
First and last

Why, why dose this happen to my I’m always the last in line, last to find out that my girlfriend is going to dump me and when she goes to break up with me I know that she’s going to do it because I know how she’s going to do it and where and what she’s going to say but I’m always hearing it from other people. But they always come running back when they find out that I’m the only one who likes them. Why do I tell them to go and whine to someone else why don’t I take them back because now I have half the girls in the school asking me to homecoming and I want to go with all of them but none of them at the same time! Gosh why is my life so complicated but so simple? Ugh I don’t know what to do with myself maybe I should just go alone………no, no I shouldn’t do that because then they will al come and ask me if I want to dance. Then I would be totally screwed because eventually two or three of them would come at the same time and ask me and then they’d be al like. ‘Who is this’? And I would have nothing to say and they would start fighting and I would walk away and get trampled again. Why just why? Actually I have another question for myself why is this the only thing I am thinking about I mean I know homecoming is at the end of the week but I’m in Physics and I’m suppose to be listening but I’m bored and I don’t think physics was the right course for me. I mean I can’t even understand what my teacher is saying it’s like he is talking in a different language. I can tell by the way most of my class mates are looking at him they don’t get it either…oh well I guess it’s another fail this semester. No more physics for me thank you very much.
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lol just something i thought of randomly