This Is Me and You Until We've Got Nothing Left

And we're changing our ways, taking different roads

Lewy played in the wrapping paper, while Abbey and Julian laughed at Chris and Pete singing a dance song in helium voices. I had rolled my eyes at this, cleaning up the paper; Lewy got wind of Pete doing the voice and turned his head. I set him correctly to watch Pete; Abbey had come over and helped Lewy up, "Look-it, Lewy!"

I didn't pay attention until Pete said my name in the voice, "What?" I asked.


I turned my head and saw Lewy walking towards Pete, holding Abbey's hand. My jaw had dropped, because he looked like he had been doing it for awhile. I crawled over quickly, "Abbey, has Lewy been walking?"

She nodded, "Uh-huh! I taught him."

I frowned slightly to myself, "When?"

She shrugged, "I dunno."

Pete caught Lewy as he fell into his lap, "Hey, good job, Lewis!" Pete set him on his feet; he smiled at me, even though I was frowning big time; "Go to mama, buddy. Go right to mommy."

I exhaled defeatedly, trying to forgive myself for not paying more attention to Abbey and Lewy when they played, "Come here, Lewis."

He was shaky on his feet, but he saw me with my arms wide open for him and began to rush his steps. He surprisingly didn't fall until he was in my arms; I kissed his head, "Oh, good job, baby! Mommy is proud of you."

Lewy cooed at me and nuzzled his face against mine so I'd kiss him. I cooed back, kissing the tip of his nose, "I love you, baby boy."

Pete made the helium voice, "Lewy!"

Everyone laughed at him while Lewy looked at him and wiggled in my grasp; "Dada!"

I set Lewy on his feet and watched him walk as quick as he could toward Pete. Pete picked him up, "You're already fast, maybe when you're older, we'll put you on the track team."

"Or soccer." Mrs. Wentz pointed out.

"Whatever he does, I know he'll be better than I was." Pete chuckled.

Once most of everyone left, leaving myself, Lewis, Pete, my dad, Amy, Abbey and Andrew, I had started to tell my dad about going to LA for the summer with Lewis. You could see my dad was more than unimpressed with me saying I was going, but I had to reassure him, as Pete was beside me looking a little defeated.

"It's only until August." I finished.

"And Babette'll watch Lewy for you?" My dad asked.

"Yep." I nodded, "I asked her earlier and she said yes."

Truth was, I didn't say anything to B, I had forgotten entirely. I made a mental note to speak to her before she left on the 6th.

"You're an adult, Naomi, I don't see why you're askin' me." My dad shrugged his shoulders, looking nonchalant.

"Because you're my dad and I know that you don't like Pete."

Mr. and Mrs. Wentz both chuckled, Andrew snorted, eating his 5th piece of chocolate birthday cake.

"That's not true." My dad lied shamefully.

"Dad." I tilted my head. "We all know you don't."

"I have my reasons, okay?" He said quickly.

"It's okay, Mr. V." Pete said.

"Look," my dad began, "You two have been through a rough 6 years, and I'm...I've been in between a lot of it. I didn't want to get in between anymore of anything, but I can't because of Lewis."

"I never asked you for anything, dad, you know that. You don't have to be in anything."

"Well, I can't help it." He grumbled.

"This is my and Pete's deal, alright? Don't worry."

My dad sighed deeply, "Okay,

"Thank you," I smiled at him, "I want you to stay out of it."

"If I can help it." He added shortly.

I rolled my eyes, "If you can help it."

Pete looked at me with surprise, and then he smiled. I knew that my dad wouldn't stay out of it, if Pete and I were to get into a fight. I knew that for sure, but still, I smiled, reassuring him.

Pete stayed over with his things; Andy and Joe would pick him up in the morning to meet up with Patrick at the airport. I knew that Lewy would be up early, he always is, and then he could cry upon the door closing with Pete behind. Pete was the one to put him to bed, making sure he was fully asleep before he came into my bedroom.

When he did, I was changing into my pajamas; he wolf whistled at me, "Look at you, Curve City."

I flipped him off, "Stop staring."

"It's not like I haven't seen it before."

"Yeah, so what? Don't be a jerk or you'll never see it again."

He laughed, "You win."

I put on my pajamas quickly and then climbed onto the bed, "I'm really bummed about Lewy walking before today."

"Abbey taught him, you should be happy."

"No, I shouldn't, that's something parents are suppose to witness first."

Pete turned to face me, "He said his first word in front of you."

"I know that, but c'mon, that would've been amazing to see...Lewy getting up on his own, in front of us, and then walking to one of us." I frowned, "I feel robbed."

Pete scooted closer to me, "I'm sorry, Naomi."

"Don't say the "s" word to me." I pouted.

He laughed, "I meant for you missing Lewy's first steps, not for something I did."

"I just wish I could've seen it...just a bit of it." I mumbled after a moment.

"Aw, babe, don't be sad." Pete chuckled and kissed my cheek.

"I'm gonna be sad, don't you tell me what to do."

He smiled wider, "Okay, okay."

I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling myself into his lap, "Why aren't you upset?"

He shrugged, wrapping his arms around my torso, "I kinda figured I would be somewhere else when Lewy began to walk and talk. I put it in my head that it would be something I'd miss."

"You're a jerk." I mumbled.

"I'm being honest, and I really didn't think I'd see it, for real, Naomi."

"Don't you ever say that again, you hear me?" I glared at him, "You're not gonna miss anything else of Lewy's; you're going to be there when he starts kindergarten, when he goes to high school, when he learns to drive, when he graduates and when he gets married."

Pete smiled, "I'll try."

"No, there is no trying here. So I suggest you keep the 3rd week of August in 2010 open, ya got me?"

