This Is Me and You Until We've Got Nothing Left

It's just a matter of time until we're all found out

Sunday was my birthday and my parents were expecting me to come over. I was still sick and tired and not sure if I should have told them right away. I knew that the Wentzs' would be expecting me to come see them as well, since Mrs. Wentz had gotten me a gift. I knew I would tell her soon. But, the person that I knew I would tell first was Babette.

Babette lived in the same apartment complex as me, she and Chris. They were planning on getting married soon and I was the only one to know thus far. They wanted to go to Niagara Falls and elope. So, since I knew that I knew B would get to hear me tell her the news first. Plus, she is wise and would tell me exactly what she thought I should do.

She had come over that morning, visiting me first for my birthday. Pete was asleep, Lewy was right there in the living room playing with his large plastic Tonka trucks. Babette slipped in and grinned at me, holding a small gift wrapped box, "Happy birthday, girlie!"

I smiled, exhaling, "Hey, B, thanks."

She sat with me and handed me the gift; she picked up Lewy and kissed his cheeks repeatedly, "Hey big boy! How are ya?"

Lewy blushed; his little cheeks turned red as he hugged B. He really loves her so much, it's unreal.

"You didn't have to get me a gift, B," I said to her.

"I wanted to, because you deserve it. Where's Pete?"

"Asleep," I plucked open the box and smiled when I saw a gold tube of lipstick, "Lipstick?" I asked curiously.

She nodded, smiling, "It's a $200 tube of red lipstick."

My brows shot up, "Babette, that's crazy!"

"No, it's free. I got it for free, and I know how good you look in red lipstick."

"B, that'"

"Hey, don't even think about it, it's a birthday gift for you, Naomi," she waved it off as she played with Lewy, making him giggle.

"Thank you, B," I licked over my lips as I looked it over. "I, uh, I need to tell you something."

She looked up at me, "What, are you allergic to the lipstick?" She joked.

"No," I shook my head, "I'm pregnant."

She didn't look surprised, "For real?"


"Pete's the father?"

"No duh. I broke up with Vincent back in April."

"Hey, just because you break up doesn't mean you can't mess around," Babette kidded even more.

"Yeah, I know," I scoffed.

"What did big head say?"

"We got into an argument," I explained; I went into what was said and how we sort of stopped arguing.

"He begged?" She made a face.


"Are you keeping the baby?"

"I don't know, B," I coursed my hair back, "I just know that my dad is gonna be pissed off."

"You always worry about what your old man is gonna think," she reflected, "What gives?"

"I hate disappointing him, B. I put him through hell, ya'know, with Pete and all."

"He's proud of you, I mean, look at where you are!" She smiled and ruffled Lewy's hair, "You finished college, Naomi, you've got a job and you have a kid. All on your own...they baby sit and your dad helped you with the tuition money, but you worked your butt off. You shouldn't feel like you're disappointing him, because I doubt you are."

"You think so?" I asked skeptically.

"Yes, Naomi," she exasperated with a smile, "You've haven't put him in the hospital yet, have you? No, so don't feel bad."

"You think I should keep the baby, then?"

"If you think you want him or her," Babette replied.

I coursed my hair back, "I'm afraid to do it on my own."

"You won't be on your own, you've got your dad, Amy, and Pete's parents."

"What I don't have is Pete," I added.

She frowned slightly, "Yeah, I'm sorry."

I sighed, "I guess I'm gonna be a mommy again."

Babette smiled at me, "You don't have to be if you don't want to."

I shook my head, "I can't imagine not having them. It's just like before, when is as 17, y'know, and I was afraid. I wouldn't be able to go through with it, and placing them up for adoption isn't something I could do through with either."

"I can help you, too, Naomi," Babette added, "If you ever need any help 'round here, don't hesitate to ask me."

I exhaled, "Thanks, B."

"Yeah, you're welcome," she cooed at Lewy, "Guess who's gonna be a big bro! You are little guy."

I smiled at them; Lewy clapped his hands and said "B" excitedly.

"Can I ask you somethin'?" B asked as I looked over the gold tube.


"Did you sleep with Vin?"

I looked at her, "Well, yeah. He was my boyfriend."

She snickered, "I knew it."

"Hey, it wasn't like we weren't going to. Why do you even ask?"

"I was just wondering. You and Pete have been together for, like, ever and you've never been with anyone else...I don't think."

"I've only slept with one other person, and that person was Vin."

"Was he good?"

My face burned, "Oh my God, B!"

She laughed, "C'mon, just tell me."

"He was alright," I admitted quickly, "He wasn't like Pete...I'm not sure what to expect from other guys, I'll always be use to Pete. Anyway, Vin was all hands."

"Handsy?" B's lips turned up.

"Yes, he likes to look and touch," I shrugged.

She giggled now, "Nothing like Pete?"

