‹ Prequel: Whole New Meaning

Into the Storm

Dream Reapers

So what if Eleven was lying ontop of me? Something was going on, and it wasn't good. I tried lifting my head again, to have a look at what was going on. Eleven did try to force it back down again, but I pinned his entire arm against the platform.

"Ow!" he cried, suddenly covering his mouth, and sharply drawing in a breath.

I didn't mean to hurt him, but I'd like to see what's going on.

When I looked up, I saw this swarm of things, I don't know what they were, but it did look like they didn't have an interest in us.

"Whatever you do, Nikki," he whispered in my ear, "don't make a sound, Dream Reapers might be blind, but they can hear you."

"Drea--" I started to say, but Eleven suddenly covered my mouth with his hand.

Okay, this is off topic, but Eleven needs to take a shower, if we make it home.

"Not a sound," he whispered, "not even a peep."

Then why was he talking?!

But I stayed quiet, and watched as the Dream Reaper things flew by.

Eleven slowly removed his hand from my mouth, and watched the creatures.

"We have to move..." he whispered, "and fast..."

I nodded, showing that I understood. We'd also had to be quiet about it, no telling what those things might do of they went for us.

Eleven slowly stood up, and carefully helped me to my feet, wrapping his arms around my waist, and pulling me closer to his body.

Okay, I couldn't tell if he was trying to hint that he wanted me, or just was trying to protect me. Though both were a possiblity.

Hopefully the second one.

Anyway, so he helped me to my feet, holding onto my waist, and peered down over the edge of the platform. I think he was looking for a second platform to jump onto.

"Nikki," he whispered, "You do trust me, don't you?"

"Yeah," I whispered back. Not like I really had a choice anyway, but I trusted him.

"Okay, listen, there's another platform coming this way under us, and we need to jump. I'll jump first, and then I need you to jump, the second I hit the platform. Think you can do that?"

"Yeah," I nod.


Eleven let me go, and stepped to the edge, looking down. Carefully, he gasped the edge with his hands, lowering himself down, until he was hanging off the platform. Seconds later, he let go of the edge, and disappeared.

Quickly, I walked up to the edge, and peered down, it was about a15 foot drop, and Eleven was about halfway there. I lowered myself over the edge, and let go, dropping to the platform. My heart feeling like it was going to burst from my chest.

I also think I dropped a few seconds early, but Eleven didn't seem to mind, he just caught me, and smiled.

We both looked back up at the Dream Reapers, then at each other. They still hadn't noticed us.

But it was only a matter of time.

Eleven looked down again, this time, only holding my hand.

We kept doing this for awhile, rather successfully, mind you. Though on a few occasions, I might have misjudged something, but Eleven didn't say anything. Just held into me, so I wouldn't slip off the edge, or anything.

The Dream Reapers were still all around us, but they still hadn't noticed us. Which was a good thing.

However as we "jumped" to another platform, I unfortunately misjudged it byseveral seconds too many, which resulted in me hitting the very edge, and almost falling off.

Thankfully, Eleven caught my arm, catching me, however, the suddenness of his action caused me to reflexively cry out.

Which was a bad thing.

Eleven suddenly pulled me towards him, and clapped a hand over my mouth, looking up. The Dream Reapers seemed to never paused for a moment, like they had heard something.

But only a moment, and then came flying towards us.