Status: On hiatus.

Sunsets and Silhouette Dreams.


As it turns out, I was busy that weekend, although I was not doing what I guessed I would be. After quickly figuring out I couldn’t do much about Meredith and Icarus, I finally realized that warning the Cullens that a pack of bloodthirsty vampires (or, more bloodthirsty than usual, anyway) would be coming in three short months to try and murder their daughter. I also wanted to talk to Alice.

“Hello, Lucy,” Edward said politely but coldly as he answered the door, like last time. “What can I do for you?”

“I need to talk to you. Actually, your whole family,” I told him simply, walking in before he could invite me in. I figured saving his daughter from a terrible death was worth being a little rude.

Within five minutes, the entire Cullen clan was in the living room. They all greeted me politely enough, but I could tell they didn’t like or trust me, except for Carlisle and Esme. That was fine by me, since Carlisle was obviously the leader. I’d need his approval the most.

“There’s something you guys need to know about me.” I took a very deep breath, then blurted the words I’d never spoken aloud before: “I’m a psychic.”

A general murmur went through the room, and Rosalie, the most beautiful blonde I’d ever seen, said coldly, “Prove it.”

I’d been expecting this. Over the course of the past week, though, I’d taught myself how to have visions on the spot. Hopefully I wouldn’t have a nosebleed like usual, though. Not a good idea in front of vampires.

Closing my eyes, I focused on seeing the unseen. After a moment, Jacob’s figure came into view, hazy at first, but it got clearer.

Jacob walked into the florist’s shop, a bell chiming behind him. He had chosen to go to a place in Forks rather than the store in La Push; Quil worked there, and would give him hell for what he was doing.

The lady at the countered smile at him, deepening her wrinkles. “What can I do for you today, dear?”

He looked at the array of roses on display, pleased that they had such a wide selection. La Push only had red ones, but he thought she might not like how cliché that was. Instead, he chose a bouquet of yellow ones with red tips.

“Ah,” the woman smiled. “Yellow and red. Means friendship turning into love, you know.”

Jacob smiled. “Yeah, I know. The girl I’m giving them to told me that. She’s obsessed with the language of flowers.”

“Sounds like a great girl. That’ll be 26.75, dear.”

Though Jacob personally found that 25 bucks for a dozen roses was a bit much, but it was worth it. Lucy would love them, he was sure.

As he walked out, bouquet in hand, the woman from the store called out to him, “Good luck!”

Jacob smiled. He just might need that luck.

Well, at least I knew Jacob and I would make up.

When I came back to the present, I was blushing and my nose was bleeding. Quickly, my hand flew to my nose. “Don’t eat me!”

Instead of rushing for my blood, though, the vampires in the room all winced and covered their noses themselves.

“You smell awful,” Bella said. “Like sauerkraut or something.”

“Even I wouldn’t drink from you, not matter how thirsty I was,” Jasper told me, trying to sound kind, but more so just sounding revolted. I guess it was lucky that my blood smelled gross, though, since I was being, you know, eaten.

Esme rushed to get me a towel, and after a few minutes, my apparently nasty blood was gone. We got back down to business.

“So you are a psychic,” Alice said, a smile working it’s way onto her beautiful face. These Cullen girls were going to give me a complex. “We need to talk about that one day.”

“Why is this of any importance to us, though?” Edward asked.

“Because I had a vision about the Volturi.”

“That was why you asked about them,” Bella mumbled, pulling Renesmee closer to her.

Carlisle kept his golden eyes steady on me. “What about the Volturi, Lucy?”

Taking a deep breathe, I told them, “Some little brat named Jane told someone named Aro about Renesmee. They plan on coming in late February to kill her… and to turn me, because of my abilities.”

Rosalie and Esme gasped, the boys all tensed up, Bella clutched her child even nearer to her, and Renesmee herself whimpered. It would’ve been an interesting scene, had the situation not been so terrible.

“What are we going to do?” Alice cried.

“I don’t know. I was hoping you guys could help me come up with a plan.”

“Does the pack know?” Emmett asked.

I shook my head. “I was too scared to tell them about being psychic.”

“She is Jacob’s Imprint,” Edward explained casually, “though she doesn’t know it yet.”

