Godson a bunch of crap he won't need in a year and you're coming to the party."

"I'll try--"

"Nope, not try, will." She smiled at me.

"Okay, okay, sheesh."

She exhaled triumphantly, "Speaking of shindigs, why aren't you at the big party happening at Juan's place? Everyone's there."

"I've got a kid to look after, and I sort of got into a little argument with Pete."

She groaned dramatically, "What now?"

"He tried to give me shit about having plans," I explained, "He thought I was seeing some guy."

Babette scoffed, "The hell does he think?"

"I dunno. He's being an idiot. He tried to say that me being with someone else is weird because I'm a mom." I grumbled, "The bastard."

"He's just jealous and he's in love with you."

"He's in love with himself. There is no "you" unless Pete's name is added to it."

"You're just upset, Naomi," Babette nudged me, "You'll be over it soon."

"Meh, I hope not. Why aren't you at the party?"

"Chris is there drowning his sorrows."

"Ah, so it's a pity party over there and a mini celebration here?"

She grinned, "Most definitely."

Babette and I watched a couple movies before we ultimately crashed on the couch. Lewy had slept through the night, so I was surprised that woke up by myself the next morning. Babette was slumped on the couch, asleep, but snoring.

I got up, letting her sleep on her side, and went to check on Lewy. He was awake, but wasn't fussing one bit; he yawned and I picked him up; "Someone needs a diaper change. Too bad your stupid daddy isn't here to do it."

I changed Lewy and then took him to the kitchen so I could feed him; I looked at the clock on the electric stove and saw how early it was; it was 6:30AM. I grabbed a bottle from the fridge and began to heat it up. Lewy yawned continuously in my arms; I bounced him a little, kissing his cheek, "Should we make your fairy Godmother some coffee? I think we should."

Coffee brewed while I rocked Lewy in my arms; he was suckling his bottle down fast and would want to rest on my chest after. The routine followed, with me getting a cup of coffee and then heading to the living room; I nudged Babette, causing her to groan softly and then ask what time it was.

"Almost 7."

"AM?" She muttered.


She sat up and rubbed her eyes, smearing her make up. She sighed, "That cup for me?"

I didn't have time to answer before she took it from me and took a blowing sip; "Now it is."

She yawned softly after, "I'm gonna go fix my face, drink some more and then get to work."

"Where are you workin' at today?"

"This warehouse in Peoria."

"Shit." I mumbled.

"Yeah, I gotta get my ass up," she stood and kissed the top of Lewy's head, "We'll play the next time we see each other, little guy."

Babette went and fixed her makeup and then came out and said bye. I waved Lewy's hand at her, "Bye-bye Auntie B."

Babette blew him a kiss, "Bye-bye, Lewy."

After Babette left, I laid down with the kid and watched TV until it was time to take a bath. There was nothing going on, and I liked it that way; I could stay in all day with Lewis.

I had taken a shower and then gave Lewis a bath before feeding him. I then returned to the couch, where I turned on the TV and got comfortable with Lewy. Not long after, there came a knock on my door; I got up, carrying a tired Lewy with me.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Pete. Open the door."

I scoffed, "Not with that attitude."

He banged his fist hard against the door, causing Lewis to yelp and then cry; "Open the goddamn door, Naomi!"

I backed away, blinking rapidly, obviously startled. Ignoring Pete's order, I calmed Lewis down, cooing to him as he cried; "Oh, no, no, don't cry, baby. Shh, it's okay, your daddy is being a dummy."

"Fuck this." He spat.

As I bounced Lewis, I heard the door lock jingle and then open. Pete nearly ripped his key out the door as he came in; I looked at him with a frown, and noticed he had a black eye. I grimaced, "Je-sus Christ," I still bounced Lewy, "What the hell happened to you?"

"You!" He pointed a finger at me, "What the fuck did you say to Babette that got Chris so fucking pissed off he had to hit me?!"

I shoved Pete in his chest; "Stop yelling, you're scaring Lewis!"

