‹ Prequel: Whole New Meaning

Into the Storm


Right, Incase you were wondering the deal there with Eleven suddenly wrapping his arm around my waist, it was because I had landed dangerously close to the edge, and he was afraid I might slip and fall off.

Anyway, so he pulled me against his chest, and kept a tight grip on me. I could feel his breath against my neck, along with his beard.

"Eleven, could you let me go?" I asked.

He groaned in pain, as he removed his arm, releasing me.

"Are you alright?" I ask, sitting up, sorted by my arms.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he replied, slowly sitting up beside me, "this is new..."

"Yeah, very" I replied, "What is it?"

"An abyss of some sort," Eleven replied, looking over the edge, "I don't see an end to it, lucky we landed on the platform."

"I don't see where we fell through," I said, looking up.

"Never-ending in all directions," he said, looking up with me, "every possible way of entry, but no way of possible exit..."

"Are you saying we're stuck here?"

"Most likely, yes." He replied, "Nikki, how did you even return here?"

"Well, Ten had rescued me from this group of thugs, and took me to his TARDIS to rest." I replied, "he said, he'd help me find you, but then told me, that this dimension was difficult for the TARDIS to enter, so he left me alone back at my house."

Eleven looked at me, understandingly.

"I was lying on my bed," I continued, "when the labyrinth appeared in my mirror. I touched the mirror, and that's when I found myself here."

Eleven gave me a disapproving look, folding his arms.

"Nikki," he said, sternly, "next time that happens... Don't do it again."

"So, you'd rather die here alone?" I ask, "you're not supposed to."

"Who says?"

"I do," I replied, " I know your future, you're not supposed to stay here."

"Can I trust you on that?" He asked.

"Eleven," I sighed, "we've been over this. You'll have to trust me, whether you like it, or not."

"Fine..." He grumbled, pouting like a little kid.

I smile, laughing a little at him, until I yawned.

"Tired, Nikki?" He asked, laughing at me.

"A little," I replied, "how long has it been?"

"About two hours." He replied, "come on, you need to sleep, don't deny it..."

"I'm just worried," I said, "what if there are creatures here?"

"I'm here," he replied, "nothing will hurt us."

I nod, understanding what he meant.

I yawn again, smiling. I felt extremely tired, but why? if it had been only two hours...

Because I just did...

Feeling The Doctor's hand on my shoulder, I laid down on the platform, on my side, rested my head on my arms as a pillow, and closed my eyes. Several seconds later, I felt The Doctor's arm wrap around my waist, and his breath on my neck.

I closed my eyes, and sighed, slowly, but eventually falling asleep.