This Is Me and You Until We've Got Nothing Left

The heat is on, fixed up and the shade is down

With Pete gone, I had gotten back to my life without him. It wasn't all that hard; I spent the majority of my time tending to Lewy and hanging out with Ricky. He and I went walking a lot with Lewy and we would either get coffee or hang at my house.

It was actually fun.

When I saw Kate, I had brought up Ricky, and she was totally convinced that we should hook up. I had rolled my eyes, "Ricky and I will never do stuff like that."

"You never know." She grinned at me.

I just shook my head at her and changed the subject. Kate and I usually met up at the park; she would let Julian run wild on the playground, while I took care of Lewy. Afterward, we would make plans to see each other again.

For my job, I had been asked to meet with some heads at VS to talk about my contract. It was late into July, and I wasn't sure what they had wanted. I gone anyway with Mia, leaving Lewy with Mrs. Wentz for the afternoon.

The bosses, one female and two male, all looked very professional with their suits and rock hard faces. As soon as I sat, they relaxed and smiled at me; "Hello Naomi," the female said, "I'm Helen, and I run the photo department of the company. This is Jarrod," an older man with graying hair to her left, "And Adrian," the male to her right with dark hair, "And they're the head of all that is Victoria's Secret. We wanted to talk to you about your contract."

I looked at Mia and then back at the 3 of them, "Okay. Is something wrong?"

"No, not at all," she smiled still, "We actually want to hire you for more."

I raised my brow, "Like what exactly?"

"Lingerie." Adrian was quick to answer.

"I can't," I replied softly, "Well...I mean I..." I didn't have an excuse, "I just had a baby."

"We know," Helen said, "We want to hire you for the new bra and panty sets. You have the perfect shape for them and you look like you're down to the perfect size."

Out of instinct, I looked down at myself; I had loss a small amount of baby weight I had gained, but my hips were wider than before, and my breasts were larger from the milk.

"Oh." Was all I mustered.

"We don't want to press you, but this is a big opportunity. You're very popular, we get emails about you; almost like fan mail."

I swallowed, "For real?"

"Yes. We want to keep you around because our sells on the clothing you modeled are higher than the others."

I laughed, "Yeah right!"

"Really," Jarrod replied, "Would you like to see the charts?"

I thought about it for a moment, "I'm only doing this for the money."

Adrian laughed, "So are we."

Everyone laughed humorously.

"I'm only going to do this until my year contract is up. I'm going to school to be a teacher."

"It's fine," Helen said this reluctantly, "All we ask is that you give it a chance."

"One time," I muttered, "Once and you're all addicted because of the money."

"One catalogue?" Helen almost pleaded.

I looked to Mia and then back at them, "Do I get a pay raise? I don't want this coming back on me."

They all smiled, "We have a figure."

I looked at the check with butterflies in my belly; I hadn't ever seen so much money on a check near my name before. I started to tear up, because I could save this money in a savings for Lewy and he could go to college or travel, do whatever he wanted once he gets older.

I deposited the check and put it in a sub account in Lewy's name. I didn't want to forget and spend it on frivolous things. My hands actually shook once it was inside and I saw the amount on the receipt.

I knew I would keep this receipt for him.

Getting back to the Wentzs' to get Lewy, I stayed for dinner. I hadn't told them about the check or that I would be modeling underwear. Though, I did make small talk and then I left with Lewy.

At home, I played with him; kissing him and showing him affection. My heart was swollen with happiness and love; I love my son and I was happy for him, happy for ourselves. Lewy laughed and giggled as I tickled and blew raspberries on his stomach; I wish he just knew how happy I felt, but he could see the smile on my face.

When it was time for bed, I brought him with me, watching him sleep with his pacifier. He had been playing with his feet, he was utterly fascinated with his toes. I ran my hand over his head, my finger trailing through the dark brown hairs, and his lightened brown skin that he got from Pete. He looked just like him and I could only hope that they would bond before it was too late. I couldn't make Pete bond with Lewy, only reinforce him to be around as much as he could.

