
Trip To Boston


Chapter 3: Trip to Boston

Claire's P.O.V

This was such a bad idea…it all went wrong here John going scarily bad guy on us and torching all the police cars, mum and dad rejecting Bobby's powers and my powers and Ronny calling the police that John went psycho on. But with all the bad feeling around with the cure and mutants not liking humans even more and vice versa, I decided I should see how things were going round here, even if I didn't speak to my family I could at least see what was going on in their lives from a safe distance.

"You alright?" Jubilee asked, Bobby completely and rejected the idea, he didn't want to step in Boston at all even if it wasn't in our neighbourhood…he didn't want anything to do with our family anymore…well other than me but that was different we were twins and we were mutants we'd stick together through thick and thin. Kitty stayed behind as she needed to catch upon some work that she had neglected to do within the week, Rogue of course would be with Bobby even though they were having problems especially since this cure was announced and she had been thinking of getting it, which annoyed the hell out of Bobby they had been trying to work through some things.

"Think so, I will be once I see them even if it's just through the window. I think we should stop being visible for a while I doubt the neighbours will be pleased to see me." I replied as I held my hand out for her to take so that the both of us could walk around without being seen. The last thing I needed was someone recognising me and running up to me or shouting abuse and drawing the attention of my parents…Ronny was probably somewhere in town with his friends after all it was a Saturday. She took my hand it took a second before both of us were invisible to the world; maybe I should have just stayed invisible to the world for the rest of my life… "Right, let's go."

It took a couple of minutes before we stood before the house where a year ago police cars were set alight and Wolverine was shot in the head. If Ronny hadn't have called the police none of that would have happened and John might have still be at the Academy. It felt weird being back here, I never felt as though I would see this damn house ever again and yet here I was sneaking around it hoping not to be caught by anyone or anything. We approached the front window that looked into the living room; my mother was home she was hovering the room when she stopped as she got to the wall which had all the family photos on the wall, the noise from the hoover stopped and she began to sob and fell to her knees. I didn't know that we had caused her so much grief, I'd always thought that if she found out she'd be either happy and just accept us or she'd be happy to be rid of us, but she was incredibly sad.

Dad came running into the room and picked her up sitting her on the sofa and began to rub her back soothingly as she rested her head upon his shoulder, at least Bobby and I hadn't ruined their marriage at least they had each other and Ronny in the coming days that could determine what the hell happened to mutants or whether the mutants would rise and become more powerful than ever. Dad turned slightly to look out the window and I nearly panicked, he seemed to have seen something and was staring directly at me however I knew that Jubilee and I were still invisible because the postman who was currently placing mail in the mailbox would have said something about us kind of just staring into someone's house like a creeper and if the mail man hadn't have said anything Mrs Dodson from across the road who was currently tending to the roses in her front garden would have said something or come over to see if everything was alright. Maybe he could feel as though someone was watching him, that feeling when you feel as though someone is watching you but there is no one around at all sort of thing. Somewhere within me I hoped that he could sense I still cared enough about them to check up on them.

"I think we should go." I whispered to Jubilee, I looked towards her, perks of being someone that can turn invisible and turn others invisible I could see anything and everything that was invisible including those I turned invisible. We took a slow walk out of the street spotting Ronny on the way back, he didn't seem to notice Jubilee or I who since we were a way away from the house had decided to turn visible again, he seemed to be doing well with his friends. It was sad to see the road again, but I would have to overcome this sadness I could never have a normal life like him.
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Hi! Hope you enjoyed it took a while to update but I eventually got round to it. Thanks for the support and sorry for the slow updating ciao for now =D