"What the hell did you say to her?" He questioned in a calmer tone.

Lewis only whimpered now, but his tiny fist gripped into the front of my shirt; it happened to be Pete's dark green Pete! At The Disco shirt. I had barely noticed I was wearing it when I looked down at Lewis.

"I didn't say anything," I muttered, "She just came over last night and we watched movies."

Pete shook his head, "No, about moving to LA."

My brows shot up, "He hit you because of that?"

Pete gritted his teeth, "What. The. Hell. Did you say?"

"I just told her to do what she wanted. I told her that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. I didn't say anything about Chris." The words fell from my mouth fast.

Pete's tense body language relaxed after I spoke and then he sighed; "He hit me hard, Naomi. I thought you told her to leave...I don't even fuckin' know why she's goin' there or why he's so pissed."

"She's going to become a makeup artist for an agency that gets hired to makeup bands for photo shoots, music videos, album stuff, ya'know?" I patted Lewy's back, hearing his whimpers soften to snores.

Pete exhaled, running his fingers through his greasy hair, "I didn't know, sorry. I was just pissed...last night we all got wasted, he smashed me in the face, I went home, passed out and woke up to this shiner."

"It's okay, sit down, lemme help you. Hold Lew."

Pete took Lewis from me; he had fallen asleep, and cradled him. He sat on the couch while I went got the resting ice packs from the fridge and, cotton balls and iodine. I returned and set everything beside Pete; "Lemme put him in his swinger."

Pete just nodded, watching my every move; it seemed that way, anyway. I returned to him, knelt to his sitting level and grabbed the cotton balls and iodine. I cleaned up the small, faint scratches on Pete's cheek; he hissed and whined, "That hurts!"

"Shh, don't be a pussy."

He smirked at me while I smile at him. I cleaned up his cheek, and put a large bandaid there; "Ice pack will help with the swelling, and I'm sure you've got a wicked hangover?"

He laughed softly, "Ya'kmow, I'm a sucker for a girl with an accent."

"My accent is the same as yours." I placed the ice pack on his cheek, grabbed his hand and held it into place and then set him on his back.

"Nah, you have a New York gets thick sometimes...the way you say your Os. Like the way you say dog or coffee..." He trailed, "I'm sober, just so you know."

"I know you are." I stood up, "I'll make you some fresh coffee," I smirked at him.

Pete smiled at me, "I don't want coffee, I'm good."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Just sit down. Did I ruin your day?"

"No, I was just watching TV with the kid."

Pete chuckled, "Why?"

"School's over, my dad is working and Amy's out with Abbey. Kate is with her new boyfriend, Babette is getting ready to move...I'm kinda on my own."

"Why didn't you just call me?"

"Maybe I expected you to come."

He smiled again, "Despite the shiner, I did want to come."

"If Lew had any inkling of who we are and why we're here, I think he'd be very happy to see you instead of napping."

Pete smiled and then sat up a little, "It feels weird when people ask me about him, and I don't even know how to answer. If hasn't hit me yet."

I frowned slightly, "You've got to be around him to actually get it. The way he looks at you..." I trailed, "You'll feel it one day."

He licked his lips, "I hope so."

I pet his hair back, "Now, you keep that ice pack on your face, and the swelling will go down some."

Pete continued to sit up right; he bit at his lip, just looking at me. Finally, he spoke, "I love you, Navy."

"Yeah, I know. I love you, too, Peter."

He shook his head, "No, I mean it. I really do love you."

I leaned over and kissed his cheek, "I know you do, Pete."

"Do you love me?"

"Of course I do, but you're a big idiot."

He and I smiled at each other. I went to scoot over, but Pete grabbed my shoulder and pulled me into a kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
Excuse any mistakes, I'm really tired and wanted to get this out before I fell asleep. It is currently 8AM and I stayed up all night writing bits and pieces to a new Andy Hurley story, so wish me luck on that. What do you guys think this far?

Also: HAPPY BIRTHDAY PETE! I am (non-romantically) in love with you :)
