‹ Prequel: Whole New Meaning

Into the Storm

Eleven said he wouldn't leave me behind, but now he's trapped in a inter-diminensional labyrinth.

Several years later, and I still think about him.

I care too much.

He said he wouldn't leave me behind, I'm not about to leave him.
  1. Moving On
    I can't stop thinking about him.
  2. Vision
    Another dimension the TARDIS can't reach?
  3. Trust Me
    You asked it of your companions, now I ask it of you.
  4. Floating
    "The first real food, you've had in awhile, I imagine..."
  5. Abyss
  6. Not trying To
  7. Dream Reapers
  8. Concerned
  9. Maybe
    I think he's just finally had it...
  10. Moving Walls
    This just keeps getting better, and better...