Status: ~finished ~

The World Is Ours

i let my heart go, it's somewhere down at the bottom.

The rain slammed against my exposed skin as my feet continued to quickly carry me to Max's house. After a gruelling 20 minute walk from school I was finally at the house, banging on the door repeatedly until someone opened it. "Sophie! What a pleasent surprise, oh is it raining? I know how much you love rain, why don't you stay out there a little longer?" Max smirked whilst shutting the door, but not before I had quickly slipped in under his arm.

As soon as the door shut I felt the heat reach every limb of my body. Removing my hoody, I felt a few pairs of eyes on me. Without a glance upwards I knew who they'd be. Max's bandmates and bestfriends since Year 9. "Woah, Soph, you look cold as!" Matt shouted stubornlly. I glared at him, earning a laugh from the boys. "Yeah, that's what she gets for wearing her skirt so short without tights, fucking slag!" Max's shouted laughing with the other boys. I turned my body round and smacked him in the stomuch. "Fuck you Max, my skirt isn't half as short as the sluts at school! Plus, it's summer! You really expect me to wear tights!" I said getting annoyed. My tone obviously caught Josh's attention because soon enough I felt two strong arms wrap around my small frame and a whisper in my ear "Don't worry Soph, you don't look like a slag. You look gorgeous." I could already feel the blush reaching the top of my cheeks. I returned the hug and muttered a "thank-you" into Josh's neck.

By now the other boys had already walked into Max's living room or gone into his kitchen. Unwrapping myself from Josh, I looked up to him and smiled. He then grabbed my wrist and led me towards the sofa. He sat down on the two seater, pulling me down next to him.

Josh and I have been bestfriends for about a year and a bit now. Recently we'd been getting really close, not that I minded because I've had a crush on him since the day I saw him. But up until a month ago he was going out with Hanna, till one day he randolly ended it with her.

As the afternoon progressed slowly, one by one, the boys dispersed. Matt and Chris going home while Dan and Max went to go buy McDonald's. This meant me and Josh were alone in Max's house. Somewhere during the afternoon I had ended up cuddling with Josh on the sofa.

Josh gave out a loud sigh and shuffled upwards so I was no longer leaning into his side. I too, sat up straight on the sofa. Running my hands through my hair, I was startled by Josh's tone of voice. It was serious, really serious. "Sophie?" he asked, his voice strong yet shaky.

He was nervous.

"Josh?" I countered trying to lighten the mood. He let out a nervous chuckle and continued. "I need to tell you something, don't answer till I'm done, ok?" He said, looking into my eyes. I gave an uneasy nod and he started.

"I know we're supposed to be bestfriends and everything, but I lied to you. I'm really sorry Soph. When I told you I broke up with Hanna for no reason in particular, I was lying to you. I broke up with her because I realised I had feelings for someone else, someone I shouldn't." My hands started to fiddle with the bottom of my tee school shirt. This is what I was afraid of. Josh liking somebody else, someone that wasn't me. I'm really dissapointed in myself that I even thought he'd have feelings for someone like me. "Sophie, Soph, look at me." Tilting my head upwards, our eyes met.

"Sophie, it's you. It's always been you baby girl. I like you, so fucking much. I really can't believe it's taken me this long to tell you this. Now I know you probably don't feel the same way, because as I said we're supposed to be bestfriends, but I can't keep it from you anymore. You're my bestfriend Sophie May Taylor and I really can't keep this from you anymore." My heart beat sped up. I felt like I was running a marathon. I don't know what I was more shocked about. Josh liking me, or Josh thinking that I wouldn't like Josh.

I felt his legs move from the sofa. Acting on instinct I grabbed his hand and I pulled him back down. He looked at me, confused. I giggled and sighed. "Josh, you're so stupid. If you think that I don't like you, you're very wrong. Infact, you couldn't be any more wrong. I like you-" I was cut off by Josh's lips on mine. I kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck and he slipped his around my waist. I felt him smile into the kiss. He broke from me, smirked and stated

"Well that's a relief because it makes this next bit a lot a less awkward. Sophie, will you be my girlfriend?"

I giggled and looked at him intently.

"Of course I will Josh."