This Is Me and You Until We've Got Nothing Left

Tonight it's all about we miss you

Pete was asleep still when I returned, but Lewy was sitting up beside him. Pete's arm was around Lewy's bottom, and it looked like Lewy couldn't escape. He looked at me, his dark hair wild and stuck up, gave a small yawn and reached out for me. I cooed and went over toward Pete's side and picked him up, "Daddy fell asleep on you, baby?"

Lewy yawned again and then pressed his cheek to my chest. I laughed a little and cradle him, "Let's go make something, I'm hungry."

I set Lewy in his high chair in the kitchen and gave him some Cheerios to eat and play with. He usually like to put them on his face, and I always wondered if he knew that he was sticking them to his face. Anyway, I began to cook breakfast and watched Lewy try and get the cereal into his mouth; a few minutes later, Pete came walking in, "Are you making me some?"

I cocked a brow at him, "Are you asking or telling me?"

He sat at the counter, "Both."

I rolled my eyes playfully at him, "Since you asked and told me so nicely, I guess I can share."

He laughed and turned towards Lewy, "Thanks, Navy." He picked up a few Cheerios and popped them into his mouth; "Hey, buddy, you know you're stickin' these to your face?"

I smiled, "I think he knows, because he hasn't seemed to care."

Pete picked them off his face and ate them, "Still good."

I made a face, "Ew."

"He's my son, how ew can it be?"

I just shrugged and went back to cooking. "What time are you leaving?"

"There's a car coming for us around 5, I think. I'll let you know."

"I've got a class at noon, can you watch Lewy?"


I got out some plates and began to serve us. I gave Pete one and I sat beside him; I gave a little bit of egg to Lewy and fed him. "I'll feed him, Nav, so you can eat."


He hummed and went on feeding Lewy while I ate. After, I cleaned up and went to take a shower; when I got out, I found Pete playing with Lewy on the bed. You could hear Lewy's high pitched laughter.

I smiled at them, "I see you found his tickle spot."

Pete looked up, "He loves to laugh, don't he?"

"He's just like you." I said.

Pete continued to tickle Lewy while I grabbed some clothes and quickly dressed. I sat on the bed, "Lew needs a bath."

Pete grabbed my arm and looked at my watch, "I need to go get my clothes from my folks. I'll be back."


Pete picked up Lewy and kissed his forehead, "I'll be right back, buddy.

He handed him to me, earning a soft whine from Lewy; "He misses you already." I kidded.

Pete frowned slightly, "Aw, bud, I'll be back, don't worry."

Lewy began to cry as Pete waved and started to leave. I cradled him and patted his back, "Don't worry, baby boy, daddy will be back. Lets take a bath, you love baths."

Lewy whined until he was in the water; he was happy again, splashing the water around himself. I cleaned him up, letting him play until his fingers got wrinkly. I wrapped him up and took him to the room; Pete had come back just after he was dressed.

"See!" He picked up Lewy, "Daddy came back just like he said."

I smiled, "He stopped crying as soon as he was in the tub."

"Yeah, why is that? He likes water so much."

"Maybe he wants to be a merman."

"He was probably a fish in another life."


Pete played with Lewy well till I had to leave. Lewy was too consumed in playing to notice I left. I had kissed his forehead and then went off to campus.


Lewy was back in tears when Pete had to go to New York. I had comforted him as much as I could, but he wouldn't stop crying. His bond with Pete was growing, and I was sure that when Pete would come and go, Lewy would be sure to cry.

Each visit, though, it got a little easier. Lewy stopped crying when I would call Pete the second he left and let Lewy hear how voice. That's how it went, and Lewy was happy to listen to Pete talk to him.

By October, Pete was off touring, and the calls came as regularly as we could make them. Most of the calls came early in the morning, and Lewy was always reaching for my phone whenever it rang. Poor baby always cried when it wasn't Pete.

For my birthday, Pete actually showed up, surprising me, and Lewy. I had been cleaning up, Lewy was in his walker, watching the TV, when the door bell rang. Vita had been on the couch and offered to get it, but I told her I would.

I opened the door and saw a large box, wrapped in purple gift wrapping, being held up in front of the person's face. I raised a brow, "Um, can I help you?"

The box lowered and there was Pete, grinning at me. My own smile filled my face, "What the hell are you doing here?"

He came in, sweeping to the side and kissing me quickly, "I heard it was your birthday. Plus, I got you something."

He set the gift down and I moved in to hug him tightly, "I missed you."

He hugged me back, "I missed you, too."

I did miss him, I almost started to cry, that's how much I missed him. I just held him tight, until Lewy started to whine. Pete let me go gently, "Someone missed me too."

I let him go and watched him go to Lewy, who was reaching out for him; "Hey, buddy! Did you miss me?"

My smile just widened watching them. I felt good about taking Pete back; I hoped it wouldn't come back and bite me in the butt.

"Hey," Pete turned to me, "Open your present."

I looked at the box and picked it up; it was light. I sat on the couch with Vita and tore open the wrapping. The box was brown and the top was taped closed, so I ripped it open. Inside the box was a brand new apple laptop.

"You bought me a laptop and put it in a giant box?" I asked as I set the box down and reached in to the grab the laptop.

Pete chuckled, "Just wanted to see your reaction. And, the laptop is top of the line, it has iChat so we can chat with a webcam. Lewy can see me."

"That's really cool," Vita noted, "He'll be happy to see you."

"That's the main reason I bought it," Pete smiled still, he nudged my arm next, "Open it up." He urged this.

I opened the laptop box and set it on top and opened the screen. I laughed at the desktop picture; it was of us when I was around 18 or 19, we were kissing and Pete was flipping off the camera. I think it was Patrick who had taken it.

"Wow," I laughed still, "We look like babies."

Vita leaned over, "You guys look so cute together."

"That's 'cuz we are." Pete smirked.

I shook my head and looked over the computer. Pete showed me how to iChat; he showed me how to take pictures and edit them. The first picture was of he and Lewy; I made that my desktop picture. My two favorite boys.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if it's so disjointed, but I wanted to post something before my Internet went out yet again. Sorry for any mistakes, I will most definitely edit it by Monday (some dude is gonna come fix my Internet connection since it's been acting iffy, on Monday.)
Once again, I apologize, the next update will be better, I promise :)

Thank you for reading and being patient and sweet
xo ali