
Finding And Losing Friends


Chapter 10: Finding and Losing Friends


It had been a couple of hours since the whole fiasco at home and then the near death experience of nearly crashing to the ground. Mystique and Magneto…two of the 'bad' mutants in the world, the people that had caused all the issues with Rogue last year had saved us…even though Logan, Storm and Jean were going to try and stop whatever they were planning on doing.

"We have to save the others." I stated as Rogue, Bobby, John and I sat outside near a campfire, John sat a little away from us, most likely contemplating what he had just done.

Claire's P.O.V

It was decided we'd go to save them, well when I say we it was going to be Magneto, Mystique, Nightcrawler, Storm, Logan and Jean that were actually going to go into where they were holding the students and Professor Xavier. Bobby, Rogue, John and I would stay behind in the plane to make sure that we didn't get caught or make the mission fail.

Rogue didn't seem to be too happy with the presence of Magneto and Mystique…well I wouldn't be if they had nearly killed me…but something told me that John seemed to like their views. After all he never really liked normal humans and well Magneto was known to hate humans.

"You're a God among insects." Magneto commented as John showed off his manipulation of the flames, "What's your name?"

"John." He replied, extinguishing the flames in his palm, Magneto and Mystique laughed…they wanted his 'mutant name' we'd all picked one somewhere down the line or been called it by someone in the school. Bobby was affectionately called Ice-Man, Piotr was nicknamed Colossus, Rogue well Rogue already had her name that she used continuously, Kitty was sometimes called Shadow cat, and John was Pyro and I well I was Ghost.

"What's your real name John?" Magneto asked smiling a knowing smile, maybe he knew John could be turned to their 'dark' side, to be used in the 'battle' against humanity. I hoped to God he wouldn't join them.

"Pyro." He replied confidently looking at his lighter, his anger towards humanity had grown over the past year, he'd always disliked them, but this year he seemed to really hate them. Well they had tried to kidnap us at the mansion, they'd tried to kill us in Boston and now well, they had some of our friends locked up in a secret location. It wasn't looking good for the arguments for humanity.

It didn't take long for the grown-ups to sort out the plan and leave us in a very expensive plane that we could easily destroy within minutes of them leaving, but I don't think that was on any of our minds, we just wanted to see our friends safe and sound and return back to the Academy. The view was quite relaxing though, all snow and ice covering the lake…quite dangerous too, but it worked in calming me down a bit.

"Do you think the others will be alright?" I asked to no one in particular, John put a hand on my shoulder; it radiated heat as he always did. Bobby on the other hand generally was really cold even in summer, their powers controlling their inner body temperature.

"They'll be alright." Bobby reassured as he took a seat, everyone sat in silence for a while, there was nothing we could really say, and the past couple of days had been nearly a complete blur. First the invasion of the mansion, then confronting mum and dad, the police officer fiasco, nearly crashing and then here we were, sat waiting for the others to hopefully get back here safely. I didn't realise that I had fallen asleep until I was rather rudely woken up by a loud mechanical noise…was it the others coming back? How long had I been asleep?

"What's happening?" I asked groggily as I sat up rubbing my eyes…well the others had not made it back yet, but John seemed like he was about to go out and find him.

"You can't go out there you'll die." Rogue stated as John pulled on his jacket, surely he wasn't going to go out to find them, and it was like committing suicide…

"You can all stay here and do what you're told, but I need to do this." He replied as he began his descent, momentarily pausing to look over at me. Before he left the plane…was this the last time we'd see him? Something deep down felt off, as though something terrible was about to happen…

"He'll come back, he doesn't like the cold." Bobby said reassuringly as he sat back down, Rogue joining him. But something about the look he gave me told me that he wouldn't be back. After a couple more minutes of pacing slightly and looking out the window to see if he was on his way back, I finally gave in believing that the others would find him and bring him back with them. Just as I sat down a blinding pain burst in my head, as though someone was continuously stabbing me in the brain. Rogue and Bobby felt it too and they were soon on the floor of the ship along with me. Was this the end? It felt as though I was going to die…was this happening to all other mutants…God what about John! Why did he leave? The pain was immense I couldn't even open my eyes; it hurt so badly to move. I curled up into a ball trying to block out as much pain as possible. What had I done with my life? Would mum and dad miss us if we died right here? But then the pain subsided as quickly as it had started, I began to slowly get up wiping away tears that had leaked out, Rogue and Bobby embraced for a while, before Bobby pulled me into a crushing hug. All this affection made me miss John; I hope he is alright…

Another hour and so and we were re-joined by the others, the caught students that included Piotr, Jubilee and Kitty. However John hadn't returned.

"Where's John?" Professor Monroe asked, Bobby Rogue and I shrugged, and we all thought they would have found him on the way back.

"He's gone with them." Dr Grey replied, I sat down numbly, he had left without even saying goodbye…he'd left the school, the 'good' side and he'd left me…Jubilee and Kitty sat down next to me comforting me…but nothing they said would cheer me up. I was too numb to respond to anything they said, I was even too numb to cry. How could he do this? Why did he do this? Why didn't I stop him? I was too caught up with my own thoughts to notice that we lost another as waves crashed over Dr Grey, Logan and Professor Summers were distraught. We'd lost two people maybe even more before we returned to the school grounds. Jubilee basically carried me back to our room and once she put me down on my bed I began to cry.

"He didn't leave because of you." She said as she brushed my hair softly. "He still loves you he just wants to fight a different fight, that's all."
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Hi! Even though I think X-2 is a good film I love the third film the best (Though I love first class more) I think Phantom will be better than Spectre…Ghost at the moment is my better fanfic out of the 'franchise'. I hope you have enjoyed this fanfic, sorry that it is short and that it took so long to bloody update the damn thing, but the next story Phantom will be completely written before being uploaded, but before that happens all other fanfics will be finished and completed, I think there are three left since I can't finish the joint story without my two other writers and one has moved to Southport so I don't see her often and I can't remember where the book we'd written in had gone as well…damn…but thanks again for all your support and for putting up with my slow updating and short chapter, I completely promise the next fanfic will be a lot better and longer. There may be some little snippets like the Christmas special just maybe a valentine's day or a beach special or something. Thanks again you guys are the reason I keep on writing thanks so much! Ciao and hope you have enjoyed! =D Hugs for all!