‹ Prequel: To Each Her Own Flower
Status: Two shot!

Dancing on petals

Part One

Lesha flittered around her new flower happily. Her arms moved gracefully in the air and her wings creating levels of wind for her feet to jump on. Her blue dress flowed freely around legs. A random knock knocked her out her trance. She fell off of her wind and landed on her back.

“Oomph!” the weird sound came out of her throat.

She looked around, slightly dazed, for the source of the knocking. The sound came again and she realized that someone was at her door. She quickly got up and flew over to her door. She pushed the blue petal down gently and peered out. Kishal’s face greeted her. She leaned back so he could come in.

“Where you dancing again?” he asked once he stepped inside.

“Mmhm!” Dancing in the land of fae meant nothing but pure happiness.

“Well good.” Kishal wrapped Lesha up in a tight hug. “But I didn’t come here for just talking. My mother wants to speak with you.”

“The queen?”

“You don’t have to call her that. She will be your mother soon too.”

“Yes, but… She’s still above me and I must show my respect.”

“She respects you.” Kishal kissed the top of her head.

Lesha smiled at him. Her wings were flapping more rapidly.

“Alright then. Let’s go. It must be important.”

Kishal led Lesha back to the palace flower. He peeled a yellow petal and allowed Lesha to go through first. The guards stood around the door, chests all puffed out and looking tough. Lesha almost laughed. She never had seen so many guards take pride in what they do. She was actually proud of them.

Soon enough the couple reached the throne room. It looked even grander than the last palace. The room was a mix of colors. Blue, purple, yellow, green, white littered the walls in thick stripes. The queen sat in the middle of the room. Her face was eager with the arrival of her new daughter-in-law. She stood up hugged Lesha.

“My dear! You’re here!”

“Of course, your majesty.”

“Lesha, dear, no need to call me that. I’m practically your mother now.”

Lesha could see “I told you so” look on Kishal’s face.

“Right. But you wanted to speak to me?”

“Yes. Have you ever heard of the Night’s Sun?”

“No, ma’am.”

“Night’s sun is when all the stars gather around the moon and it makes it look like a silver
sun. Pretty as it may seem, but it’s the most deadly to fae. The hotness of all the stars meet up and burn the path they are looking at. And it just happens that it is us this time that they are looking at.”

Silent dread chilled Lesha to the bone.

“What do we need to do?”

“It is said that the stars are past fae avengers who look for wrong doers. Or male ancestors of wrong doers. In our family, long ago, there was a ruthless king. He did all the worst things imaginable. He left our people to die and he worked them like slaves. He’s dead now. But the only male descendent of him is…well its Kishal.”

Lesha looked at Kishal. Kishal’s head was down in shame.

“But it’s not his fault. He’s not the same person as the previous king.”

“True. But revenge is revenge. But here’s what I want you to do. I want you to take Kishal far away from here. Somewhere where the stars can’t see him. You are to keep him there for a month. After a month you may come back.”

Lesha gulped down in fear.

“How soon must we leave?” Lesha asked.

“Soon. Real soon. Within the next two hours. Kishal has his bags packed. So know he’ll help you pack yours.”

Lesha nodded and Kishal gently grabbed her elbow and led her out of the throne room.

“How long did you know about this?” Lesha asked curiously.

“I actually just found out yesterday. I spent all day packing.”

Lesha nodded. Her wings flapped silently and slowly; a sign of sadness. Kishal noticed her slow wings and stopped her.

“Why, my love? Why are you so sad?”

“What if we don’t make it in time? What if you die because of me?”

“That would never happen. You found this meadow. And we’ll find the most safest spot in the whole world.”

Lesha smiled at him. Her wings flapping a little faster. She kissed his cheek and hurried away.

“Hey! Wait!”

“Come on slow poke! We need to pack!” Lesha laughed.
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Since some people asked for it... Here it is! More to Lesha's story! This is only part one! There's gunna be a part two!
Sorry for any spelling mistakes.