“What exactly is an Imprint?” I asked, wheeling towards him. He still irritated me.

The vampire smirked. “Ask Jacob. By the way, can I inform your wolf friends about the situation, since you won’t. They won’t be too pleased that you were here, though.”

“Fine,” I said shortly. “I’ll handle telling them about my powers, you tell them about what I saw. Now, what are we actually going to do about it?”

The Cullens buzzed, their words too fast for me to truly pay attention. All I caught was immortal child and covens.

“Hey, how about this?” I asked loudly. “You guys plan, while I go home and try to see what else I can see.”

They all agreed, and Alice gave me her number to call her some time. I stuffed the slip of paper into my pocket as I got into the car. Personally, I didn’t think I’ve been phoning Alice anytime soon. The vampires creeped me out.

As I carefully drove home, I knew I should’ve been thinking about the Volturi, but as usual, my mind kept turning back to Jacob. It had been a lonely week, since after I rejected him, he stopped hanging around me as much. I missed him, but I had no idea how to fix our problem.

Suddenly, a plan hit me, and I grinned, turning the car around. I needed to talk to Emily.


“So, why did you suddenly decide you needed to learn how to bake cookies?” Emily asked, watching me pour brown sugar over butter and granulated sugar. She had been amused by my sudden request.

“I can’t tell you!” I said, almost whining. “If I tell you, you’ll tell Sam, and Sam will tell Jacob all telepathically, and the whole freaking surprise will be ruined!”

Emily laughed. “Alright, alright. Just as long as you stop Jacob from being so mopey.”

“I didn’t mean to! I didn’t realize he was asking me out…”

“Lucy.” She turned to face me, the side of her lovely face that wasn’t scarred smiling. “How did you not realize?”

“I’m just really dumb, apparently. Now what?”

“Okay, now mix all that together…”

About an hour and fifteen minutes later, the chocolate chip cookies came out of the oven. We made Sam test one to see if they were okay.

“God,” He said, closing his eyes in pleasure. “Emily, I will never get tired of your cooking, love.”

She giggled like a teenager. “It’s Lucy’s cooking, but my recipe.”

“It still tastes fantastic.”

I got Emily to write down the recipe for me and told her to keep the cookies. Then I went home and baked even more cookies. (My mother was vaguely shocked. I didn’t cook very often, since I almost set the house on fire once when I was five with an Easy Bake Oven.) By the time those cookies were done, I was pretty sure I smelled like a grandma.

I wrapped two cookies up, each in a different little package. Then, I crafted my note, third grade style.

Dear Jacob,
You’re cute, but I’m shy. Too shy to apologize to you in person for rejecting you. (It was an accident, I swear!) Take this cookie as a peace offering?
P.S. Can we reschedule that date sometime?
P.P.S. If you want more cookies, come to my house. I made them myself!

Smiling, I taped it to one of the cookies, then stuck them both in my jacket pocket and started walking toward the Black residence. If luck was on my side, Jacob wouldn’t be home.

“Hey Lucy,” Seth grinned, walking past me. He was headed to the woods.

“Hey Seth,” I told him. “Jacob home?”

“Nah, he’s patrolling. Like I should be doing now, actually… see you later, Lucy!” He ran off, and I grinned. He was adorable too.

I knocked on the door to the Black house, where Billy answered. He seemed pleased to see me.

“Can I trade you a cookie for Jacob’s car keys?”

Billy laughed, accepting the treat. “Why do you need his keys?”

“I just do. Please? I promise I won’t hijack his car.”

With another laugh, he handed me the slim metal objects that would unlock everything Jacob needed. And hopefully, I could use them to unlock his heart.

I put the cookie with the note on it in the passenger seat of his car, where he was sure to see it. Then I locked the car back up, gave the keys back to Billy and went home. I had cookies to stuff my face with.

While I came up with a plan to defeat the Volturi, of course.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I really should've updated this a month ago, but I just now got into the mindset of being able to. Hopefully, I shall be updating more frequently.
Btw, am I the only one who wanted cookies now? xD
ALSO since I now have TEN MOTHERFUCKING STARS (woot!) I'm thinking about writing you guys some sort of present. What would you like to see?
Comment and subscribe, my lovelies!