
Jubilation Lee

"I am offering you a place at my school, Xavier's school for gifted youngsters." he announced. Mum was elated as was dad that we had been accepted because we we're gifted.

"That's excellent! Is it near Boston?" Dad asked, I inwardly grimaced hopefully not, I wanted to get away from all the idiotic horrible people and all the hateful things they say.

"No, the school is just outside of New York, near Salem Center." he explained. "Now no to be impolite, but could you leave this room Mr and Mrs Drake while I talk to Robert and Claire alone."

They looked at us, we just looked back at Xavier as they got up and left the room.

"If you need anything just shout us ok." Mum said as she left the door.

Xavier gestured to Scott who fished around in a bag and produced two leaflets which he gave to us. I opened it and read a bit before Bobby slightly elbowed me to bring me back into the room.

'Now this school is not for what you may call an ordinary gifted person, but it is for those who are incredibly gifted with powers beyond some people's comprehension. It's a school where mutants are safe from hatred and abuse. It is up to you whether you tell your parents that you are mutants or you could let them believe the school is like any ordinary boarding school. If you accept we shall see you in two weeks time. I will explain to your parents about how the school works now.'

We nodded and Xavier motioned for Scott to bring back our parents while smiling at us. I was overjoyed to finally get out of my hell of a school. Professor Xavier explained that we could come and visit as often as we like, however they couldn't come to see us because the other students who have no family may feel lonelier and then run away. He also went over the boring school stuff saying all the subjects we'd be studying and that we wouldn't miss out on a good education. When they left mum whipped up our favourite for tea: her own take on a classic pizza, each slice had a topping that someone loved for example on Ronny's there was ham and pineapple. It was a celebratory meal kind of thing because mum and dad were both ecstatic that we were accepted into a very prestigious school.

Two weeks later

"Have you got everything?" mum asked as dad helped Professor Summers with our cases. We both nodded as we picked up our backpacks. I knew she was going to start crying any minute and I was hoping it wasn't going to set me off. She hugged us both for a very long time as if we were not going to come back or the world was going to end when we left here. She let go of us tears rolling down her face she grabbed a handkerchief out of her pockets and started to dab at her eyes. Ronny had been forced from his bed way earlier than usual…well it was six in the morning, and he wasn't happy about it, but I still gave him a hug which he returned and Bobby gave him a high-five. The car was packed and Scott had already got into the driver's seat ready to get going, so we gave dad a quick hug and then piled into the back of the car with bags in hand. Bobby who was sat on the side nearest to the house so he opened the window, I leaned over and we both waved.

"Bye!" We shouted, mum was still tearful even dad was tearing up Ronny just looked extremely tired as he waved lazily nearly falling asleep in the process. The last two weeks haven't been as bad, I ignored all the threats and horrible notes left for me, nothing could get the smile off of my face, I think it even annoyed a few people to see me so happy as they would shout 'why the hell are you so happy freak?' But nothing and I mean nothing could get my happy mood down. I was happy to leave all the horrid people behind in this city but I was sad to leave my family behind, but I had Bobby so that made it better and we wouldn't be afraid of our parents finding out what we really are. We'd finally found a place where mutants could be mutants and not be hated for it.

I watched as the trees and houses flew by as we travelled through the rest of the suburbs until we finally left Boston, I wondered what would happen when we got there, would people be friendly? Would I make friends quickly? Would the teachers be nice? Too many questions were running through my mind so I decided I try to get some more sleep so I wouldn't be grumpy when I got there.

4 Hours later

I felt someone prodding me in the ribs with a finger so I hit their hand away and then tried to get back to sleep. But the hands came back and they were tickling me and so I couldn't get back to sleep and woke up laughing and giggling.

"Bobby!" I exclaimed, he sat there laughing at my sudden out burst.

"Sorry it's the only way to wake you up." he said holding up his hands trying to act innocent. Scott interrupted our little mini 'fight'

"We'll be here in a few minutes." he announced. After about ten minutes we came up to a large mansion. It looked amazing the gardens were beautiful, all different types of flowers growing. And the courtyard was like a courtyard out of a movie. Scott collected our things and generously carried them up to the mansion entrance hall. He then lead us to an office that must belong to Xavier as he was already there reading a book that he placed back on the shelf as we entered the room. Two more people entered the room, one was a red headed woman the other a silver haired woman both looked quite young, but weren't our age. Xavier introduced them as Professor Ororo Munroe and Dr Jean Grey.

After that we were given a tour of the school by Scott he showed us; the classrooms, the basketball courts, swimming pool, the cafeteria, the stable house, the lake, and finally the dorms. Scott then showed us exactly where our dorm rooms and he even brought up our cases for us, my room was on the 1st floor and Bobby's was on the 2nd.

I took a deep breath and opened the door to my room, I didn't know whether or not I had a roommate, but I found out soon. Sat on the bed opposite the door was a girl around 15 or 16 years old, she had black hair and I guessed she had an Asian background due to how she looked and since she was talking on the phone in Chinese. I waved at her as I walked in and plonked my case down on the other bed and then went back to close the door. When I returned to my case she had finished her phone call.

"Hi I'm your new roommate. The name's Claire Drake" I said smiling at her a she stood up placing the phone in her jean's pocket and helped me put some of the clothes into the wardrobe.

"Hiya! I'm Jubilation Lee but everyone calls me Jubilee" she said trying to shake my hand while holding a pile of shirts. "So what are your powers?"

I smiled as I focused on the make-up bag in my case and moved it to the nightstand, when it was on the table I decided I would turn invisible and visible.

"And I'm slightly telepathic, but it only comes on from time to time." I added.

"Awesome! That's really cool I wish I could turn invisible then I could totally spy on some of the fitties round here!" we both fell into a fit of laughter at this.

"Well I can turn you invisible if you hold onto me while I'm invisible." I said while trying to hold in some of the giggles that were dying to get free.

"Ooo! We'll have some fun this year!" she laughed winking at me, which just sent me into more giggles. After a good couple of minutes we had clamed back down and were trying to get to unpacking.

"I forgot to tell you my powers! Sorry got totally side tracked anyway I can create what I call 'fireworks' but if you want the scientific name for it they're called energy plasmoids. Watch!" she said as her hands glowed orange and multi-coloured small balls of energy formed and made a crackling bang before disappearing.

"Wow! That's amazing!" I exclaimed, she giggled as she helped me put some stuff into the bathroom ensuite.

"Hey you met any of the other students yet?" she asked as she plopped herself back on her bed as I pushed the case under my bed and sat down.

"No I only know you and my brother. We both just got here this morning." I explained, she nodded then thought for a while before jumping up and pulling me into a hug. She then let me go and flopped back onto her bed.

"So that makes me your first friend her!" she exclaimed. "No scratch that we're best friends!""Totally" I agreed nodding.

"We need a totally cool secret best friend handshake." she announced, so we thought about this secret handshake, and finally agreed on:

Two high fives

Knuckle touch

Then finally shoulder bump

"What time is it?" she suddenly asked. I looked at my phone.

"12" I replied, she jumped up on her feet and grabbed my arm linking it with hers.

"Let's go get some lunch!"
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Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed. Again if you can and want to please review I don't mind what ever you want to say even if it is do you like oranges? XD that's a question I keep asking people who know me…they get really annoyed anyway! Ciao!