
Moving In And Plans

"Guess what! Piotr is taking me to the ball!"


"Really? That's great! I said hugging her, Kitty joined in the hugging making it a big group hug.

"All we need now is you two to get dates and then it will all be perfect!" she said excitedly, clapping her hands together like a happy child at Christmas. I giggled a bit at her statement which made her looked at me with a confused glance.

"And for me to actually be allowed to stay at this school." Kitty added, saving me from being hounded by Jubilee. We both nodded before someone knocked at the door, Jubilee hopped over the bed and opened the door. Stood in the doorway was Piotr, I wonder what he wanted.

"Heya Piotr!" I greeted from my sitting position on the edge of Jubilee's bed. Kitty waved shyly from behind me.

"Wow he's…he's… huge!" Kitty whispered, I tried to hold in the giggles as I nodded at her comment.

"Hi." he replied, stepping into the room, Jubilee had sat back down on her bed. "Professor Xavier told me to help out with putting an extra bed in this room for the new girl. Who im presuming is you. I'm Piotr nice to meet you.""Hi I'm Kitty. It's nice to meet you too." she greeted shaking his hand and smiling up at him.

"That's great we could need help with you know the heavy lifting side of things, since I don't think we'd be able to a bed over these beds." Jubilee said getting up again and walking out into the corridor. "Did Xavier give you a bed for Kitty? Because I don't see any bed out here."

"It's in the storage room, I'm going down there in a minute. Xavier also wants Kitty to see him now." Piotr replied, walking back into the hallway, obviously on his way to go get the bed.

"Want me to come with you?" Jubilee asked, Piotr nodded and they headed down the corridor.

"Claire could you show me the way to Professor Xavier's office?" Kitty asked, looking back at me from the door.

"Sure, let's get going." I replied, jumping of the bed grabbing the keys to the room and leaving through the door, Kitty followed and I closed the door behind us. We walked the opposite way down the corridor that Jubilee and Piotr had gone. We talked about random things like dreams, I told her about a dream where I was on a chicken farm but instead of chickens there were potatoes and me and some people tried to save them from being chips, I managed to save a potato named Dave before I woke up. We arrived within minutes and Kitty knocked and entered his room, I told her I would wait for her so that we could walk back to the room.

About half an hour passed and Kitty was still in Professor Xavier's office, I was thinking over the past weeks events; first it was coming to this school, finding other people who had powers like me, meeting John, Piotr and Jubilee, unfortunately meeting Joe, kissing John, the whole shopping fiasco and meeting and saving Kitty.

"Hello! Earth to Claire!" someone shouted, evading my line of thoughts, I looked up and only a few centimetres away from my face where a pair of chocolate brown eyes that could only have belonged to one person.

"John?" I questioned, a smirk formed on his lips as he stepped back helping me up from the floor where I had found a comfy sitting spot. "What are you dong here?"

"Hmm…I go to school here." he replied cockily, I laughed at the comment. "I could ask you the same thing. Newbie in trouble?"

"No just waiting for Kitty." I replied, he raised an eyebrow. "No she's not in trouble either. Professor Xavier wanted to talk to her, I said I'd wait till she was done then I could take her back to our dorm room."

"Ah explains a lot." he said, again flicking open his lighter.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked, he shrugged his shoulders.

"Piotr said I'd find you here, I felt like saying hi." he answered leaning against the opposite wall.

"So you decided to come down to Xavier's office to say hi?" I interrogated, he flicked the lighter on look deeply in the flame before looking up at me.

"Kind of." he replied, our conversation was cut short when the door to the office was opened and Kitty exited the room, looking considerably happy, Xavier called John into his office.

"See you later Princess." he whispered in my ear as he passed, making the hair on the back of my neck stand on edge and making me blush deeply. I recovered quickly and walked back to the room with Kitty.

"So what did Xavier want?" I asked, Kitty came back from daydreaming.

"He's talked to my parents and…I'm allowed to come to this school!" she exclaimed I hugged her, my new friend would remain with us in the school.

"That's awesome!" I said, as we entered the room, there was now a bed crammed next to the window. Jubilee was sat reading one of her magazines.

"What's awesome?" she asked, we both walked in and I sat down on my bed and Kitty stood in between all three beds.

"I'm allowed to stay!" she exclaimed, Jubilee jumped from her sitting position her magazine flying at the wall making a dull thud. She brought us all into one big hug. She explained that her parents were really glad that she was happy with new friends and felt that since she was a mutant it would be better for her to meet other mutants and that she would be safer away from the people who hate mutants. Her stuff would be delivered tomorrow and she would get another room due to the fact there was very little space in the room with three beds.

It was around 8:00pm and we all sat in our pyjamas, Kitty had borrowed some off of Jubilee, talking about everything and anything.

"Come on you have to have a little crush on someone, there are some really gorgeous guys here, and you've been here a week. That's plenty of time to crush a little." Jubilee inquired, looking directly at me before chucking a pillow from behind her.

"Hey!" I exclaimed chucking it to the floor.

"Well do you like anyone? If you don't answer I'll throw another pillow at you!" she warned taking another pillow in her hand threateningly. I held my hands up in surrender.

"Ok." I said, sighing. "I guess I do like John" I blushed deeply, trying to hide it but failing which made Kitty and Jubilee laugh at the expression on my face.

"We could ask him if he'd go with you to the dance tomorrow." Kitty suggested, I shook my head slightly as I looked up Jubilee was nodding vigorously in agreement with a goofy smile adorning her features. Little did they know I was already going with him. I was about to tell them when Jubilee cut me off before I could even begin to explain."Yeah! Great idea Kitty!" she exclaimed. "But how can you like John? I mean he is quite good looking but his cocky attitude just is horrible. He loses points on my scale for that."

"Yeah and I bet Piotr is at the top of your scale." I replied throwing the pillow back at her. "Besides when John's with me he's really nice and caring.

Jubilee 'awed' at my statement making me blush yet again.

"What about you Kitty? See any boys you like?" I asked, we both looked at her as she thought about all the people she'd seen a round campus granted she'd only really been here a day so she didn't really know everyone yet.

"Not really no." she answered, however she seemed to be deliberating the question as if she hadn't answered truthfully.

"You sure?" Jubilee questioned sceptically, Kitty clutched a pillow that she had pulled into her arms as if it was a barrier to get away from all the questions.

"I mean Piotr's a hunk, John's a loveable rogue." We nodded along to her answer, thinking of where it was heading. "But if I'm truly honest Bobby is nicer than both of them."

"Hmm…how interesting…" Jubilee muttered, I looked at her suspiciously what was she planning? "That's settled."

"What's settled?" I asked.

"We'll get John and Bobby to go with you to te ball tomorrow and then everyone will have a date. This is going to be great." She exclaimed, I smiled at her happy giddiness.

"Well that plan is already in motion." I said, both of them looked surprised at what I'd just said.

"How?" Kitty asked.

"I'm already going with John."
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Hoped you liked it! Now all I have to work out is how to get Bobby to ask Kitty to the dance…your advice would be welcome ^_^ The next chapter will definitely be the ball already planning it out on paper. Hehe anyway hope you enjoyed im so chuffed I've updated dated three days in a row! Ciao!