
Confrontation And A Kiss

The class was…well to be blunt really boring and to top things off guess who had the desk nearest to where I was sitting? Yes Joe, and he kept staring at me as if he could undress me with his eyes. Oh please don't tell me he has X-ray vision! I shivered pulling my cardigan closer to myself, I noticed John look over at me before looking out the window, hopefully he would notice why I was feeling uncomfortable before turning invisible and that would probably get me into trouble somehow. I hoped that he would just get it into his greasy haired head that I was not interested in the least and that his staring would cease. But no! He now pulled out some paper before scribbling a message and sliding it over my desk. I looked at and shivered yet again this guy was creepy, I edged further towards John almost onto his lap. And handed him the letter which read:

'What's wrong babe? Cold? Want me to warm you up after class? Hell I could do a lot more if you know what I mean'

John's hand crumpled the paper his rage was definitely showing.

"Want to swap seats?" he asked, obviously trying to keep his temper in check. His hand continuously clamping down on the piece of paper.

"If you wouldn't mind." I replied, he nodded before pushing me down so that my head was resting on my folded arms.

"Act as if you are sick." he whispered, I nodded as he raised his hand to get Storm's attention.

"Yes, John." she said, acknowledging his raised arm.

"Professor, Claire doesn't feel well, could we swap seats so she's nearer the window?" he explained. Storm nodded before turning back to the board and writing out some sentences we have to copy.

John stood up and helped me from my seat to his as if I was actually sick.

"Thanks." I whispered.

"Anytime." he replied.

The lesson continued for another 20 minutes before the bell rang signalling the start of tea. John and I gathered up our things before exiting the classroom. As we rounded the far corner our pathway was blocked by a very angry looking Joe.

"What was that?" he yelled, John looked back at me mouthing something like let me do the talking.

"What was what?" John retaliated, taking out his lighter as if he was warning Joe to back down or else.

"You know what me and the girl were getting to know each other quite well. And then you butt in and switch places with her before we could arrange a little alone time." he sneered, winking at me as his hand turned into some really icky looking greeny black slime.

"Hn. From where I was sitting it looked as if you were creeping her out." John said as he stepped forward. Joe looked like he was going to blow a gasket.

"You think so! We'll from where I was sitting she looked as if she was enjoying my company." he yelled also taking a step forward.

"Do you even know her name?" John asked, flicking his lighter open, and gently pushing me behind him.

"Well I would have asked if you hadn't got in the way Allerdyce! You her boyfriend or something?" he sneered. What was John going to say? We weren't going out, we'd only just met.

"An what if I am?" John answered. I looked at him trying to hide my shock. It wasn't a yes but it wasn't a no either.

"I'll leave her alone, but you have to prove you're a couple." he said, his hand returning to a normal state.

"Fine!" John said. He grabbed my arm and swung me round so I was facing him, my back to John. And he kissed me.
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Author's notes: Hello! Sorry it is a bit short I've been into Inception all this week. I'm now obsessed with it since I've seen it twice and I'm probably going to go see it again xD hehe I just love Arthur and Eames! Anyway back to this err hope you enjoyed and didn't think that John seemed a bit Sasuke-ish and I was thinking of just having John roast Joe's ass but thought it would be better if they kissed kind of thing. Hope you liked it! Ciao! ^_^