I shook my head, "Nope. I like that, I like that no one will be him."

"That's because you're in love with him."

I sighed softly, "Yeah, I know."

"So, I know that," she set Lewy down so he could play with his toys, "you just found out, but what do you think your baby is?"

"I don't know. I've only my been thinking about how I'm gonna tell my dad."

"Don't worry yourself with that, he'll be just fine with it," Babette assured me.

I exhaled, "I hope you're right."

Pete got up awhile after B left; he slugged around to the bathroom, meeting me as I bathed Lewy. Lewy smiled, "Hi daddy!"

Pete hummed, "Hi buddy."

I looked over at Pete, "Are you gonna come with me to my parents'?"

Pete turned the faucet on, nodding slowly, "Yeah."

"I think your mom might be there. If she isn't, we'll go over to theirs."

He began to brush his teeth and hum; he was bothered. I could see it in his body language, and I wasn't about to question it. Lewy splashed while I continued to wash him up, and then rinse the suds from his body.

Pete led the way out the bathroom as I carried Lewy and dried him off. His little teeth he had chattered, so I rubbed his back, "You're cold, huh, bubba?"

Lewy nodded, "Yeah."

I laughed softly, "Can you understand now?"

Lewy's teeth chattered, but eventually stopped once I got him dressed. Pete was busy texting and trying to dress at the same time. I went over and took his phone, "You're gonna zip your dick in your fly if you don't pay attention."

He laughed, "I was texting Andy."

"Andy can wait, get dressed."

"You gonna watch?"

I rolled my eyes playfully and set his phone on the dresser, "Just hurry up."

"I am," he said.

I took Lewy's hand, "Let's go play, bubba."

Lewy and I went into the living room, playing with his blocks until Pete was ready. He had come in, "My folks are going to yours, so lets get goin'. My mom has a gift for you."

"Speaking of gifts, where is yours to me?" I smirked.

He smirked back, "It's inside of you."

I slugged his arm, "Asshole."

Pete just smiled, picking up Lewis, "C'mon. I'm ready to have my balls ripped off."

"My dad isn't gonna yell at just you, he's gonna yell at me too."

Pete sighed, "Whatever you say."

We got into my car, where I drove; Pete kept telling me to be careful since it was raining. I had rolled my eyes, "Pete, shut up."

"I'm just bein' cautious."

"I'm good, okay?"

"Okay," he grumbled, "I did get you a gift though."

"Where is it?"

"You'll see tonight."

"I hate when you do that," I muttered.

"It's supposed to be a surprise, you know, you don't have to wait that long."

"If you didn't get me anything, it's okay, Peter."

"I did get you something, Naomi," he chuckled, "It's just has to wait."

I hummed, "Alright."

We got to my folks a few minutes later. I sat in the car for a moment, feeling sick, but it was nerves more than the baby. I swallowed and looked at Pete, "Are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be," he said.

We got out, where I grabbed my umbrella and placed it over my head, then unbuckled Lewy. Pete had grabbed his diaper bag and helped with the umbrella. Finally, we walked up the pathway and then I opened the door; my stomach flipped uneasily, "Oh god," I said to myself.

"Navy!" Abbey cried and rushed over.

"Hey, sweetie," I gave her a one armed hug, "Where's mom and dad?"

"In there with Mr. Peter and Ms. Dale," she said, then went over to Pete, "Hi Pete!"

Pete smiled and knelt to her, "Hey Abbey."

"We have cake! You want cake?"

I laughed as she tugged Pete along; I followed after, entering the living room with everyone. My folks stopped speaking when they saw me, and everyone greeted me. I sat beside Mrs. Wentz, as she took Lewy, and tried to think of a way to break the news.

"Naomi," Amy broke my thoughts, "I made cake for you, if you want some?"

I nodded, "Thanks, Amy."

"You look flushed," my dad said, "Are you okay?"

Again, I nodded, "Yeah. I think I'm gonna get some cake."

I hurried and left the room, feeling pressure. I found Pete and Abbey in the kitchen; Abbey was telling him about making the cake and then she saw me, "I got you a present, Navy."

"You did?" I asked nicely, "Can I see it?"

She nodded, "I'll be right back."

Abbey rushed off, while I leaned against the counter and sighed. Pete licked frosting off his thumb and handed me a plate with chocolate cake, "Couldn't wait for the candles."

"No candles, I told them just to make a cake and I'd be happy," I answered, "I think I may shit my pants."

He laughed, "You act like they're gonna kill you."

I looked back, "This is scary, okay? I don't do well when people start telling me how dumb I am."

"They're not gonna say your dumb." Pete took his fork and poked some of the cake on my plate.

"Fine, you tell 'em then."

"I will of you want me to," he said confidently, "Lets go."

