
Marmite, Slime And Blackjack

"I'm already going with John."

"What? When did he ask you?" Jubilee asked, both Kitty and her seemed very surprised though I think Jubilee was considerably more surprised than Kitty but then again her and John sometimes never saw eye to eye.

"When we were shopping in HMV." I replied, looking innocently up at the ceiling trying to conceal a slight blush. They both looked more shocked at the answer, they looked at me as if I had grown another head. After a minute both of them jumped up from their respective beds and hugged me.

"All we need now is Bobby to ask Kitty." Jubilee stated enthusiastically ending the hug and dropping back onto her bed. Kitty blushed and looked down at the floor, her brown hair falling in front of her face.

"And how are we going to do that?" Kitty muttered, Jubilee closed her eyes in concentration,. At first I thought she was trying to work out what Kitty had said, but it became more clear that she was thinking of a plan.



Next Day

I was down in the cafeteria eating my breakfast with Bobby, another ten hours and the party would start and it should be one hell of a party. John was not with us of course since he liked to miss breakfast so that he could have a few extra minutes of sleep, I found out that Jubilee also took a leaf out of his book when it came to breakfast of a weekend, she was still sound asleep up in our dorm. Kitty must have been too tired with the previous day's events and so was also still asleep in our room, I wouldn't want to get out of bed if the day before I had been chased by an angry mob. I'm not entirely sure where Piotr was, but he was probably chilling with his roommate.

I took a bite out of my slice of toast with butter and strawberry jam, Bobby also had some toast but instead of strawberry jam he had something that looked very similar to that of marmite. Even if we were twins we didn't like all the same things especially when it came down to food.

"How can you like marmite on toast!" I asked disgusted, picking up my bottle of apple juice and taking a sip. He looked up from his paper at me as if I had grown another head.

"It's nice. And you put it in pasta sauces, what the hell is wrong with you to waste marmite on pasta!" he answered, taking another bite.

"Hey it's nice in sauces and I don't hear you complaining when I make pasta. Anyway marmite on bread is just…just wrong." I said shaking my head, he shrugged and cheerfully began eating the last bites of his toast and flipping through the newspaper. At this point I remembered the plan that Jubilee had thought up last night.

The plan

1. Ask Bobby if he was going with anyone to the ball

2. If his answer is yes then ask him who it is

3. If the answer is no then ask if he was thinking of asking anyone to go

4. Subtly hint at Kitty throughout a conversation

5. If he responds to Kitty being added into the conversation, tell him that Kitty hasn't got a date.

6. If he doesn't respond to Kitty being added into the conversation, ask him does he like anyone in the school, and the tell him that Kitty still hasn't got date however if he says he likes someone that isn't Kitty tell him they are already taken.

7. Suggest that he take Kitty to the dance.

"So are you going the dance with anyone special?" I asked, taking the final bite of my piece of toast, he folded the newspaper up and put it down on the table.

"No, I Haven't asked anyone yet." he replied. "Who are you going with?"

"Your roommate." I answered, just before I answered he had taken a swig of water, which he had now sprayed over the table much to my displeasure. It froze as soon as it hit the table, the news had come as a shock to him.

"You're what?" he shouted, I looked round the cafeteria, there were only a few people were around and those who were there, were to sleepy to even look over at the fuming Bobby.

"Bobby, it's John calm down. It's not like I asked some random guy off the street to take me home!" I yelled back, he seemed to calm down a bit but I could see that he was still irritated.

"Fine. But why John?" he asked, clearing the table of the ice.

"Why not me?" I looked behind me and there stood a smirking John, he appears in the most awkward of times from time to time. "And I thought the two of you would be the last people I would find bickering.""A word. Now." Bobby said through gritted teeth as he rose out of his chair walking out of the left doors of the cafeteria. God Bobby can be so over protective from time to time. I decided I would leave then and there, I turned invisible thank god I could I so didn't want to be brought into this argument this early in the morning anyway. I didn't want anything to ruin this day however that may not be quite that easy. As I went into the corridor I saw no sign of Bobby or John, shrugging I became visible and ran up the stairs and headed back to the room, as I approached someone yanked my shoulder backwards making me spin round and I came face to face with that slime ball Joe and his friend Steve. This wasn't what I needed today.

"What do you want?" I shouted, they both smirked and Joe took a step forward so I took a step back and tried to get closer to my room however Joe was quick enough to catch my hand and pull me closer to him.

"You and me are going to the dance." he stated, I tried to wrench my hand out of his grasp and slap him across the face which he deserved. But his grasp was to tight almost cutting of the circulation to my hand.

