‹ Prequel: Whole New Meaning

Into the Storm

Moving On

Many years passed since the labyrinth, but I couldn't take my mind off of Eleven, he was still trapped as far as I knew, if he had escaped, wouldn't he have told me?

I waited every day for something to suggest that, but nothing ever came. 

Slowly, I started going about my life as if it never happened. But of course it happened, nothing could change the feelings inside me, I wanted to not feel like this, like someone had just ripped a piece of me away. 

I looked around me, people were going about their business, not one of them was in my situation.

suddenly, I found myself shoved against the wall by several gangsters. One of them was holding a knife.

"Give us yo' dough, ya' pretty little chick."

"I-i-i don't have any."

"Aw, listen fellas the chick's scared."

I assumed the guy with the knife was their boss.

"Don't got no money? Then we'll just have to cut the pretty little face."

Two of the gangsters held my arms, pinning me against the wall. Their boss, ever inching closer with the knife.

"I'll say it again chick, where's the dough?" he pressed the knife against my jawline.

"I don't have any."

"That's too bad, guess we'll just take yo' fine jewelry."

Another gangster ripped off my necklace.

"One more chance chick, where's the dough?"

"She's told you twice already, she doesn't have any. Now I suggest you put the knife away before someone gets hurt."

The boss turned around. I was shocked, The Tenth Doctor was standing there, and he looked mad.

"Oh yeah? What you gonna do 'bout it man?"

"Let her go."

The boss took the knife from my neck, and rushed at him.

Ten grabbed his wrist, and wrenches the knife from his hand, before throwing it aside. "I hate knives."

The boss adopted a scared looked in his eyes. Ten let his wrist go, and he ran.

Ten glared at the other gangsters, and they too, ran. Ten however caught one by the collar.


The gangster gave to him before running off, following his homies.

I breathed a sigh of relief, and hugged my hero. "Thank you."

He wrapped his arms around me, I could tell he was smiling.

"Are you okay Nicole?" he asked, holding me out at arms length.

"Not really."

"Well then, we can't let it continue to eat away at you any longer."

He took my hand, placed the necklace in it, then took my other hand, and began walking.

Oh, yeah, he knew, he knew.
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The sequel, I hope I make it as enjoyable as the first one.