This Is Me and You Until We've Got Nothing Left

A penny for your thoughts, but a dollar for your insides

Pete offered to drive me home when it was time for me and the baby to leave. My dad was a little hesitant, but gave in; he did wheel me down with the nurse, and helped me into my car, which Pete was driving. I sat in the backseat with the baby and buckled in; I looked in on him as he wiggled a bit, getting comfortable in the car seat.

"I'll take the flowers for you," my dad said just before he shut the door, "Pete, keep your eyes on the road, they're slick."

"I will," Pete said reassuringly.

"I'll be right behind you guys."

My dad shut the door and then we were off. I sat back, sighing softly at the same ache in my back. Pete turned on the radio, playing Iron Maiden; I protested, "Play Asleep by the Smiths. That mix CD you made me is in the CD changer."

"What number?"


Pete changed the music, playing the Smiths. I hummed to it; I didn't know the words all that well, so humming was the best I could do. Pete was quiet as he drove, I could sense he wanted to say something, but he didn't.

"What's up?" I asked him as the song changed.

"What do you mean?" He hummed.

"You're all tense and stuff, what do you wanna say?"

He exhaled, "Nothin' okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just fine."

"Good," he murmured.

We were quiet after that, Pete kept his eyes forward, still tense.

As soon as I got home, Amy practically took over Benji. She was in love with him and held him and fed him. I was okay with it, I was still sore, all over, and just wanted to lie down. Hilary had come over with her gifts; some for Lewy and some for Benji.

She sat on the floor with Lewy and let him rip open the presents. "Go for it," she told him.

Lewy opened them up and was engrossed with the colorful wrapping paper. Pete had sat with them, looking over the toys she bought them. She bought Lewy and Benji t-shirts that read "Thing 1" and "Thing 2".

"My kids aren't things," Pete said to her.

Hilary scoffed, "It's a joke, Pete."

"I think they're cute," I said, looking them over. "Lewy, you like the gifts Auntie Hilary bought you?"

He hummed and tossed the wrapping in the air. My dad picked him up, "Hey," he began to scold Lewy playfully, "You mess it up, you clean it up."

Lewy giggled, "'Kay."

My dad sat Lewy in his lap and let him play with a paper ball of wrapping. Hilary put the toys to one side and took her turn holding Benji. Pete was quiet, still, and I nudged him, "What's up, Peter?"

He exhaled, "I'm just looking at Benji."

"Didn't know you could make someone so good lookin', huh?"

He laughed, "Yeah."

"I helped," I added, "Don't think you've got all the good genes in there."

Pete smirked, "Yeah, yeah, I know."

The rest of the evening was quiet; I put Benji in the bassinet in my room, while Pete fed Lewy and played with him for a bit, before he got tired. My dad and Amy were in the kitchen drinking coffee, and Abbey was playing on the floor.

Lewy yawned; "I think that means it's time for me to get out of here," Pete said softly, "I'll be back tomorrow."

"I'll be right here," I said with a lame laugh.

"You need anything?"

"No, I'm good. I'm gonna put Lew to bed, then I'm gonna crash."

Pete picked up Lewy and kissed his cheek, "I'll see you later, buddy."

Lewy yawned and hugged Pete; I cooed softly and let Pete hand him to me. He got up and sighed, "I'll see you."

"Goodnight, Pete," I smiled at him.

"'Night, Naomi. See ya, Abbey."

Abbey waved and yawned too.

After Pete was gone, I change Lewy into his pajamas and then changed myself. He climbed into the bed with me and snuggled against his pillow, "Nighty-night," he said to Benji, who was on my side of the bed.

I giggled, "If Benji was awake, he'd say goodnight to you too, bub."

I turned out the light and snuggled closer to Lewy; he climbed closer to me, slipping under my arm. I held him close to me, kissing the top of his head, "I love you, bubba."

"Love you, mommy," he yawned softly.

I fell asleep soon after with Lewy, but was awaken 3 hours later; Benji cried, so I had to get up, change and feed him. Lewy slept through it, twisting up in the sheets. I was up for another 4 hours tending to Benji; Lewy woke up and whined; it was 4 AM.

"Mommy," he sat up and began rubbing his eyes, "I wan' daddy."

I set Benji down on a pillow as he wiggled, as he usually did; "It's too early and daddy is probably asleep, bubba."

He pouted and started to tear up, "I want my daddy!" He cried.

