
A Night Of Terror


Chapter 5: Night of Terror

The day had progressed like any other day…well since the whole fiasco with the mutant attack on the President, the day had progressed like all other days, waiting for the time they announced an attack on the mutants or when we cleared of any alliance with the mutant in question. Kitty had tried and failed to win Bobby's attention, he was completely enamoured with Rogue…maybe she was like the Sirens in old sailor legends…

"Hey." John greeted bringing me out of my thoughts, coming into the second year the schedules had been re-arranged, plus with the added extra class of creative writing, we all ended up with different timetables and with it being a Thursday I had just been in Science on my own, well since the start of the year I had made friends with my lab partner Lysander…what an epic name! He was able to control water…well any sort of liquid, which was great when we were in a Chemistry lesson.

"How was ethics?" I asked as he slid into the seat next to me, although Lysander and I were friends he wasn't on the best of terms with John…whole water and fire sort of like a bizarre natural rivalry. This is why I had found myself sat alone in the cafeteria, since Science was generally let out earliest of all the classes, thanks to Dr Grey. John was then next out followed closely by Jubilee and Kitty who were both in one of Xavier's classes. Rogue and Bobby were the last to join us generally on a Thursday for dinner, and after dinner we always went to the rec room for a relax after a hard day's work.

"It's ethics never is the greatest experience of the day, especially with Summers." John replied as he began eating his dinner, we'd all but finished when the whole gang had joined us, Kitty and Bobby hadn't spoken after the whole…well the failed plan and thank the lord Rogue hadn't found out about, god knows what her reaction would be…

"Wonder what the news will be like tonight?" Jubilee mused as she finished up the last remnants of her dinner; Kitty was the last to finish. We began to head to the rec room.

"Probably more of the same, though hopefully the situation has swung in favour for us." Kitty answered as we entered the room, Piotr surprisingly was already sat with some others in a corner of the room, Bobby and Rogue sat on the couch opposite the TV cuddling…well cuddling as best they could give that a lasting touch from Rogue would take away his life. This was much amusement for Piotr and some of his friends as he drew small doodles of the pair, much to the disapproval of Rogue. As Kitty had predicted the news hadn't changed much, still the same old story of the mutant who attacked the President followed up by arguments for and against the mutant race. It felt like the whole registration fiasco all over again. We decided we'd had enough of hearing the same bad news continuously so John, Kitty and I left the sofas for a table near where Jubilee had joined Piotr and the others; we started a little game of blackjack.

"You're never going to beat me at blackjack." John stated as he dealt the cards, he hadn't faced Kitty as of yet…she was even better than Jubilee…but it didn't take much to beat Jubilee. After a couple of minutes a roar of a motorbike was heard followed by footsteps in gravel, this immediately caught the attention of Rogue.

"Logan!" she exclaimed as she ran out of the room, Logan or rather Wolverine had immediately left the school after returning Rogue back. It was like Rogue was in love with him too, but he was much older, I'd even heard Xavier say that he was older than him…maybe it was part of his mutation. Plus the fact that she was dating my brother made it seem more like a very good friend. After the arrival of Logan all the professors left, including Professor Xavier…where they going to find this mutant? Whatever they were up to, it left Logan in charge of the school, he was like an unofficial babysitter for nearly a hundred or so kids…whoa was his job difficult.

"I'm so tired!" I stated yawning and stretching as we all began walking back up to the dorms. Knowing Kitty she'd stay in our room for a while…she'd been doing a lot recently before she would venture to her room where Siryn would more than likely be asleep.

"Night, see you in the morning." John said kissing me on the forehead; Bobby and Rogue had yet to venture up so John returned to his room alone. Jubilee trekked ahead of us dragging her feet as she fumbled for the keys to our room. As she entered she collapsed onto the bed, feet flailing in the air. Kitty walked in before me sitting down on the windowsill seat, with myself following in last and closing the door over.

"Do you think this will all blow over?" Kitty asked as she began to fiddle with her hair nervously.

"The whole attack by a mutant? I don't know, I think they're going to hate us more than ever." I replied honestly. "But that doesn't mean we should give up."
"And Xavier will always campaign against anything that will harm us." Jubilee added although it was somewhat mumbled as she talked into the pillow. "So don't worry."
After a couple more minutes of chatting and what not, Kitty went back to her room and Jubilee and I went off to sleep. It wasn't until about three in the morning when an ear wrenching scream echoed through the whole house, making both Jubilee and I jump up out of bed clutching our ears. I ran over to her grasping her hand as turning us invisible as I opened the door, Kitty appeared running down the corridor towards us however she then shifted through the floor as a military man began to shoot at her…had they launched an attack already?!
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Hi! Wow well this has taken me awhile to update I'm sorry about that! Well since a lot of my other fanfics are now complete (including my First Class fic) I can now focus on the ones I still need to finish including this one, which is the first of I think it's five to be on its way to completion fingers crossed that I can get it done! Well I hope you have enjoyed! Thanks for the support! Ciao for now =D