I bit my lip and handed him the plate, "I'll do it," we both started towards the kitchen, meeting Abbey along the way. She gave me a small gift bag, "I picked it out myself," she stated proudly.

I smiled, knelt and kissed her cheek, "I'll open it right now."

Abbey smiled back at me; I opened the bag and looked between the gifting tissue and saw a small black box. I took it out and saw it was a jewelry box; drawn on it were scenes from Nightmare Before Christmas. "Abbey, this is awesome."

"Open it!" She exclaimed.

I opened the lid and inside This Is Halloween started to play while a little Jack Skellington figurine twirled with his arms out. I grinned, "This is amazing, Abbey. Where'd you get it?"

"At the mall, I told mommy that you like this movie."

I hugged her, "Thank you, sweetie. I love it."

"You're welcome," she said cheerily.

"Lets go to the living room," I began as I stood, placing the box back in the bag, "I have something to tell you guys."


Abbey walked into the living room, in front of me and took a seat on the floor next to Pete. He shared the cake with her, while I sat beside Mrs. Wentz again. My stomach knotted as they looked at me again, talking softly, and then pausing; "Feel better?" Amy asked.

I shook my head, "Uh, no, um...I've got something to tell you guys."

I should've just said it then, because it was blatantly obvious. My dad looked stoic, while Amy and Mrs. Wentz smiled and Mr. Wentz rose a brow at me, "What is it?" He asked.

I exhaled, "Uh, I'm pregnant."

Everyone was quiet; Mrs. Wentz set Lewy on floor, where he waddled over to Pete, who was waiting for anyone to say anything.

"Oh, wow," Amy said first.

"When did you find out?" Mr. Wentz asked.

"Yesterday," I answered him.

"Do you know how far along you might be?" Mrs. Wentz questioned.

I shook my head, "No more than 2 months, I suppose."

They were quiet. I really wished my dad had said anything. He just looked at me, no expression to his face.

"Another baby," Mr. Wentz stated, "That's great."

"You're havin' a baby, Navy?" Abbey asked.

I nodded as I looked to her, "Yeah, I am."

"Cool!" She cheered.

Pete smiled at her, then at me. My stomach was still in knots. I looked at my dad, "Dad?"

He inhaled softly, "This is a surprise."

"You're not mad, are you?" I asked meekly.

He shook his head, "No, why would I be mad?"

"Because you're my dad."

He laughed, "You're an adult, I can't control you."

"You're happy?"

He nodded, smiling, "Yes, I'm happy for you."

I narrowed my eyes, "Who are you and what have you done with my dad Lee?"

My dad laughed, "I'm your dad, kid. I'm happy for you, alright? You don't believe me?"

I smiled back at him, "Yes, I believe you."

"Good. Congrats, Naomi, I am happy for you," he exhaled and looked at Pete, "and you, too, Pete. I expect you to do more for your kids, now that there'll be another."

"I will, Mr. V," Pete said shortly, handling Lewy into his lap.

"That's all I care about here," my dad added.

"Yeah," Mr. Wentz joined in, "We only want you to take care of your responsibilities."

I bit at my lip, seeing Pete's eyes and expression cloud over. He nodded, "Yeah, I know."

"This is all so wonderful," Mrs. Wentz ginned, "I can't believe we're having another grandchild."

"We should celebrate," Amy added.

"No, no, not yet," I said, "Let's just wait..." I trailed, "We can celebrate later...a baby shower."

"That's so far along," Amy reflected, "But that gives us time! We can help you prepare, more so than we did before Lewis was born."

"Yes," Mrs. Wentz turned to me, "We can find you another house nearby so you'll have more room."

I felt overwhelmed, but I didn't stop them. Amy and Mrs. Wentz were so excited about my being pregnant, that I was ousted of the conversation. Pete and I got up and went to get more cake with Lewy and Abbey. Our dad's went to the garage and got beer, and then returned to the living room. Pete sat Abbey on the counter and held Lewy; I got them cake.

"Are you okay about this?" I asked him as I handed out the small plates.

He nodded, "Yeah, why?"

"You didn't look happy," I said.

"I hate when my dad gives me that look, ya know? Like I already messed up," Pete poked the cake and fed some to Lewy; Abbey sat beside him and ate some.

"They just worry," I excused.

Abbey looked over at me, "What are you gonna call your baby?"

"I dunno. We don't know what they are yet."

"How long until you know?"

"A long time, honey. I have to go to doctor and everything."

"Did you wait a long time when Lewis was a baby?"

"Yep," I hummed, "It felt like forever, but it didn't take that long, 'cuz he's here now, right?"

She smiled and nodded, "Right."

The Wentz's had given me a gift card to my favorite shop to buy some clothes. My dad and Amy had given me some money to help buy a new car, which I thought was too much. You could see how much Pete didn't like it.