My brows shot up, "Lewis, you have to be quiet, you're gonna wake up grandpa and Amy and Abbey."

He crossed his arms, "Don't care!"

I sighed, "How about I get you some juice and--"

"No!" He jumped off the bed and went to the desk, grabbing my phone.

"Lewy, give me my phone right now," I told him.

"I want daddy!" He screamed.

That was it, that made Benji start to cry, I got up and gave Benji his pacifier, quieting him and then I went over to Lewy, kneeling to him. He pressed buttons on my phone and I watched him humorously, "Are you calling him?"

He nodded, "Uh-huh!"

I gently pulled him to me, "Well, first of all, baby, that number is way too long to be your daddy's, and second, his number is right here," I found Pete's number and called it; I pressed the phone to Lewy's ear, hearing it ring.

"Naomi?" I heard Pete's voice.

"Daddy!" Lewy said excitedly, "Daddy, c'mere, please."

I heard Pete laugh, "Lew? What're you doin' up, buddy? Where's mommy?"

"Here," he said, still holding the phone, "I wan' you."

I smiled, combing back Lewy's hair.

"You want me? You want me to come over?"

"Yeah," Lewy hummed.

"Where's your mommy? Lemme talk to her."

Lewy looked back at me and I took the phone, "Lewy's having a fit because he wants to see you."

"Want me to come down?"

"Yeah, if you can."

"I'll be there soon, I'll call you when I'm outside so I won't wake up your folks and Abbey."


I hung up with Pete and picked up Lewy, setting him on the bed, "Daddy's coming, bubba. I'll get you some juice and some cereal. You stay put and let Benji sleep."

"O-kay," he mumbled.

I left Lewy and Benji, taking my phone with me, and headed to the kitchen. I got Lewy some juice and some Cheerios in a bowl for him; as soon as I had finished, my phone vibrated on the counter. I picked it up and jogged off to the front door; I turned the hall light on and let Pete inside.

"Hey," Pete looked exhausted, "Where's Lew?"

"My bedroom, I'll be in there in a sec."

Pete hummed and went down the hall; I turned off the light, grabbed Lewy's sippy cup and cereal. I heard Lewy giggle happily upon seeing Pete; I shut the door behind me, "Shh, grandpa is asleep, Lew."

He smiled at me and snuggled into Pete's arms. Pete yawned, "I missed you, too, bud."

"Here's some juice," I gave the sippy cup to Pete and sat at the other side of the bed.

Benji was asleep, so I put him back in the bassinet. I turned on the TV and kept the volume low. Lewy was just happy to be with Pete, which made me wonder how he'd be once Pete would go again. I knew he wanted Pete because I was a little busy with Benji; even after a few hours, he was already craving attention from someone. I felt really bad about it; I didn't even think how Lewy'd feel once I had the baby.

I picked at the cereal, giving some to Lewy and Pete; it wasn't long before Lewy was asleep, so Pete set him in between us. He sat up, covering Lewy with the blanket, "Here," he said as he dug into his pocket.

"What?" I asked as he pulled out his wallet, "I don't need money."

"No, wait," he opened it up and pulled out a folded paper, "Someone shoved this into my hand when I was in New York last month."

I took the paper and unfolded it; it was a signed flyer of Morrissey. I raised a brow, "Who gave this to you?"

"Some kid just put it in my hand. I thought you'd like it."

I laughed, "Thats weird."

"You can keep it, put it with the picture of my heart."

"It's around here somewhere," I said, "I think it's in a box in the closet."

"You keepin' my heart in a box now?" He smirked.

"My dad put it in there," I excused. "I think Lewy will want it, I'll find it."

Pete licked over it lips, "I, uh, got a call from management earlier," he said softly, "I'm leaving tomorrow morning and I'll be gone for awhile, I'll leave you some money or somethin', okay?"

I couldn't say no, I was borderline broke, "Okay."

"I'll call, or you call me...I'll try and comfort Lewis, cuz I know he's gonna be a handful once I'm gone."

"How long will you be gone?"

"Till the beginning of May," he paused, realizing something, "Shit, I can't miss his birthday."

"All you gotta do is try."

"I will. I'll be here, though, I promise."

"Don't keep promises, Pete. I know how your life drags on and you forget where and when you are."

He nodded slowly, "I will try, though," he rubbed his tired eyes.

"That's all I ask."

He laid against the pillows, draping his arm around Lewy's form, "I just gotta think of an awesome gift."

I smiled, "It better be spectacular."
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The end is near