This Is Me and You Until We've Got Nothing Left

The best of us can find happiness in misery

Pete said he would be leaving just after Halloween and would be gone well until Christmas. I was prepared for all that, and hoped that Lewy would be to. He was loving every moment Pete was around, and I was happy to leave them alone together.

I had to meet with Mia to discuss our finishing up my contract. I didn't have to do much but sign some stuff and then I was good.

Pete was putting Lewy to sleep while I got dressed and did my makeup. He was watching me, making me mess up a little on my eyeliner; "Why do you keep lookin' at me?" I asked.

"'Cuz I want to."

I scoffed, "Well, look somewhere else."

"You don't like me lookin' at you?"

"I see you in my peripheral version and I'm afraid I'm gonna poke myself in the eye."

"Then you stop lookin' at me."

I couldn't help but to laugh, "I think you want me to poke my eye out."

"Why would I want that?"

I looked back at him, "I don't know."

He looked at Lewy; who was now happily asleep, and then at me. He got up and came over, "Lemme do it for you."

I gave Pete the eyeliner pencil and sat still as he cupped my jaw, placed his hand softly on my face and began to trace my left eye lid. My eyes were rolled up, so I couldn't really see him until he announce he was done. I blinked and then he did the same with the other; he smudged them a little after I had blinked.

I looked at myself, "I never told you this, but you're really good at putting eyeliner on."

"Lots of teenage girls want my secrets." He joked.

"I saw you in Seventeen magazine a couple of months back when I took Lewy to a doctor's appointment." I began to put my makeup away, "I kinda thought it was funny; there's my son's father in Seventeen magazine talking about his favorite makeup and hair care products."

Pete laughed, "Did it freak you out?"

I shook my head and looked up at him, "No, I felt happy. Not in a way of making fun of you, Pete, in, I was --I am proud of you."

He smiled, but ever the kidder, he joked again, "Proud that I'm a makeup guru to teenage girls everywhere?"

I stood up and wrapped my arms around his neck, "Yes, very, very proud."

Pete kissed me, "Thank you."

I kept my arms wrapped him as he ran his hands up and down my back. "I'm proud of you too. But I don't like that anyone can open a lingerie magazine and see you like that."

"It was only one," I said as I pulled back to look at him, "And I'm not even going to do it anymore, it was just for a while so I could make money."

"Why don't you just ask me for money?" He questioned.

"Because I like making my own money. I'd feel like a little girl asking her daddy for an allowance."

Pete was silent, but he nodded slowly, "Okay."

"I appreciate everything you've ever done for me, but I like having and doing for myself and Lewy."

He kissed me once, "I want to help."

"You can help when I really need it, okay?"


I sighed softly, "Thank you, Peter. Now, I've got to go before Mia starts calling me. I'll be home before long and then I'm gonna pick up Vita from her friends."

"We need some alone time." He whined.

I raised a brow, "The last time we ever had alone time, I got pregnant."

"We were living together." He said with a laugh. "And that wasn't the last time."

"I'm counting it as one."

He kissed the underside of my jaw, "Panic is having a hometown party just after Halloween in Vegas, do wanna come with me?"

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Who's gonna watch Lewy and take Vita to school?"

"Our folks love Lewy and I'm sure Vita can hang with friends."

"I'm not leaving my 13-year-old sister with someone I don't know."

"Your mom did." He spat out.

I furrowed my brow at him, "Better left with me than with my mom, sleepin' on a couch nearly going hungry."

"I didn't mean it like that--"

"Think before you speak, Peter. That's your problem, you never think before you say something."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it to hurt your feelings."

I shook my head, letting him go, "I know you didn't, okay? I'm not mad, neither. I'm just...I don't know..."

"We'll talk about this later," he gave my cheek a kiss. "I love you, you know."

I smiled faintly, "I love you, too, you asshole."

He laughed, "Good."

I picked up Vita first, since she called me just as I drove past the block of where her friend, Ashlyn, lived. She climbed in and set her purse on her lap; "Can I sleep over Ash's on Halloween? Her mom invited me, she said she'd pick me up and she'd take us to school."