I kissed Lewy's cheek; my phone rang from the dresser where it had been charger. I got up, going to it and seeing it was Pete; "Hey."

"Hey," he sounded winded, "I called to see how you were. We haven't talked in like two weeks."

"Since Father's Day," I said, "Remember? I called you, we talked for less than 2 minutes and then you had to go and said you'd call me back in 10 minutes."

He groaned to him, "I'm so sorry, Navy. I spaced me."

"It's okay, you know it's been like that for years."

He exhaled, "Yeah, but it was Father's Day. I...I didn't even remember."

"It's okay," I stressed. "So, you just remembered you forgot to call me back?"

"No, I called because we're coming to Springfield for Warped Tour and I got you and Lewy some tickets. It's on July 22nd."

"In 2 days." I stated, "I have to see how my schedule is."

"Oh, c'mon," he pleaded with a small laugh, "It'll only be for a little while. I just want Lewy to meet my friends; ya'know, Dirty hasn't met him yet."

I grimaced, "He's not holding him."

Pete laughed, "Okay, okay. Will you come? There'll be a lot of cool people; Bill and TAI are here and that band The Starting Line will be here."

"Okay, we'll come. I finally get to use that baby papoose thing your mom bought me." I coursed my hair back, "Are the tickets sold out? I think I'll bring Ricky along, you remember him?"

"Not really." Pete replied, his voice peaked suspiciously.

"The pothead with dreads. He was friends with Bill."

Pete hummed, "Oh yeah, I remember now."

"How long do you want us to stay?"

"Till the party at night."

"We'll see." I told him sternly, "Ya'know Lewy is a baby and I won't keep him out in the heat all day."

"Okay, thanks, Navy."


"Where is he? Is he asleep?"

"Yeah," I returned to the bed, "He's knocked out."

Pete sighed, "I miss him."

"Is it hitting you that you're a daddy?"

"I think so." He murmured. "I miss you, too."

"Yeah, I miss seeing your face, too." I kidded.

He laughed, "You'll see me on Friday."

"Can't wait."


Ricky had declined to come along, due to the fact that he had to work, so it was just Lewy, Hemy and I. I had wanted to bring Abbey, but I remembered going to Warped with my dad when I was 13, and decided not to. I had gotten lost twice when I was 13 and then 14 when I had gone, so I could only imagine that I would lose Abbey.

I put sunscreen on Lewy and dressed him in shorts, and decided to put him in his stroller. Hemingway was on his leash, and was sniffing around as I brought him through. I had gotten my tickets and went in, seeing Fall Out Boy's merchandise tent first; it was early, about 11, and the line had been long, but Pete had assured me that I could go up front and they'd let me through before noon when the gate would be opened.

I saw Andy talking with a few guys, drinking sodas; he spotted me and waved me over, "Naomi!"

I went over, pushing Lewy under the tent and into the shade, "Hey, how are you?" I hugged him.

He patted my back, "I'm good," he looked down and saw Hemy and then Lewy, "You brought the whole family."

I rolled my eyes playfully, "I figured Hemingway could use the exercise."

Andy opened his mouth to talk, but one of the guys cleared their throats and Andy chuckled; "Oh, hey," he began, stepping back, "Naomi, these are the guys we're touring with; Kenny--"

I cut him off, "I know," I spoke excitedly when I saw Kenny Vasoli, "You're the lead singer of The Starting Line; I'm sort of a big fan."

Kenny smiled at me, "Glad to hear it. You're Naomi, Pete's fiancée?"

I shook my head, "Just his baby's mama."

The guys laughed; my eyes scanned them, and that's when my eyes widened. My sights landed on Jesse Lacey of Brand New; I almost lost my cool. I liked Brand New more than the Starting Line; "Oh my God," I squeaked, "You're Jesse Lacey."

He laughed, "Uh, yeah. I guess you like me more than Kenny?"

They all laughed, "Um, well...I barely got into the Starting Line; I played Your Favorite Weapon until my CD scratched. I am obsessed with Deja Entendu."

Jesse came over and hugged me, making me squeal; he chuckled, "I like you already."

