
The Battle Begins


Chapter 11: The Battle Begins

We were all sat around the TV screen watching the Golden Gate Bridge break away and swing around and fly towards Alcatraz. If it wasn't going to lead to so many deaths it would have been an amazing sight, like a magic trick that no one can explain, but the grim reality was that it was done at the hands of Magneto and his metal kinesis power. Meaning we didn't have long to wait around until we would be against the Brotherhood; the few of us that made up the new X-Men team.

"Everyone get ready, we'll be at the frontline soon enough." Wolverine announced coming into the room ushering us to leave and go down to board the plane. I was nervous, heck who wouldn't be? We were leaving to fight other mutants and some of us may never make it back here, and that thought made my blood run cold. The mutants we would be fighting could have mutations that could kill us in a single use, kind of like Rogue's ability and that though was one I couldn't shake.

I looked across at the others as we sat down in the plane, it could be the last time I saw any of them and they seemed to be thinking along the same lines, Jubilee wasn't her normal joyful self, instead she sat silently next to me. Piotr hadn't said a word; Bobby had a permanent frown and had a tight hold of my hand. Kitty was pale and sat silently as well; I guess I probably looked as pale as Kitty or worse.

"Is everyone ready? Don't think about the worse outcome, you've already faced foes and come out safe. Remember last year, think about that and think about the lives you'll be saving by taking a stand." Storm encouraged it seemed to work, we had survived last year and the year before, we would survive this year as well and we'd go back to the Academy with everyone safe.

It didn't take long at all to reach Alcatraz, or maybe dreading the event had made the flight seem so small, fighting had already started an army of mutants against an army of humans. Luckily they had remembered to switch to plastic meaning they had lessened the advantage that Magneto had on them, however it still wasn't enough they weren't ready to fight against so many mutants with so many different mutations.

Storm landed the plane and so enough there we were; Storm, Beast, Wolverine, Jubilee, Shadow Cat, Colossus, Iceman and me Ghost all in a line defending people defending a cure, that turned out to be the mutation of a fellow mutant, against so many mutants who were fighting to stop the cure. Their plan was set out to get to the mutant inside the facility, after that well more than likely they were going to erase the mutant from existence. But why should they kill a mutant because of his or her mutation? They were fighting for mutants supposedly and this leads them to the conclusion that the mutant had to die.

"Hold this line!" Wolverine ordered his claws coming out; I stood a couple of metres away from him next in line to Bobby with Kitty on my left hand side. Piotr and Jubilee were on the other side of Storm with Beast next to them. This was it, this was our stand, humans and mutants together fighting against those who were out for their own means of shaping the world that they wanted.

"Hey Claire!" Bobby shouted as a couple of mutants came our way, which were immediately frozen by his ice.

"What?" I asked as I threw some meaningless boxes towards some oncoming mutants.

"I'm sorry for all the times I wasn't there for you. When those kids at school picked on you and after John left and every time I was short with you."

"Are we seriously doing this now of all times Robert Drake?" I laughed slightly a smile finding its way onto my face.

"Thought I should at least tell you now, you know just so you know."
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Hey! Thank you for the support and I hope you enjoyed this chapter