"In. Your. Dreams." I ground out through gritted teeth, "Now let go of me." he chuckled a bit before he tried to drag me closer.

"Oi! Slime ball take your hands off of my sister!" Bobby yelled, running towards Joe however was subdued by Steve and his lizard tail?

"Why would I do that ice boy?" he sneered, out of nowhere a stream of fire came swirling past, I looked behind Joe to see John stood with his trusty lighter. Joe let go of my wrist, and with this new freedom I smacked him across the face, John and Bobby laughed at the look on Joe's face. His look turned to shock to pure rage I had to dodge a slime ball that he had managed to materialize and throw at me, which was now slowly killing a plant that it had landed on. John had managed to get around Joe and Steve to help me up off of the floor. He placed me behind him and flicked the lighter to life, but before he could form a fireball, Professor Xavier and Professor Summers arrived to stop a fully fledged fight from ensuing.

"Stop this all of you!" Scott shouted, everyone stopped and turned to face the professors, this wasn't going to be good.

"Now what happened?" Xavier asked calmly, facing Joe and Steve to begin with.

"They just attacked us! I was just having a nice conversation with the girl and they just attacked us for no given reason!" Steve explained obviously lying the sod.

"Did this really happen?" he asked looking between Bobby, John and I.

"Wait!" someone yelled, the voice was very deep and recognizable. We turned and saw Piotr and Jubilee stood in the corridor as well, there was another girl with them. She was I'd say about twelve years old with blonde hair that was tied up in plaits. In her hand was a video camera. This little girl was our saviour.

"Professors, Jessica caught everything on camera and what Steve just told you was a complete and utter lie." Jubilee explained, handing the camera to Professor Summers. The professors watched the footage before they took Joe and Steve away probably back to Xavier's office. I sighed in relief we were off the hook for now, but now my hand hurt from Joe's tight grasp on it, I started to rub it soothingly.

"Did he do that?" John asked, turning around to face me, I nodded and he took my wrist to examine it.

"He Didn't do anything else did he?" Bobby asked walking up to us.

"Nope, if you two hadn't have shown up when you did then he could have done more." I replied giving both of them a hug, I then turned round, Jubilee was now stood half asleep in the hallway I told her I would tell her everything that happened once she was awake enough to do so. So she returned back to bed. "Unfortunately I don't think that plant will ever grow again." We laughed.

"John." Bobby said, the both of us looked at Bobby. "I owe you an apology for yelling at you before." John grinned and high fived Bobby, I stood confused, what had they argued about…oh yeah about going the dance.

"It's ok." he replied, "We've got nine hours until the dance tonight what shall we do?"

"Cards?" I suggested, Bobby chuckled as I drew a pack of cards from my bag, John raised an eyebrow as we walked down the stairs and towards the games room. "Until the others come round."We arrived at the games room which was quite empty much like the cafeteria since many people were obviously still sleeping. We sat down at a table and I took the cards out from the packet shuffling them.

"What game?" I asked, Bobby shrugged.

"How 'bout blackjack?" John suggested, everyone agreed and so I dealt the cards. We'd played about 4 rounds of blackjack, Bobby was losing having won none, when the conversation turned to the dance.

"Have you asked anyone yet?" John asked, Bobby shook his head, I sighed shaking my head.

"No one in mind?" I questioned, he thought for a bit but then shook his head.

"No not really. I only properly know Jubilee and Kitty. I bet they both have dates." he answered, sounding quite sad. Ah but this was the exact moment I needed.

"Kitty hasn't got a date and I think she'd like to go with you." I said, he looked quite surprised but he definitely looked happier now.

"I'll go find her. See you later." he said getting up and putting the cards down, before running off to find Kitty.

"Nice work." John complimented, he smirked as he put down the last of his cards. Damn him he'd won again. "However you'll never beat me at cards."

"You wish." I said, smiling at him.
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Wow this is now turning into the longest fan fiction I have wrote so far! I'm so proud hehe! Hope you enjoyed the next two chapters will definitely be the ball. I just had to write how everyone got their costumes and dates, etc I don't know whether to do the start of the next chapter in Kitty or Bobby's P.O.V…and then split the ball scenes into like each couples perspective do you think that would be a good idea? The first would probably be John and Claire, the second would be Bobby and Kitty then the third would be Jubilee and Piotr…just to mix things up a bit haha! Finally the week-end is here, ill be able to write more! And sleep more! Peace out! Ciao!