‹ Prequel: Whole New Meaning

Into the Storm


Eleven and I, looked at each other, terror evident on his face, (mine too, I imagine), and then back at the Dream Reapers. Without saying a single word, Eleven pulled my arm, and jumped over the side of the platform, taking me with him. I kind of reacted to this, making a sound, similar to that of "Eep!" But what did it matter now? The Dream Reapers were already after us, and Eleven took me by surprise. We landed on a platform floating several feet below us, looking up at the Dream Reapers again. But only briefly, as they were still coming after us.

Still holding my arm, Eleven jumped again, landing on the platform below that, I beside him.

Now, I know what you be thinking, Eleven, and I successfully jumped from platform, to platform, evading these creatures. Well... You would be wrong, (but, if you guessed that we'd eventually trip up, you'd be correct).

We did this for awhile, until we, unfortunately, (and quite literally), tripped up. Well, Eleven did, he just had ahold of my arm, which meant, he took me with him. But anyway. As Eleven jumped to the lower platform, he, somehow, misjudged his timing, (or maybe he was just frantic), and missed landing on the platform. But not completely, Eleven was able to catch the edge with his fingers, (holding onto me with his other hand), but only for a split second. His fingers didn't find purchase, and so they immediately slipped off, causing us to fall into the perpetual vastness.

Now, there were two possible outcomes here: A) we just keep falling, forever. Or B) we would eventually stop falling, but only after we had enough momentum to cause us to go splat on whatever surface we landed on.

Well, I guess, there was a third possibly too, but hitting a surface soon after we started falling, (so we didn't die/regenerate), seemed unlikely, considering how reality works.

Anyway, I had my money on Option A, as the most likely. But I wasn't going to enjoy it.

I felt Eleven's hand tighten around my arm, and my stomach churn as we fell, I felt like I was going to throw up.

So, what would be the cause of death, for someone who was trapped in perpetual freefall? There's a queston for you Einstein...

The Dream Reapers still chased after us, but they weren't exactly gaining on us. Well, until a few nearly side swiped us.

And then, I don't know what happened, I felt this pain in my back, and suddenly, all I could see was this white light, then it gave away to silver walls, and then, blackness.

My eyes lazily blinked open, the first thing to register was pain, then silver walls. I sat up, the pain suddenly intensifying, especially in my back, and rubbed my neck, looking around.

I spotted a pile of fabric, and white fibrous material, not too far away from me.

I took a closer look, and realized, it was my jacket, and it was torn to shreds. Which was a shame.... CONSIDERING I HAD FIVE BUCKS IN THERE!

I reached for what was left of my jacket, hoping to find the bill still there. Yes, I'm in the middle of a life, or death situation, and I'm concerned about five measly dollars. Sue me, I dare you.

I was about to grab the remnants, when I heard Elven speak behind me.

"You were bleeding badly, Nikki," he said, "I tore apart your jacket to make bandage for you."

"How long?" I asked, not turning around.

"A couple hours," he replied, "both of us, actually, but I woke up quite a few minutes ago, and saw that you were bleeding."


"One of the Dream Reapers tried to get you as we fell, but, somehow, it didn't catch you, and only grazed your back."

"How did we make it out?" I asked, having noticed that we were back in the labyrinth, but I was too dazed to be surprised.

"Pure chance, I guess." He replied, placing a hand on my shoulder, "this is yours by the way, found it in your jacket."

I gratefully took the five-dollar bill, that he held out to me, and stuffed it in my pants pocket.

"You know," he said, "with your injured back, you're in really no condition to walk, or run."

"Says who?" I ask, finally looking at him, "Ow...."

"Well, your back, if you really wanna know."

"Okay, fine, what do you suggest? I'm not about to just sit here."

"No, you're not," Eleven replied, "Which is why I'm going to carry you."

"Do you think you're strong enough to do that?" I asked, slightly taken aback.

Well, you know, considering he's been trapped here for nearly four months, without any real food.

"Nikki, I'll be fine." He laughed, "its you, I'm concerned about, and I'll be concerned about you, until you're safe."

"Alright, fine," I sighed, smiling.

"C'mon, then. Lets get going."

Eleven bent down, and I climbed onto his back, looping my arms around his neck, as he stood up.

Eleven began walking, seemingly unaffected by my weight. As he walked, Eleven kept lightly squeezing my upper leg, I didn't know if he was trying to hint at something, or he was only trying to maintain his hold, either way, I didn't ask, afraid of making it awkward.

Soon we turned a corner, and saw something startling. Can you guess what it was?

Go on, three guesses!