
Finding Rogue


Chapter 7: Finding Rogue

"You've changed." I yelled over the roar of the crowd, John stood before me, after offering to help Bobby track down Rogue I found myself here. Kitty believed it was her fault that Rogue had run away and was now locked in her room, Piotr and Jubilee did not want to be anywhere near the cure facilities so it was just up to Bobby and I.

"I cannot believe you of all people are here." He stated as if he was concerned and shocked, maybe even just a little bit angry at the thought that I would get the cure. "You're the last person I would have expected to sink this low."
"I'm not here for the cure." I replied and for the briefest of moments relief washed over his face, before his trademark smirk replaced any other expression, maybe he still cared for me. "If you must know, Rogue went missing last night; I'm here to find her."

Realisation dawned on his face, had he completely forgotten about us all…or had he just automatically assumed that I would want the cure? Surely he would remember just what Rogue could do and would therefore assume that she would get the cure.

"Claire! Have you found her?" Bobby hollered as he made his way through the screaming masses, his face immediately fell as he saw who was talking to me. "John."

"I prefer Pyro now."

A few hours earlier

"So you're going after her, with no plan and no one else to help you?" I questioned Bobby as he got together some things he needed before putting on his jacket.

"All I need is myself, Claire. All Rogue needs to hear is that I don't care if her power kills me, I love her for who she is powers and all." He answered firmly brushing passed me to get into the hallway. I followed him as he headed towards the main hall.

"And if you run into trouble what then?" I asked he stopped and turned round looking at me as if I had lost my mind.

"What trouble do you think I'll find?"

"I don't know Magneto and his mutant followers or someone forcing all mutants to get the cure." I answered he shook his head and headed through the doors out into the courtyard.

"The cure is optional and why would he targeted the very spot I'm going to try and find Rogue at? The chances of that happening are extremely small and besides I think I can handle a situation if one does arise."

Present day

"What are you doing here?" Bobby snarled at him John or as he preferred now Pyro unfurled his fist which was soon consumed in fire. Bobby clenched his as ice travelled up his arm. Pyro smirked and quickly drew up his arm towards us; Bobby dragged me behind him and put his arm out in front of him. However the fire did not come towards us but instead he aimed it at the facility, the windows blew outwards towards the crowd. People ran everywhere, it was hard to find Rogue but now it was damn near impossible, I gripped onto Bobby as people pushed passed us in every direction. John had disappeared he'd done the damage he had come to cause and was escaping without consequence.

"Bobby we won't find her, we've got to go before it gets worse."
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So sorry for not updating in a while I had a lot of work to do and then I was away for a couple of days in London. I hope you have enjoyed there will be more updates in the New Year. Happy New Year everybody!