
Chapter 2

Earlier, a man showed up at our door and requested to see my father. My dad was drunk and out like a light so when Kelsey came up behind me, I used our code and held up three fingers behind my back. She ran upstairs and told Sam code three and came back down. Just when they showed up behind me, the shower started running. I told the man he was in the shower and to come back later. The man gave me a funny look, gave me an envelope for my dad, and walked away. As soon as I shut the door, I ripped open the envelope and read the letter inside.

My heart tore as I read the letter. The man was from child services and he was taking us away from our father. We had only one other relative, my mother’s sister and that’s where Deryk would be going to live, but Kelsey, Sam, and I would go to boarding school. One other small fact was that it was in Spain. I saw some mention of a godmother, but I was too shocked to even acknowledge it. Kelsey and Sam were practically jumping on me to see what it said. They looked so happy and I told them to go upstairs and play with Deryk. I went onto our porch and called my best friend Katie. I was in shock.

“Hey.” Katie answered her cell phone immediately. I hardly ever called in the morning.

“Hey. What’s up?” I asked.

“Nothing. You okay?”


“What’s up?”

“A man from child services just stopped by. They’re taking us away.”


“Deryk is going to Aunt Tina’s and Kelsey, Sam, and I are going to boarding school,” I said, then hesitantly added, “In Spain.”

“Are you kidding me?”


“Oh my gosh. They can’t do this.”

“Yes they can and they are. Can you come over?”

“Yeah, I’ll be right there.” She said, now also in shock.


“Yeah, don’t mention it.”

Katie showed up three minutes later. She only lives down the street. She played with Deryk, Sam, and Kelsey while I talked to my dad. He just said it’s for the best. Then he told me to look in bank account 3691 and handed me the bankcard, which I pocketed. About four hours later Katie had to go home and the mail came. In it was a letter addressed to my dad from child services. It said that a u-haul and a car would be coming by the day after tomorrow to pick us up. When I read that, I sunk down to the ground. I only had a day and a half to say good-bye to all my friends and pack the kids up. So I decided I’d better get started. I started with Kelsey and Sam. I went upstairs where they were lying on their beds listening to their iPod’s and reading. When I sat down on Kelsey’s bed, she jumped.

“Oh my god. You scared me.” She said.

“Sorry. Listen we need to talk.” That made her turn her iPod off, bookmark her page, sit up and get Sam to do the same.

“We aren’t going to have the sex talk are we. You know we’re only eleven.” Sam said.

“No. It’s more important and I just want you to listen, okay?”


“When mom died, dad started to drink a lot. You were only five so you probably don’t remember a lot but he became addicted to the bottle. Anyway I took care of you guys and Deryk and raised you like I thought mom would. But that man who came to the door yesterday was from child services and he didn’t agree that I could still raise you. They are taking us away. Deryk is going to go live with Aunt Tina and me and you two are going to boarding school.”

“What, you are kidding right?” Kelsey asked.

“Yeah, I would kid about something like that," I said, sarcastically, "They are coming to pick us up the day after tomorrow. So tomorrow we’ll pack. Why don’t you take your bikes and go say bye to your friends? Just tell them we’re moving and we might be back, okay?”

“Okay I guess.” Sam said unsure of what was happening.

“Hey at least we’re all going to the same boarding school.” I said trying to cheer them up.

“Yeah. We’ll be back for dinner.”

“Kay.” After they left I just sat there for a while and then went to talk to Deryk. When I entered his room he was destroying buildings of tinker toys with toy robots. I couldn’t help but think that Aunt Tina better be ready for rough play.

“Hey Deryk.” I said.

“Hey Care-bear.” He said while still playing.

“Listen you are going to go and stay with Aunt Tina for a while okay?”

“Kay. Wait, who’s that?”

“She is mommy’s sister. You’ve never met her, but I have and she is a lot like mom. She’s nice and pretty, and she loves little boys. But right now, I need you to go and say bye to your friends, okay?”

“Oh. Why?” Deryk asked.

“Because you might not come back for a while.”

“Okay.” He said, “I’ll go to Aunt Tina’s but will I get to see you and Daddy and Sam and Kelsey?”

“On holidays, Kelsey, Sam, and I will visit you and all of us will visit Daddy.” I said.



“Okay.” He said happily as he ran past me and hopped downstairs. I followed him and watched as he went up to his friend Matthew’s house. Then I remember what my dad said about that bank account. So I wrote a note to my dad and headed to the bank. The bank was used to seeing me since I picked up money for my dad a lot, but I never asked to see a bank account 3691. They let me anyway since I had the card my dad handed me. When I saw the amount of money in there, I almost fainted. There was over a million dollars in the savings. I remember that that must have been what was in the safe that killed my mother. I withdrew 100 dollars and left for Alexa’s.

I saw and said good-bye to all of my closest friends. Katie was the worst because we saw each other every day. We hugged and talked for a long time. Finally I went home to start dinner and Katie promised to come over tomorrow to help us pack. We had dinner without my dad for the millionth time and then went upstairs for baths. Kelsey took her shower first, then Sam, then I helped Deryk. Then while Kelsey read Deryk books, I took my shower. Usual routine. Then we put Deryk to bed and Kelsey and Sam retired to their room to read.
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helellppplalkrthaethang !!