
The Power Of Fire


Chapter 8: The Power of Fire


"Mum Dad, Bobby and I we're mutants." I finished, once the words escaped my mouth I clapped my hands over it, I couldn't believe I had finally told them, and neither could Bobby who looked at me his face full of shock and fear. There was a silence as Mum and Dad looked between them and us, they couldn't believe that we are mutants, Ronny hadn't said anything either. All the years of hiding it away from them had been unravelled in once sentence. Would they still love us? Or would we end up being disowned?

"Are you sure?"

Claire's P.O.V

"Mum, I've been sure for over a year." I replied, the room went silent, sure it was something that needed to be thought over, and I get that. But who asks are you sure? If I was my mother…well I don't know what I'd do, I'd want to accept my child…no I would accept my child with their mutation after all they were my child. Bobby sighed a little as he reached forward to mum's cup of coffee, focusing on it and freezing it, she immediately dropped it out of her hand, looking between the now ice-block of coffee and Bobby, our cat however wasn't scared of ice and began licking away at it. I decided it was my turn to 'show-off' my powers…well just invisibility, earning another gasp out of mum.

"Have you tried…not being mutants?" she asked, what did she expect us to do? Never go near water and never get so embarrassed that I literally vanish…she really needed to think about what she said, before she said it.

"Mum…"Bobby and I both sighed, it was a miracle that dad hadn't started his input into this conversation, generally he'd take our side, but I think this time he would definitely take Mum's, it was like we weren't even their kids anymore…

"It's not your fault…where did we go wrong?" Mum murmured to herself, peeking John's interest, he had, all but the constant ping of his lighter, been quiet up until this point.

"Technically it's his fault." He contributed pointing towards dad, who looked shocked for a minute before he sternly looked back at John, though I knew John had a point; he really didn't need to bring it up right now. "It's been proven that men are the carriers of the mutant x-gene."

"John." Bobby said in a warning tone, but it didn't seem to faze him, he simply shrugged and continued to flip open and shut his lighter. Ronny by this time had already left the room, angry at what he had found out…maybe he was angry that he was so different from both Bobby and I and he wanted to be like us or maybe he was like a lot of normal people who feared us…

"I think we've got to go." Logan said as he came back into the living room after he took a weird phone call off of the device he had found in Professor Summer's car. And just as he said that several police officers began to swarm the property…they'd come to take us all away…or maybe even kill us. Logan herded us towards the front door just as some of the officers busted in through the patio door. I turned slightly for a split second to see my mum and dad run up the stairs…had Ronny done this?

"Sir put the knives down!" someone yelled as we exited the house, however Logan couldn't put the knives down, since they were a part of his skeleton, the officers didn't take this well and before he even got to explain himself, they shot him immediately. "Get on the ground now!"

I looked over at Bobby who began to lower himself to the floor, Rogue and I followed suite as we stared in shock at the now dead Logan, a trail of blood dripping down his forehead. I looked up at John who had yet to get down on the ground…he was staring at his lighter before he flipped open…he wasn't…was he?

"You know all those dangerous mutants you hear about on the news?" he asked as he looked up towards the officers flipping on the lighter. "I'm the worst one."
All hell broke loose, continuous streams of fire burnt and charred the officers and police cars began to explode…we couldn't get away with this…and the worst thing he seemed to enjoy causing these people…people who were only following orders…a lot of pain. Total destruction; was this the true power of fire?
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Hi! Sorry for not updating I haven't been near the computer for the weekend really nearly a whole week, partying in the lovely summer sun! Finally Britain got some sun! Well the north of England anyway, London seems to have nicked all our alright weather for the Olympics! Anyway hope you have enjoyed next chapter will definitely include Mystique, Nightcrawler and Magneto! Sorry the short length of the chapters as well! Ciao for now and thanks for the support! =D