"I got you." He said with a nod and a laugh.

"I'm not kidding. You miss any of these things I will personally put on the toughest boots I own and kick your ass."

Pete fell back and laugh, making me fall against him, "I won't. I promise."

"You break that promise, I'll break ya legs."

Pete kissed my lips softly, gently and persistent until I gave in. My heart began to thump, like a drum against my ribcage. I kissed back, wanting more, out of habit; Pete's kisses were so familiar and made my stomach knot. Everything about his kisses reminded me of when I was 16, in a sense of nostalgia; like watching a home movie, a faint smell or song that reminds you of good times. That's what Pete is, what he embodies; the last 3 years of my teenage life into my adult ones.

We parted after what felt like seconds, but it was more than likely minutes. I looked at him, "I will break your legs, Peter."

He snickered like it was funniest thing I ever said, "I get it."

I straddled him comfortably, "Good. Now, just shut up and kiss me again."

He cupped my jaw and pulled me down to kiss him deeply.


We didn't sleep together; we made out a lot; I think we broke a record, to be honest. We slept peacefully, but were awaken by cries from Lewy early the next morning; insanely early. It was about 4 AM when Lewy woke us; Pete grumbled, "I don't even think Jesus is awake yet."

I had slapped his bare chest, earning a hiss and a whine from him. I got out of bed and went to get Lewy so I could get him a bottle and feed him. Pete followed after me; "Hey baby," I picked up Lewy from his crib as he whimpered and wiped his face, "Aw, don't cry mommy's here. Daddy too."

Pete leaned over me, still shirtless, "Hey, woke me up." I nudged him, harshly; Pete laughed, "Ow, Navy."

"Don't be a jerk." I told him, leading the way to the kitchen.

I set Lewy in his high chair and Pete hopped onto the counter, where I usually sat to feed Lewy. I went to the fridge and got a bottle out, heated it up and gave it to Lewy. "I'm makin' eggs, any request before I say F-U and make you do it yourself?"

Pete smiled famously, "I'd love some pancakes."

"F-U, make 'em yourself."

He hopped off the counter and went to the pantry; I made eggs for Lewy and myself; Pete came back with a box of Cheerios and poured himself a bowl; "It's too early for pancakes." He mumbled as I eyed him.

"Told ya."

"You just said F-U, make 'em yourself," he snorted after mimicking me.

I elbowed him in his ribs; he cried out and hissed; "Don't copy me." I said shortly.

"Geez, someone woke up on the wrong side of the mattress."

"Don't start, Peter." I warned him.

He just laughed and began to eat his cereal. I put the eggs in a bowl and hopped on my spot on the counter and fed Lewy. He looked happy to eat and to see Pete making jokes at my expense. I was too tired to deal with him; I had slept good, I'm just not a morning person, especially with cheery adults who are abnormally up so early.

"How can you be so happy this early." I cursed at Pete as he slumped on the couch with Lewy to watch cartoons.

"I didn't really sleep. I watched you sleep, but I only slept for like 45 minutes."

I frowned at him from the entry of my hallway; he couldn't see me; "That'll kill you, and I'm not going to bury you, Peter Wentz. You better start sleeping a full 4 hours, or however long you're suppose to sleep."

"Go take a shower, or whatever it is you girls do." He kidded.

I growled under my breath, "I hope you know, I'm giving you the finger right now."

He lifted his hand and flipped me off, "Now we're even."

"Ugh, you're lucky I love you, or I would seriously F-ing murder you."

"I'm so happy you love me then." He said with a yawn.

I shook my head and left him there with Lewy.

After I took a shower and actually woke myself up, I returned to the living room and found both Lewy and Pete asleep with Spongebob on the TV. I cooed to myself and went to go find my camera; it took me about a minute, but luckily they hadn't woken up or moved; I took their picture and still they didn't move. I frowned to myself when I thought about when Pete would actually wake up and he would leave; Lewy would cry until he would fall asleep and I wasn't looking forward to that. I set the camera on my coffee table and sat at the end of the couch as gently as I could so i wouldn't wake them. They didn't move an inch, not until someone rang the doorbell.

I was half way through a weird freaking episode of the Backyardigans when this all happened. Lewy stirred first, then Pete; I got up and went to the door, letting Joe and Andy in; "Wakey, wakey." Joe said happily.

Pete flipped him off, "The hell time is it?" He yawned.

"It's 9:15, plane leaves at 9:45. Lets go." Andy said.

Pete got up, slowly, carrying Lewy, "Sh--" he caught himself, "Shoot, Lewy's gonna cry."

"I know," I sighed, taking him from Pete, "Hurry up, though, I don't want you to miss your flight."

Pete yawned again and went to get his shirt and shoes. Lewy looked at Andy and Joe while rubbing his eye. Joe waved his fingers at him, "Hey little dude."

Lewy waved his palm at Joe and then sighed heavily. I patted his back, "I hope he doesn't cry too much."

Pete returned, holding his duffle bag and his backpack, "I'll call when I land so maybe he won't cry too much."

"Take your time, he'll probably be asleep." I told him.

Pete sighed and then kissed the top of Lewy's head, and almost instantly, he began to cry. He was reaching out for Pete, crying "dada" while Pete looked at him with a deep frown. I patted his back, "Daddy will be back." I assured him.

Pete nodded, "Yeah, you and mommy will see me soon, I promise."

This had no effect, so all Pete could do was kiss him again and then say sorry before he waved and left hurriedly. I sat with Lewy, rocking my crying baby until he fell asleep.
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(I know the title are lyrics from Joy Division's Love Will Tear Us Apart, but Fall Out Boy covered it, so...)