We parted, "I used to have a crush on you. I told Pete once and he got all jealous."

He smiled, "It must be my devilish good looks."

I shook my head, "Nah, he's the jealous type."

It was right then that Pete appeared with Dirty, making my smile fade; "Navy, where's--" he stopped, "There he is."

Pete went over to the stroller and unbuckled Lewy, "Did you show everyone how much of a good lookin' kid we made?"

"Almost," I answered, "But I was too busy geeking out over Jesse Lacey."

Pete looked over, cradling Lewy, "Oh, you met him?"

I nodded, "Yeah." I turned back to Jesse, "It's really cool to meet you."

He nodded at me, "Same here. You're quite pretty."

My cheeks burned as everyone around "ooh"ed; all except for Pete. I licked over my lips, blushing madly, "Um, where is your guys' tent? I'd love to get a Brand New shirt."

Jesse nudged his head, "Down there, want me to show you?"

"Yeah!" I blurted excitedly.

He continued to smile, "Follow me."

I looked to Pete, "You don't mind, do you? I'll be a second,"

Pete did not look pleased, but he shrugged nonetheless, "Whatever."

I looked down, "Do you want me to leave Hemy?"

He gave another shrug; but Andy answered, "I'll watch him."

"Thanks." I handed him the leash. I looked to Kenny, "I'll be by your tent later, because I really do like your band."

He chuckled, "It's cool; Jesse gets all the girls."

Jesse scoffed, "Whatever, man."

I smiled and waved at the guys and then I kissed Lewy's cheek, "Be good, bubba, mommy will be right back."

Pete held him, not saying a word as I followed Jesse. As I did, I kept my head down, feeling nervous, almost unworthy to be around him. He nudged me, "Pete is jealous."

I rolled my eyes, growing a tiny bit comfortable with him, "Tell me about it."

"So, you're the Naomi I hear so much about?"

"It depends."

He gave a soft laugh, "You know the guys from The Academy Is, right?"

"Yeah, I went to high school with William Beckett and Mike Carden. We're friends."

"And the guys of Fall Out Boy." He stated.

"Pete's my ex; Andy is my hero, truly someone I can count on; I used to get high with Joe; and I manage to make Patrick uncomfortable and blush a lot."

Jesse looked over at me, "How long were you with Pete?"

I hummed, "Almost 5 years; we met in 2000 and we broke up back in March. We've been off and on since met; it's really hard to say when we actually started to date."

"Oh, wow. You guys seem amicable."

"For Lewis." I told him.

"He's a cute kid, by the way; you both got the same mole."

I smiled, "I love him so much. I don't know what I'd do without him, he makes me happy."

"That's sweet," he relayed as he stopped; I followed his action, "Is it hard, you know, not having Pete there?"

I shook my head, "Not really. I'm always with Lewy and I know how to take care of him. There isn't much of a fuss."

Jesse led me under the tent, where someone was setting up the t-shirts. I paused when I saw Vincent Accardi; he smiled at me, "Hey."

"Hi," I greeted shyly.

Jesse looked at me and then at Vincent, "Vin this is Naomi. Naomi, you probably know Vincent."

I nodded quickly, "Yeah, I'm a fan."

He lent out his hand and I shook it, "Nice to meet you. Naomi? Do I know you from somewhere?"

"She's Pete's baby's mother. The one he's been braggin' about."

I couldn't help but to grow embarrassed, "Has he really?"

Vincent laughed, "Oh, yeah."

"He's such an idiot," I grumbled to myself.

"Don't worry about it." Jesse replied, "Just hang with us. You like us more than them, right?"

I shook my head at the thought of Pete, "Yes, at the moment."

"Want a drink or somethin'?" Vincent offered.

"I actually came for a t-shirt. I have to get back to my baby boy before Pete drops him."

"I'll come with," Vincent offered.

"Sounds good."

He smiled, "Awesome! Lets get you a drink and a shirt and head on back."
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I used to have the biggest crush on Vincent Accardi, so this is my way of adding a little more of myself into this story.