
The Dance: Jubilee And Piotr

Jubilee's P.O.V

After I left our room I went straight to Piotr and Jaime's room, I didn't want to seem too eager so I walked slowly, but at the same time I really wanted to see Piotr. I knocked on the door, before Piotr opened it in his superman costume and god did he suit it. He ushered me in before he rushed round finishing whatever he was doing before I arrived, I sat down on the edge of his bed, his roommate Jaime sat on the opposite bed in his costume of The Crow. He was quite good looking…well…he was gorgeous and didn't he know it, with his chocolaty brown eyes and short brown hair, but there was one big let down he was as arrogant as they came, probably more so than John and that is saying something. His father was some big oil tycoon which meant he was filthy rich and it showed; he never lifted a finger for anyone else, made people do all his homework and if he didn't get his way with things in school he'd be on the phone to daddy within seconds. His power was the ability to run extremely fast, you'd think he'd never be late with that power, well no he's always late thinking he's too good to show up on time.

A knock on the door tore me away from my analysis on the boy sat in front of me, I looked at him expecting him to get the door, however he didn't move an inch, he didn't even put down his book. Another knock, and he finally put down the book yet made no movement towards the door, he looked at me as if to say: 'Are you going to get that?' After about the sixth knock I sighed in defeat and I swear I saw him smirk before picking up his book again."Jerk." I muttered to myself, I promised Piotr I would try and get along with him, I don't even know how Piotr gets along with him. I yanked the door opened, and there stood in what I could only describe as a very skimpy bunny outfit was the school's 'It' girl. Amy. I'm not entirely sure what her power was but I think it could be something to do with emotions. She pushed passed me and basically hurled her scantily clad body at Jaime and proceeded to make out and if Piotr and I were not in the room they probably would have done a lot more.

"Get a room!" I shouted shielding my eyes from the monstrosity, Piotr came out of the bathroom and chuckled at the comment.

"This is my room." he replied, pausing from his session with Amy before quickly returning to what he was doing. I rolled my eyes and turned to Piotr who held the door for me to go through, I quickly stepped out into the hallway, wanting to exit the room as quickly before I saw what I really didn't want to see.

"You look lovely." Piotr said as we went exited the building into the gardens, we were wandering round the gardens talking about plans for the future when it was about ten minutes till the dance would begin. I being me didn't want to be late and so we started to run from the lake back up to the house, weaving through bushes and over small puddles. I spotted two figures just a couple of metres away from where we were, realising that the blue dress could only belong to Claire which meant the other on was John.

"Oi! You two wait for us." I yelled, the two of them turned round and faced me, however since I was looking at them and not where I was running I didn't notice the rock that tripped me up, if Piotr hadn't caught me I would have ruined the costume and there was no time for me sort it out if I did ruin it. I caught the two of them laughing ooo and would they pay for that. After I had recovered we entered the hall, which was now overcrowded with people, after searching for what seemed like forever we managed to find Bobby and Kitty who were chatting away near the refreshment table. I gave her a thumbs up, the plan had worked because of my genius and help from a quick thinking Claire, she smiled back and I giggled at the utterly confused Bobby. He didn't know of our sneaky plan and probably would never ever know. We danced, sang rather badly I may add, and just had a great time. The song Make This Go On Forever by Snow Patrol blurred through the speaker. I love Snow Patrol I grabbed Piotr and pulled him into the dancing crowds of people, breaking up a group of dancing men in wigs and tights…well I think they were male students…I'm not too sure now…

Please don't let this turn into something it's not
I can only give you everything I've got
I can't be as sorry as you think I should
But I still love you more than anyone else could

All that I keep thinking throughout this whole flight
Is it could take my whole damn life to make this right
This splintered mast I'm holding on won't save me long
Because I know fine well that what I did was wrong

The last girl and the last reason to make this last for as long as I could
First kiss and the first time that I felt connected to anything
The weight of water, the way you told me to look past everything I had ever learned
The final word in the final sentence you ever uttered to me was love

We mimed the lyrics, Piotr must have been a Snow Patrol fan too he knew all the words perfectly. Another reason why we are basically made for each other.

