‹ Prequel: Whole New Meaning

Into the Storm

Not trying To

When I woke up, (I don't know how long it had been), I opened my eyes, and looked around.

Yep, still in the labyrinth, (surprise, surprise...). I looked over to Eleven, he rolled over while I was asleep, and now had his back to me, snoring lightly. I sat up, propping myself up on my hands, and continued looking at him. Should I wake him, or not?

Shrugging my shoulders, I decided to wake him. So I reached out a hand, and gently shook his shoulder.

"Eleven, wake up..." I said softly.

"But, Mummy...." he said, "I don't wanna go to school today, may I please stay home?"

I pulled my hand away when he spoke, did I really want to wake him? Well... not really, sounded like he was having a pleasant dream. But then again, it could only get worse when he did wake up, realizing he was in some labyrinth, (for the umpteeth time, no less), and not back-- wherever he was dreaming he was.

But, I kinda had to, well, no not really, I could really just let him sleep, and enjoy whatever it was he was dreaming about, considering that he had been trapped in the labyrinth for about four months now.

So, I completely pulled my hand away, and turned away from him, swinging my legs over the side of the platform, staring out into the darkness.

As you probably could imagine, it was vast, no discernible ending to the surrounding blackness. But it was unimposing, like it was really just there, just to be there. I rested my head in one hand, just staring, listening to Eleven's soft snoring noises. The only thing I could really hear, other than that, it was silent.

I carefully leaned over the edge, peering downward, staring at the other platforms, wondering, was this-- place, always here? and we had just never found it? Maybe...

I continued staring at the platforms, noting that despite that it was completely black all around us, that they were as clear as day. Sounds odd? well, yes, I suppose so, but that's what it was.

I continued doing this for several minutes, until two arms wrapped themselves around me, and pulled me backwards.

"Don't sit so close to the edge, Nikki," Eleven whispered in my ear.

"Eleven, I'm fine," I reply, letting him pull me backwards, pretty much humoring him.

"I know," He whispered again, his beard touching my ear, "I just don't want you to get hurt."

Wait, was he trying to flirt? Quite possibly... Or I could just be imagining things, I hope-- kinda...

he kissed my neck after he spoke, his beard tickling my skin.

Okay, fine-- he was trying to flirt, or something... But however, I just wasn't in the mood.

No. not like that, I mean, since we're kinda in a predicament here, I was kinda focusing on that. So sue me.

Ask me again when we get out of here, IF we get out of here.

Eleven pressed his head against my neck, and shoulder, so I reached up, and patted his hair.

"Eleven, are you gonna let go of me anytime soon?"

"Oh, uhm-- yeah, sorry..." he said, letting me go, and backing away, "sorry..."

"Are you okay?" I asked, turning towards him.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He replied.

However, I could tell, he wasn't.

Oh, come on! Tell me how you can cuddle someone/something, and be okay? Okay fine, so you can, but my point still stands, Eleven wasn't okay.

"Listen," I said, standing up, "you can't just give up, can't you at least try? You're THE DOCTOR, of all people, I have never seen you just give up, couldn't you at least do something? Please? for me?"

Did I just...? No, no, no, I am not trying to flirt with him.

"Really, Nikki?" he asked, standing up.

"Yeah," I replied, putting some emphasis in the "H".

"Okay," He said, holding out his arms for a hug.

So, I did.

What? it was only a hug, no harm there.

"Nicole get down!" Eleven suddenly exclaimed, yanking me down on the platform.

I was face down, and I feel could his arm pressing down on me. I tried looking up, but he pushed my head back down.

"Just stay down." he whispered.