
The Beginning Of A New Life

"Freak!" someone yelled, throwing paper balls at me as I walked down the corridor. People would avoid me or just point and whisper. They were scared…scared of me; of mutants, of everyone that was different. The harsh truth they hated me just because I had a mutation, a power that they didn't understand and they wouldn't let me forget that any day.

"Go burn in hell mutant!" someone else jeered. Day after day I would get threats off people that used to be so friendly towards me and it all changed because I told her. My best friend or rather ex-best friend, you see a year ago I found out I had these powers…at first all I did was turn invisible, but then I started to be able to move light objects with my mind, and now I can from time to time read what people are thinking. The mind reading thing isn't as advanced as the invisibility and…what do you call moving objects with your mind? Anyway a few months ago I told my ex-best friend about these powers, at first she just laughed and told me I was only trying to make myself seem more exciting, but when I showed her what I could do, she screamed and ran out the house, leaving me to look shocked at her reaction. Luckily Ronny and my parents were out shopping, I still haven't told them, and I never think I will because they absolutely hate mutants. But Bobby knew then again we are twins, he also has powers but they are totally different from mine, as he can freeze things.

Anyway back to now; after I retrieved my books from my locker, which now was covered in paper with horrible messages written on them, I trudged to history class dodging the projectiles that were thrown in my direction. The teachers were another nightmare even they were afraid of what I could do, they would never pick me to answer a question even if I was the only one with a hand up. So I just sat at the back taking notes quietly even doodling sometimes since they never cared if I handed my book in and if I did it was never marked so was there even a point in me doing the work? Well only for my gain in knowledge. History passed on as usual; world war 2, everyone ignoring me unless they looked my way and then whispered something to the person sat next to them or in front of them.

English class came and went in the same manner as history class except for of course there were no Nazis or wars, but now it was break. I darted out the classroom as fast as my feet would carry me, dodging everyone in my way. I carried on running until I was at the very back of the yard where I preferred to sit away from everyone else and away from their gazes. I pulled out my journal and vigorously about the days events, now and then I would have to stop, to stop myself from crying. There was several things I didn't want everyone to see and on thing was crying.

"Claire?" someone said, interrupting my thoughts, but I knew that voice anywhere. Bobby my twin brother…though he was older by 6 minutes…we aren't identical twins either as many have asked when I said I have a twin brother.

"Hi Bobby." I greeted, closing my journal and stashing it back in my bag. Then giving Bobby a big hug. Everyone else didn't know he was a mutant, they just said 'oh he's family, he's probably used to her being a mutant.'

"Threatening notes again?" he asked as he pulled out one that he had taken from my locker. It was a particularly nasty one depicting how they would kill me using nothing but a few pens and a T.V remote…I'd give them 5 points for creativity though. I nodded meekly at him and he sighed.

"Why don't we tell the head or something to make this stop?" he stated, I shook my head. I knew nothing would happen, I'd probably be expelled and then mum and dad would find out and then I'd probably be disowned and then die out on the streets.

"You know nothing will happen. They just hate us because we're different. And I don't want mum or dad to find out." I whispered as a couple of tears rolled down my cheeks, Bobby brought me into a big hug as I sobbed into his chest.

"There's got to be somewhere, where mutants can be themselves and be treated kindly." Bobby whispered. " And when we find that place we're going to leave this place behind. I promise."

The bell went just as he finished his mini speech and so we trudged grudgingly back into our concrete hell.

Another few hours and it was the end of school, I was so relieved to be going home away from all the horrible things in this crap hole. I sprinted out the gates, grabbed Bobby and ran the rest of the way home dragging Bobby behind me. As we arrived back home we found an unfamiliar black Audi in the driveway along with our beige coloured land rover.

"Hey, have you seen that car anywhere before?" I asked as we slowed down to a walking pace. He shook his head as we opened the door to the house. As we took off our shoes mum ushered us into the living room where dad was talking to two men. The first was a wise looking man in a wheelchair, the second was younger than the first with brown hair and some funky looking sunglasses…Who wears sunglasses indoors? Maybe he's blind?

'I assure you Claire that Scott is not blind.' a voice spoke in my mind. I stared at the man in the wheelchair could he read minds?'I am telepathic.' the voice replied.

"Bobby, Claire. Professor Xavier and Professor Summers want to talk to you about an offer of a place at a school." Dad explained, I looked back at Bobby who looked totally confused, he looked at me and I just shrugged I was as confused as he was. But never the less we sat down on one of the couches opposite them, mum sat down next to dad.

"Hello, I am Professor Charles Xavier, founder of the Xavier school of gifted youngsters. This is one of the teachers at the school Professor Scott Summers." He greeted. "I am offering the both of you places at the school."
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Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed and that Claire doesn't look like she's going to be a 'Mary Sue' character…if she is please tell me and I'll change it. Anyway hope you enjoyed. The plan is that this starts before the first X-Men movie and probably ends after the 3rd but it may go on a bit after the 3rd so you'll just have to wait and see. Oh and if you can please review it helps a lot even if it is to do with grammar. Thanks see you soon! ^_^