We have got through so much worse than this before
What's so different this time that you can't ignore
You say it is much more than just my last mistake
And we should spend some time apart for both our sakes

The last girl and the last reason to make this last for as long as I could
First kiss and the first time that I felt connected to anything
The weight of water, the way you told me to look past everything I had ever learned
The final word in the final sentence you ever uttered to me was love

The last girl and the last reason to make this last for as long as I could
First kiss and the first time that I felt connected to anything
The weight of water, the way you told me to look past everything I had ever learned
The final word in the final sentence you ever uttered to me was love

Piotr pulled me towards him and we danced as if it were a slower song.

And I don't know where to look
My words just break and melt
Please just save me from this darkness

And I don't know where to look
My words just break and melt
Please just save me from this darkness

He looked down at me as the song ended and gave me a peck on the lips.

"Jubilee will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, I may have squealed like a rabid fan girl at this moment and pulled him down for another kiss one that lasted much longer than the first, people began wolf whistling before the next song came on which incidentally was Thriller. It was so amsing watching the boys make utter fools of themselves trying to be Michael Jackson.

The night was coming to end unfortunately, another couple of songs came on and then Storm came onto the stage accompanied by Dr Gray.

"Everyone quiet for the moment. Now that the party's coming to an end, it's time to announce the best dressed prizes." Storm announced, everyone began cheering, and then Storm asked for silence again.

"Best dressed female goes to….." Dr Gray began holding for a dramatic pause, and everyone began stamping their feet for a drum roll. "Kitty Pryde as The Cheshire Cat."

I was happy for Kitty, after all her costume was great and she was brand new to the school, however I did really want to win that category this year.

"Best dressed male is…" Storm announced, again halting the sentence for a dramatic pause and drum role. "Jaime Fowler as The Crow."

Eugh the jerk won, I clapped slightly, I so think that Piotr had the better costume, he after all looked exactly like the character he was dressing as where as Jaime didn't. Amy started cheering loudly from behind. I turned round and gave her a death glare for nearly making me deaf in one ear, her friend, I think her name was Alexis or something like that, was stood next to her in another very slutty playboy bunny outfit, her brown hair in curls with bunny ears sat on her head, she snarled me before she returned her attentions to the boy stood next to her. I turned back to the stage.

"Best dressed couple…" Dr Gray started, followed by another drum roll. I wanted to win at least one prize this year and Piotr and I did look great, if I do say so myself, but if the others won this I would be really happy for them especially if it was John and Claire. "Claire Drake and John Allerdyce as Alice and The Joker."

I started happy dancing, so much so that everyone looked at me as if I were mad or really needed the loo…I don't know how people look at you as if you need the loo but the vibe coming from them told me they were thinking I needed the loo. Bobby, Kitty, Claire, John and Piotr began laughing and I joined in I was just so happy that nothing could bring it down.

"Group prizes now. Best dressed group of females…" drum roll. "Jubilation Lee, Claire Drake and Kitty Pryde as The Queen of Hearts, Alice, and The Cheshire Cat." I hugged Claire and Kitty and then gave Piotr a kiss before we went up to collect our prize the boys cheering loudly.

The best dressed male group went to four boys who had dressed up as the three musketeers plus D'artagnan. And the best dressed overall group was six people dressed up as; Wonderwoman, Superman, The Green Lantern, The Flash, Aquaman and Batman. Everyone was then ushered out of the hall, Piotr walked me back to the room through the gardens that looked lovely in the moonlight, we talked about all kinds of things; what we hoped to do in the future, the evnts of the past week, and plans for tomorrow.

"Goodnight Jubilee." he said before he kissed me, and then leaving to get back to his room.

"Night." I breathed leaning against the door, watching him walk down the hallway in all his fitness, before I entered the room and flopped down onto the bed.
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Hope you enjoyed! I'm not entirely sure if the next chapter will be up tomorrow depending on if the history and Spanish revision goes well…exams got to hate them =( Ah I think Ghost will end at the end of the first movie, then will be followed by another story called Spectre which will go through the second movie and then that will be followed by Phantom that will go through the 3rd movie and after the movie...let me knoew what you think. Anyway I don't think I have anything else to say really…hope you liked the ball! Ciao! ^_^