
The Dance: Bobby And Kitty

Kitty's P.O.V

I was on my own in our room, Jubilee had gone to meet Piotr half an hour ago and Claire had gone to meet John ten minutes ago. Another 5 minutes and we'd all be having a great time partying the night away. I couldn't believe that only a day ago I had no friends what so ever that I was the most hated person in the school. It all happened one day when we played baseball in gym class, I had found out I was a mutant already before this happened after I fell through my bedroom floor. Anyway we were playing baseball on the school yard and I was picked to field, the ball was flying towards me and I started to run backwards so as to keep my eye on the ball, but what I didn't notice was the wall of the building that I was surely going to hit. Or so the rest of the class thought but as I collided with the wall I phased through it and everyone had seen me. Everyone knew I was a mutant. The weeks following were the worst of my life; threatening notes, rubbish thrown in my face, people pushing me into lockers and down stairs and food thrown over me.

When the gang first met me, our school had gone on a field trip to New York to one of the museums, while the teachers had let us go off for lunch all the rest of the students turned on me and were probably trying to 'get rid of me'. If Bobby and John hadn't found me that day I think I would have probably been killed, and not even the teachers would have cared if I was missing. Three sharp knocks on the door brought me out of my thoughts.

"Come in." I shouted, gathering the rest of my things together and chucking them in my bag. I turned round and there was Bobby completely painted blue with the kind of bathrobe basically it was like the costume that Arnold Schwarzenegger wore when he played Mr Freeze.

"You look awesome." I said as we walked out of the room and down to the hall. We approached the double doors to the hall, Bobby held the door open for me to walk through like a proper gentleman would. I stared in awe at the decorations that made the normally boring white walls be brought to life with all the colours…well mainly orange, green, red and black, but on the whole it did improve the feel of the room immensely more energetic and friendly.

"Do you want a drink?" he asked as he led me towards the drinks table, he passed me a glass of what I think was Diet Coke, after a couple of minutes we were joined by the rest of the gang in all their costumes, Piotr (well I think that is what he is called) looked totally amazing in his superman costume. We danced and laughed at the bad singing and miming we were doing, after a couple of songs, the song Baby It's Fact by HelloGoodbye came on.

"I love this song come on let's dance!" I announced grabbing Bobby's hands and dragging him into the crowds of all the other dancing people, I accidentally bumped into a very tall brunette who was one of three girls dressed as a playboy bunny.

"Watch it dweeb!" she shouted shoving me aside, I wasn't that bothered nothing could ruin this great night.

Just in case their wondering
They've got us pinned terribly
They don't believe our love is real
Cause they don't know how real love feels
You should know it's true
Just now, the part about my love for you
And how my heart's about burst
Into a thousand pieces
Oh it must be true
And They'll believe us to soon

Baby, it's fact
That our love is true
The way black is black
And blue is just blue
My love is true
It's a matter of fact
Oh, and you love me too
It's as simple as that
Baby, our love is true

Bobby twirled me round and round before taking my hands and swaying with me. With both were grinning and laughing madly

They may say some awful things
But there's no point in listening
Your words are the only words
That I believe in should know it's true
Just now, the part about my love for you
And how my heart's about burst
Into a thousand pieces
Oh it must be true
And They'll believe us to soon

Baby, it's factThat our love is true
The way black is black
And blue is just blue
My love is true
It's a matter of fact
Oh, and you love me too
It's as simple as that
Baby, our love is true

By this point Bobby started miming the words and doing random actions to each word which sent me into a fit of giggles.

It's true
Oh oh oh
It's true
Oh oh oh
It's true
Oh oh oh
It's true
Whoa oh oh

Baby, it's fact
That our love is true
The way black is black
And blue is just blue
My love is true
It's a matter of fact
Oh, and you love me too
It's as simple as that
Baby, it's fact
That our love is true
The way black is black
And blue is just blue
My love is true
It's a matter of fact
Oh, and you love me too
It's as simple as that
Baby, it's fact
Our love is true
Baby, it's fact
Our love is true
Baby, it's fact
Our love is true
Baby, it's fact
Baby, it's fact
Our love
Our love is true

The song ended and everyone stop dancing until the next song came which was much slower, I slow danced with Bobby everyone was slow dancing with those who they had come with or those they decided to ask then and there. After that the time warp from the Rocky Horror Picture Show, we rejoined the group and I broke out into a another fit of laughter as John and Bobby began miming the words so dramatically. We all danced the actual moves of the dance and we just had a whale of a time.

The night was coming to end unfortunately, another couple of songs came on and then Storm came onto the stage accompanied by Dr Gray.

"Everyone quiet for the moment. Now that the party's coming to an end, it's time to announce the best dressed prizes." Storm announced, everyone began cheering, and then Storm asked for silence again.

"Best dressed female goes to….." Dr Gray began holding for a dramatic pause, and everyone began stamping their feet for a drum roll. "Kitty Pryde as The Cheshire Cat."

I couldn't believe I'd won, I hadn't won anything before this night, I walked up on stage nervous that I was on show to the whole school, I could the gang cheering wildly. I returned back to the gang and Bobby hugged me as we waited to hear who had won the other prizes.

"Best dressed male is…" Storm announced, again halting the sentence for a dramatic pause and drum role. "Jaime Fowler as The Crow."

We clapped less enthusiastically but still we clapped, granted his costume was awesome but I still thought Bobby's was the best in the room, and the most creative. Some girl with blonde hair dressed as a playboy bunny was cheering so loud down behind us, she was with the brunette who had pushed me before.

"Best dressed couple…" Dr Gray started, followed by another drum roll. I wasn't really bothered if we won best dressed couple, I didn't want to take every prize and I wanted my friends to win some of them too. "Claire Drake and John Allerdyce as Alice and The Joker."

The group roared in applause as John and Claire went up to collect their prize, Jubilee began happy jumping it looked as if she really needed the loo. Bobby and myself began to laugh but she didn't notice.

"Group prizes now. Best dressed group of females…" drum roll. "Jubilation Lee, Claire Drake and Kitty Pryde as The Queen of Hearts, Alice, and The Cheshire Cat."

We went up to collect our prize the boys cheering loudly.

The best dressed male group went to four boys who had dressed up as the three musketeers plus D'artagnan. And the best dressed overall group was six people dressed up as; Wonderwoman, Superman, The Green Lantern, The Flash, Aquaman and Batman. Everyone was then ushered out of the hall, Bobby walked me back up to my room, we chatted about all kinds; favourite leisure activities, favourite movies etcetera.

"Thanks for a great night." I said, as we reached my room.

"I should be thanking you." he said cheerfully before waving as he went back to his dorm, before he was out of earshot I shouted:

"Night Bobby."

"Night." He replied as I started to close the door, I flopped down on the bed before getting changed and climbing into bed, waiting for the other two to arrive back.
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Hi! Hope you enjoyed! Im thinking of doing a song for each couple so:
John and Claire have: Falling Slowly from Once
Bobby and Kitty have: Baby It's Fact by HelloGoodbye
But I don't know what to give Piotr and Jubilee I was thinking Make This Go On Forever by Snow Patrol…let me know what you think. Err I think I've covered pretty much what I was going to put but then again I may have forgotten some things since its Monday and I had to get up early :( . Anyway hope you liked it the next chapter is half done and Ciao!