Getting home, I could see his mood had changed drastically. He had gone to the bathroom to shower; I had caught him taking his medication, which I hoped would set him in a better mood.

"Pete?" I had called just as he put the cap on the bottle.


"Are those for your depression?"

"They're my bi-polar meds."

"Oh," I went over, cradled Lewy, "Say goodnight, bubba."

"Bye-bye," he said to Pete.

Pete smiled, kissing the top of Lewy's head, "Goodnight, Lew."

I smiled at Pete and exited, taking Lewy to his room. I sat in the rocking chair with him, and grabbed a book, "Okay, tonight is my favorite, Rainbow Fish."

Lewy clapped upon seeing the cover. He goes gaga for the reflective scales of the fishes. He didn't pay attention to me as I read, he loved the pictures. I read until he stopped fussing with the book and actually fell asleep, sucking on his pacifier. I felt a little sick as I stood with him; I rubbed my head and set the book down.

Lewy slept still as I placed him in his crib and covered him. I feathered my fingers gently through his loose, black curls. He was starting to look more like me, less like Pete now; it was gradually coming on. I then wondered who this baby would look like, and if it would be a little girl or another little boy. I wasn't sure exactly what I would favor, but I didn't mind, I would love the heck out of them.

"Naomi, is he okay?" Pete whispered as he came in.

I leaned off Lewy's crib and nodded, "Yeah...yeah, I just got a little dizzy, that's all."

"Are you goin' to work tomorrow?"

"Yeah," I answered as we left his room, "Why?"

"You're still sick."

"I'll be fine," I said as I began to undress, "I'm gonna call my doc tomorrow morning, see if he'll see me ASAP."

"I think you should stay home," Pete said as he sat on my bed.

I was just in my panties as I went to my dresser to get a large shirt from the bottom drawer, "I'll be just fine, it's only from 8 to 3."

"I worry about you, you know."

"Pete, don't worry," I slipped the shirt on and got into bed, "I'll be okay. I'm really tired, so lets sleep."

"I need to give you your gift," he said quickly.

I chuckled, "I almost forgot."

Pete lifted his duffle bag from the floor and opened it. I then remembered he was supposed to give me the band's demo. I smiled as he handed me a blank case with a burned CD inside that read, in Patrick's sloppy handwriting: Happy Birthday Naomi!

"I forgot about this," I said, smiling.

"I knew you did," he grinned, "You can listen to it tomorrow on your way to work. I only put the key songs about you on it."

I felt my heart thump, "Thank you. You never actually told me what songs you wrote about me."

"I've written a lot of lines about you, but these are full songs," he said, "They're for you, so I hope you like them."

"If Patrick's singing 'em, I'll love them," I leaned over and pecked his lips, "Thank you, Pete."

"You're welcome, babe."

I set the CD on my bedside table and yawned softly, "Come cuddle with me."

He chuckled and climbed beneath the blankets with me. His arms wrapped warm around me, and his lips pressed against my forehead. Knowing that this moment would become rare made it even more special, I just hated that I couldn't take these moments for granted like most women.

"I wish we could be like this all the time," I whispered.

"Me too," he replied.

I listened to his soft breathing and his heart pace softly against my ear. I fell asleep easily, my eyelids heavy.

I awoke the next morning to my alarm going off. I was still holding Pete, he holding me, and a steady pounding of a headache. I sighed and unwrapped my arms around Pete; he groaned tiredly as I got up and shut the clock off.

"'Time is it?" He grumbled.

"7. Go back to sleep," I told him.

He hummed sleepily while I got up, took some aspirin and went to see if Lewy was up. Luckily, he was still snoozing, so I decided to take a quick shower. Returning from which, I threw up and then brushed my teeth.

My head pounded unmercifully, I contemplated staying home, but I couldn't, not on such short notice. I got dressed, and then got Lewy up; changed his diaper and got him a bottle. He walked around the living room while I ate some cereal and fought off nausea. I put my bowl away and then called my doctor; I picked up Lewy and took him to my room and set him on the bed next to Pete; "Daddy! Daddy!" He cried to Pete.

Pete got up, rubbing his eyes while I made an appointment for the next morning. I hung up and stuffed my phone in my pocket; "I'll stay home tomorrow," I swallowed bile, "I gotta go, I made coffee."

Pete grabbed my arm and kissed my lips quickly, "Come home if you get worse."

I nodded, "I will. Take care of Lewis."

"I will," Pete assured, "Good luck."

"I don't need luck," I felt his hand slip from my wrist, "I need to stop throwing up."

He slapped my ass before I was out of reach. I glared at him while Lewy laughed his butt off. "Think about that," Pete said, fighting a grin, "I'm sure you'll stop thinking about vomit."

"You're lucky that didn't hurt. I'll see you guys later," I kissed Lewy's cheek, "Love you, bubba."

"Bye-bye, mama!"