
Save Them Or Die Trying


Chapter 9: Save Them or Die Trying


"You know all those dangerous mutants you hear about on the news?" he asked as he looked up towards the officers flipping on the lighter. "I'm the worst one."

All hell broke loose, continuous streams of fire burnt and charred the officers and police cars began to explode…we couldn't get away with this…and the worst thing he seemed to enjoy causing these people…people who were only following orders…a lot of pain. Total destruction; was this the true power of fire?

Bobby's P.O.V

It was like I was stuck in some really horrid nightmare; my own brother had more than likely called the police and now Logan was dead and John…John was acting like some power crazed super villain. It didn't look like we were going to get out of the state alive let alone keep ourselves to ourselves until the whole incident blew over…which didn't seem likely as John could probably seriously injury if not kill all the police officers here and well that would result, if he were to be caught, in execution. I looked over to Rogue and Claire, they both seemed to have shock and fear etched into their faces…we had to do something…but my ice would simply melt under the intense heat, Claire couldn't move any of the people without John being able to aim at them and well Rogue…Rogue could possibly kill him.

But it was Rogue who sorted it out she took off one of her gloves and held onto John's left ankle absorbing some of his power and putting out the flames. John fell to his knees after all Rogue was taking part of his powers and using them which drained him of energy. What surprised us though was that Logan got up once more, the bullet that had lodged itself in his head, fell to the ground and just in time too as Professor Monroe and Dr Grey arrived. We ran to the plane, Claire and I momentarily stopped looking back at the house, we both spotted mum and dad with Ronny up in Ronny's room, they looked rather scared…well they had just witnessed John's rage. We wouldn't be returning here any time soon and we both knew this.

As we entered the plane we were met with the sight of a new mutant…a very blue mutant. His accent gave him away immediately I think it was German, and once he told us about his work with a circus in Munich I was right…what his power was I couldn't say…maybe it was just his appearance. But I finally felt a little safer as we all took our seats quickly as Jean began to take off…we'd at least be safer with more mutants…well ones that would keep us in check so that we didn't piss off any more people. It was all going very well until the air force interrupted us, they wanted us to land…but we couldn't if we did they take us in. But they wouldn't let us go easily and well they decided if we didn't land they'd force us to land using heat-seeking missiles…well at least Dr Grey was a telekinetic she could easily deflect them…or so I thought, one hit taking a chunk out of the tail-end of the ship.

"Bobby!" Rogue screamed as she flew out of her seat and out of the back of the ship, holding on to some of the metal that was coming away from the ship. God this was not turning out to be a good day, rejection from my parents and now I could lose Rogue.

"Rogue!" I shouted back, I fumbled with my seatbelt before I felt a hand clasp over mine, it was Logan.

"No kid, you'll die too." He said as he wrenched my hands away from the seatbelt. It was then that we found out what Nightcrawler could do, he was a teleport. He disappeared in a puff of black smoke before reappearing with Rogue in his arms. One crisis averted, but because of the damage to the plane we were swirling down towards the ground and towards certain death. That was until we were mere inches from the ground, we were stopped by a man in a very bizarre helmet…Magneto.

Claire's P.O.V

It had been a couple of hours since the whole fiasco at home and then the near death experience of nearly crashing to the ground. Mystique and Magneto…two of the 'bad' mutants in the world, the people that had caused all the issues with Rogue last year had saved us…even though Logan, Storm and Jean were going to try and stop whatever they were planning on doing.

"We have to save the others." I stated as Rogue, Bobby, John and I sat outside near a campfire, John sat a little away from us, most likely contemplating what he had just done.
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Hi! Getting near the end of the second movie! I really don't want to write the whole John leaving, I don't know whether to make her completely distraught or angry and sad…I'll figure something out! Writing this on the last day of the Olympics! Team GB have done brilliantly well this year! Well done Andy Murray! Was screaming at the television for nearly two weeks straight! Hehe! Well I hope you enjoyed this! Ciao for now and thanks for the support! =D