I looked over at her, "Have Ashlyn's mom call me."

"I already did," she said, "She said she'd call you tomorrow."

I nodded slowly, "I'm going to meet with Mia, do you want to come with me?"


"Hey," I thought about what Pete had offered me, "Would it be okay if I went to Las Vegas with Pete after Halloween? I mean, would Ashlyn's mom be okay with you staying for a few days?"

"Maybe. Her mom works at night, and her dad come home when we're out of school."

"Would it be trouble?"

"I don't think so. Ashlyn's an only child and I think her mom likes me coming around."

"We'll talk about it later, I was just wondering."

Vita hummed, "Okay."

We talked just a little until we got to the agency; we both got out and walked inside the building. Vita wowed at the sight, "Holy crap."

"What?" I asked with a laugh.

"This place is huge!"

I shook my head and went up the front desk and met with the new receptionist; she let me and Vita go back to Mia's office. Inside, Mia was shuffling through papers, "Hey, Naomi." Mia looked up, "This must be Vita?"

"Yeah, my little sister. V, meet Mia."

Vita waved, "Hi."

"Do you model?"

I rolled my eyes, "Don't start, she's only 13."

"It's never too late nor too early." Mia chuckled.

"It is for her."

We both sat and Mia slid papers over to me, "This is a sad day for me, you know."

I signed my name were it was highlighted, "I told you I wasn't going to do this forever."

"Still, you were amazing." I slipped the papers back to her, and then she stuck out her hand, "Keep in touch, okay? Lets not be strangers."

I shook her hand, "Of course."

She exhaled softly, our hands dropped and then she looked over at Vita, "It was great meeting you, Vita. One day, look me up."

I shook my head, "When she's 18."

Vita giggled, "Whatever Naomi says, Mia. It was nice meeting you."

I waved to Mia as we left and then we exited the building. In the car, I looked at Vita, "You wouldn't become a model would you?"

Vita smiled, "I think so. I think it's glamorous, Naomi."

"Well, maybe you can ask mom."

Vita sighed, "Oh, gosh...she'd encourage it. Anything to make a buck."

I frowned, unsure of what to say.

"I won't tell her about this, she'd want me to do it as soon as possible."

"You can say no, ya'know."

"Not with her," she combed her hair back with her hand, "She always has to make everything difficult."

"That's her way."

"Why are you defending her?" Vita asked softly, "She only uses you."

I didn't answer right away. I didn't know what to say. "Because she's our mom."

"All she sees is dollar signs whenever your name comes up. She doesn't even care that you took money out of Lewis' college fund to help her; she and my dad are selfish."

I blinked; more so because I was at a loss for words.

"I don't ever want to go back there." She mumbled,

I let out a small sigh, "You won't have to, V...I don't even think mom would've wanted you to come back."

"Me either."

The rest of the ride, we were quiet; we got home, and Vita came around the car and hugged me. I was caught off guard, but I hugged her back. She let go first, "Thanks, Naomi."

I nodded slowly, "You're welcome, V."

We went inside, finding Pete on the couch with Hemy; Vita went on to her room, and I plopped down with them. Pete wrapped his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder; "Where's Lewy?"

"His crib." Pete began to change the channels. "How'd everything go?"

"Easy." I answered.

"Are you upset?"

"No, why would I be? I'm happy."

"I was just asking." He rubbed my shoulder, "I'm happy you're happy."

I leaned up and kissed his cheek, "Thanks."

"So, uh, do you wanna talk about coming down to Vegas with me?"

"I asked Vita if her friend's family would mind if she stayed over for a few days; she's staying for Halloween."

Pete hummed, "That sounds great, see? What'd she say?"

I told him everything Vita and I discussed; Pete looked happy. I tried not to get his, along with my, hopes up.

"I gotta talk to her friend's mom first."

Pete grinned, "I told ya. Now me and you can go party and have some alone time."

I rolled my eyes and then wrapped my arms around his middle, "Yeah, sure."