
Christmas Eve

24th December: 9:00 P.M: Boston: 5C

Claire's P.O.V

I was sat in the living room with a nice warm mug of hot chocolate watching some good Christmas television. Mum and dad were out doing some last minute shopping, Ronny was upstairs most probably on his laptop and Bobby was sat next to me on the couch with the remote in one hand and a bowl of vanilla ice cream in the other. I was enthralled in one of the programs before Bobby changed the channel…once again.

"Bobby!" I exclaimed placing my mug on the coffee table and swatting him with a pillow.

"What? That was a boring show anyways!" he exclaimed defending himself with another cushion.

"It was interesting." I countered sulking in my little corner of the couch, he sighed but didn't change the channel back instead he put on one of the sports channels. Our little fight was interrupted by my phone ringing. I picked it up from the table, and looked at the caller ID:


I flipped it open to answer it grabbing the remote off Bobby to turn the TV down.

"Hey." I greeted, Bobby rolled his eyes before shovelling some ice cream into his mouth.

"Hi! What you up to?" she asked, sounding as if she was in the subway somewhere.

"Not much, just watching some television. You?" I replied.

Bobby's P.O.V

"Oh really?" Claire said into her phone. Her and her gossip seriously, all her phone calls so far in this holiday have been from Jubilee about some little thing such as what Piotr said to her about a sandwich yesterday…or something silly like that. It is nice to see her happy again, all that crap at our old school far behind us now, no one could really ruin it now unless something big did happen and killed someone close to us. After a couple of minutes she hung up the phone before taking the remote again and turning up the volume.

"Anything interesting?" I asked, mainly to be polite.

"Nothing that would interest you really, just telling me about her shopping spree yesterday." she replied, picking her mug up from the table. "Oh and John says Merry Christmas Eve."

"Who's John." a voice asked from the stairway, we both looked away from the TV to find Ronny. Finally he had removed himself from his bedroom.

"A friend of ours from school." Claire replied taking a sip of hot chocolate. Ronny walked over to the other couch and sat down.

"Yeah, a friend." I said slightly sarcastically, I received a kick to the leg from Claire and a sharp glance before she returned to watching the TV. I looked over Ronny who seemed to have caught onto what I meant, we shared a knowing nod before we looked back over at the TV.

24th December: 10:00P.M: Xavier Academy: -1C

Jubilee's P.O.V

I was sat on my bed reading Dan Brown's Lost Symbol that Claire had bought me as a Christmas present…and it was a great book. Piotr had gone home for the holidays which was a shame I was hoping to spend at least some of it with him. Now it only left Siryn, Kitty, John and I…well it only left the group of four of us that actually talked to one another, Siryn sat with us from time to time, but she had recently become friendly with another mutant. I looked over at the clock on my bed-side table and sighed it was only ten o'clock, I looked over at the vacant space of Claire's bed, it got quite lonely without her she was my best friend and we'd only really known each other for a couple of months.

I placed a bookmark in the book before placing it down on the table and rolling off the bed, I was going to get ready to go to sleep when there was a knock on the door. I walked over to the door and opened it and not to my surprise there stood Kitty.

"Hey what's up?" I asked, she motioned for me to follow without saying a word I picked up the keys to my room and closed the door quietly as possible. After a couple of minutes sneaking through the halls we arrived at the kitchen, where also not to my surprise sat John with a pack of cards, would he ever let this Christmas tradition go?

Xavier Academy: 11:00 P.M

John's P.O.V

"Evening." I greeted the girls as they sat down across from me, I began shuffling the cards. "Ready for a couple of card games?"

I began dealing the cards knowing that we'd be playing blackjack. Jubilee wouldn't admit to this, but she knew that I would kick her ass any day at blackjack. The only people that stood a chance at beating me at cards were Claire and Bobby…shame that the both of them couldn't be here. I took out the lighter that Claire had gotten for me and smiled, she was one of the nicest people I'd ever met.

"Miss her?" asked Jubilee, as she put down the two of hearts. She smirked knowing that if I didn't have a two I'd have to pick up two, but unfortunately for Kitty I had a two.

"Yeah." I answered, she nodded. We turned our attention to Kitty who was now picking up four cards. After a couple more minutes I was on my last card where as Kitty nearly had a full hand and Jubilee must have had at least five cards. Jubilee put down an ace changing the suite to spades, which was a big mistake on her part, I placed down the two of spades.

"Damn it!" Jubilee exclaimed. "You always win!"

"Not always." I said, she looked at me sceptically. "Just most of the time."

"So who've you lost to?" Kitty questioned, however something told me that they both knew and just wanted me to confirm their suspicions.

"Claire." I answered, confirming what I knew was true they had already guessed it, as they both looked at each other knowingly. What is it with girls and gossip these days?

Xavier Academy 12:00 P.M

Kitty's P.O.V

"Merry Christmas everyone!" I exclaimed hugging both Jubilee and John. This was one of the best Christmas' I had had in ages even if Bobby and Claire weren't here.

"Wishing there was mistletoe and Claire here John?" Jubilee asked laughing jollily, John scowled at her before he smirked.

"I'm sure you're also missing Piotr and some mistletoe too." he replied dodging the cookie that had been thrown by her. We all agreed it was best that we should get some sleep, though I don't think I could sleep, I just love Christmas too much.

Boston 12:00 P.M

Claire's P.O.V

"Merry Christmas you two." I whispered while hugging Ronny and Bobby, though we were teenagers mum and dad didn't like us staying up on Christmas Eve.

"Merry Christmas." they replied, we quietly left our seated positions on the lounge floor and crept upstairs to our bedrooms to get some sleep so that we would be cheerful for the rest of Christmas day.
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Hope you enjoyed! Spectre is still in development! ^_^ Even though its is like August I felt like uploading part one of this Christmas special! ^_^