
Chapter 3

I went downstairs and sat in the chair across from my dad. He was asleep and snoring really loud, but I started talking to him like old times, telling him how hard it was leaving my family and friends. I told him how hard it would be to leave Deryk with Aunt Tina and how difficult it would be to give up my normal routines. Also how hard it was watching my mother die while he was gone and how he never seemed to be there for all of us after that. I told him it wasn’t his fault she was killed, but it was his fault he let us grow up without a dad. And how hard it would be to leave Katie and everyone else. I also told him how scared I was for him to be leaving to go to an alcoholic rehabilitation center. I told him I loved him and hated him all at the same time. Then I went upstairs, told Kelsey and Sam lights out and hopped into bed myself. The next thing I knew, my alarm clock was going off for 7:00 AM.

The first thing I did was pack clothes. Since the boarding school was in Spain, I packed mostly springish stuff. Then I moved to my desk and packed my computer, printer, scanner, and telephone. All of my CDS and DVDS I put in a big giant CD case and packed that along with my stereo, TV, and DVD player. Then I packed all of my books and that was like a giant suitcase. I packed my two favorite pairs of sheets, my comforter, my pillows, and my stuffed animals. Also my curtains and my lamps. I went into the bathroom and packed all my toiletries. Then I went back to my room and packed miscellaneous things like my digital camera, tissues, iHome, jewelry box, bookbag, etc. I took all the pictures and magazine cutouts off my walls and put them in the bottom of a suitcase as well. I put my purse next to the big pile of suitcases and moved to Kelsey and Sam’s room.

When I walked into her room I could see they had already gotten started. Just as I started to help them, the doorbell rang. I went downstairs and it was Katie. I had her get started with Deryk’s clothes. In Kelsey and Sam’s room they did books first, so they were done. We started on clothes. They have a lot of clothes and they’re mostly winter, so that was good. Next was all of their jewelry, which was a lot! Then we packed the sheets and pillows off both of the beds. Next we packed all of their technology stuff. Like computers, printers, scanners, and telephones. Then all of the miscellaneous stuff was packed and they were done. All they had to do was grab their purses.

When we went into Deryk’s room his clothes were packed and they were in the midst of packing all the toys. I let Kelsey help them pack the toys and Sam and I started on the loft bed. Sam took the sheets and pillows and put them in a box, while I then separated the actual bed part. No doubt Aunt Tina would want it. It definitely saves room. My mother had carved animals into all the edges of the bookcases, so I took them apart to be packed too. Then while they were still working on the toys, I did the books and Sam did the computer. He has a computer, printer, and a telephone to be packed. Deryk likes to play computer games and look up random stuff on the computer. Then he’ll color and paint and print his masterpieces out. He has one whole wall and half of another filled with taped up coloring pages. That’s what Katie and I worked on next. Taking everything down and putting it into a big box. Kelsey, Sam, and Deryk packed the toy bins under the bed, too. Once they were done, I said good-bye to Katie and Kelsey went downstairs with Sam and Deryk to start dinner. Thursday nights were their night to cook.

I went into my parent’s room and sat on the bed that hadn’t been slept in for six years. My dad always sleeps on the couch. I went over to the right closet and opened it. It was my mother’s. I took out a sweater and put in on. Not because I was cold, but because they still smelled like her. Then I went into my room, took the sweater off and put it in the almost empty suitcase, on top of the magazine cut outs and pictures. I took two more sweaters out of her closet and put them in two. The next thing I took was a picture that stood on her night side table. It was of me holding Deryk, about a week shy of a year, and my mother sitting next to me. My dad was sitting next to us with Kelsey and Sam sitting on his lap. We were all kind of looking down at Deryk and we hadn’t even noticed that someone had taken a picture. My father’s dad had taken it and it was taken not two weeks before she was killed. When I looked at the picture, my throat closed up, but I focused on finishing.

I went to her jewelry box and brought that into my room too. I put that in the suitcase and walked back into her room and took one more thing. A bottle of perfume that was almost empty. I looked up the brand on my dad’s computer and found that there were only two companies that sold it now. I ordered one off-line and said to send it to the perfume store on Main Street and hold it in the name of Kerri Smith. I figured it would be in later that night, so I’d pick it up after dinner. When I got downstairs, Deryk was setting the table and Kelsey was picking the pot of macaroni and cheese off the stove. Sam was finishing the salads. Then I walked into the kitchen and we all sat down to eat dinner. Just like a nice family dinner, right? Wrong. We all knew we’d be getting separated tomorrow morning at nine and we all didn’t want it to happen. It does, however, happen to unfortunate people and I guess we were unfortunate.